More Bad Teams and "The Mandalorian" [feat. Cara McKay]

Episode 4 December 05, 2019 00:19:18
More Bad Teams and "The Mandalorian" [feat. Cara McKay]
Snorkeling With Narwhals
More Bad Teams and "The Mandalorian" [feat. Cara McKay]

Dec 05 2019 | 00:19:18


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Brian has a little more to say about bad football teams, this time with help from his friend Tony and his brother Derek. Then, Brian is joined by his sister Cara to talk about "The Mandalorian," and yes, Baby Yoda (spoilers abound). Featuring Cara McKay and clips from Tony Woodard and Derek McKay. About: Great swoosh or swosh sound effect for a movement sound effect. Title: Swooshing Uploaded: 06.28.09 License: Sampling Plus 1.0 Recorded by man

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:11 What's up everyone? I'm Brian and you're listening to Snorkeling with Narwhals. So last week I talked about what it was like to be a fan of a bad football team. In this case, the Los Angeles Rams, who can't decide whether they want to be good or bad. They just beat the Arizona Cardinals 34 to seven. Good. But they also just lost to the Baltimore Ravens 45 to six bad. So I'm not sure right now which way they're going. They're seven and five. Um, they could still make the playoffs, but they're currently outside of it. And last week's rant was a loving but like harsh. I think I was just annoyed by the team. Um, they do, they give me conflicting emotions right now. I love them. One, I mean, I love them. They're my favorite team, but they make me happy. Sometimes they make me mad other times. But anyway, um, I wanted to get some other people to talk about what it was like to be a fan of a bad team. So I went to two people first. We've got my friend Tony Woodard, who is a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Speaker 2 00:01:11 Being a Buccaneers fan is like being in a long-term relationship. In the beginning it was all sweet. It was all beautiful. We were winning on this, went to a Super Bowl playoff appearances, but then he run into the ugly years where it gets a little harder and you gotta have faith to hang in there <laugh>. It is, it is rough, but it is also a beautiful thing because I'm a real fan. I love my team for all the right reasons and all the UGLi years make me love them even more. So being a fan of a bad team is a great thing. I do not believe in being a bandwagon hopping around because my team's doing bad. We stick it out to the end. Speaker 1 00:01:53 Next, we've got my brother Derek McKay, who's a fan of the Miami Dolphins. Well, Speaker 3 00:01:58 What's it like to be a fan of a bad team? Um, you just sort of get used to it. For Miami, it's been years and years of mediocrity and seven and nine seasons and eight and eight seasons not so good now. Um, full tank mode, which I'm not mad about, but that's where we're at, where I'm not mad about tanking. That's what it's like to be a fan of a bad team for a long time, not hitting on draft picks, and again, just sort of doing the bare minimum. Not even really sniffing the playoffs. And hopefully that turns around, but we'll have to see for the next several years if that's gonna happen. So anyway, go Speaker 1 00:02:43 Fins. So they both made some really good points. Uh, Tony, I really liked his thought that you, you're kind of strengthened as a fan of a teammate when they're not good because you have to stick with them through tough times. I've definitely felt that way with the Rams and my brother. I liked the point he made about where you get excited for a team to tank. Like they've gotten him to that point where you want them to be bad and you want them to try to be bad so they can get good picks and try to be good. Um, it's tough and you know, it doesn't sound like a good thing, but that is sometimes what being a fan of these teams can do to you. So next up we have my sister Cara coming on the show to talk about the Mandalorian, the Disney Plus show that has been taking the internet by storm, along with yes, baby Yoda. All right. So we're here with my sister Cara and we are talking about the Mandalorian. Speaker 4 00:03:39 Hi there. Speaker 1 00:03:40 <laugh>, you may know her as care from such shows as the Hooligans. Speaker 4 00:03:45 That's my alias Speaker 1 00:03:47 <laugh>. Um, but Cub doesn't really Cub, our brother does not really watch the Mandalorian, so I didn't think, you know, he would really want to be on this, but I thought we needed to discuss it cuz there's been four episodes so far. And there's the thing, Speaker 4 00:04:05 The thing, the thing that I love more than anything on this planet, Speaker 1 00:04:10 The thing that has been spoiled now. So it's not really the thing, it is baby Yoda Speaker 4 00:04:15 Or whatever. Yoda is Speaker 1 00:04:18 The child I've seen. I think that's what they're officially calling it. Speaker 4 00:04:21 Yeah. Because Yoda doesn't technically have a species Not yet that we're aware of. Yes. Yeah. And the child doesn't have a name, so he's baby Yoda. Speaker 1 00:04:31 So Baby Yoda is the, and there's gonna be spoilers throughout this, so Speaker 4 00:04:36 Be prepared. Speaker 1 00:04:38 Baby Yoda is the creature that the Mandalorian was tasked to find. He is a bounty hunter, obviously, and he finds the baby, but it's a baby. Like it's technically 50 years old, but it's a baby. Speaker 4 00:04:53 It's still a baby. It's a little tiny creature that can't talk, but it can use the force. Speaker 1 00:04:59 Yes. And it's absolutely adorable. Speaker 4 00:05:02 Yeah. That's why it's the thing that I love more than anything on this planet. Yeah, because it's super cute. It's got giant eyes and huge floppy ears and it's minuscule. It's a tiny little baby. Speaker 1 00:05:15 Yep. So, I mean, we'll talk more about Baby Yoda. I feel like that was the first thing we had to talk about because Speaker 4 00:05:20 We have Speaker 1 00:05:21 To, it's Baby Yoda. Speaker 4 00:05:22 I've already bought Baby Yoda merch. It's on spot. Did you buy Speaker 1 00:05:25 The Speaker 4 00:05:25 Funko? I pre-ordered the Funko and I bought the shirt from Hot Topics. So that's coming. No idea. What's, I don't know when the Funko, I don't know when the Funko is coming, but I don't know. It's pre-ordered. It's ready. I'll get it. Speaker 1 00:05:39 They're, they're releasing a 10 inch one that seems unnecessary Speaker 4 00:05:42 Though. It would be closer to baby Yoda's size. Speaker 1 00:05:46 But the show itself, so the premise of the show is that the Mandalorian is a bounty hunter and that's pretty much it. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:05:56 <laugh> <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, that's all you need to know. Speaker 1 00:05:59 His he's, his armor is very similar to Boba, which is like every Star Wars person's favorite for some reason. Speaker 4 00:06:07 Uh, not mine. Not Speaker 1 00:06:08 Everyone, not mine, but like a lot of people love Boba for some reason. Speaker 4 00:06:11 But I'm glad that the Mandalorian is not Boba. I'm, I really Speaker 1 00:06:16 Love that. See, that's, I, I agree. Um, because I was nervous because this show came about on Disney Plus they were going to make a Boba movie. Ugh. And then they canceled that and then went with this. So I was like, am I gonna have to watch a whole season of this just to find out that it's a boba? And they established it like in the first episode that it's not him. Yeah. Very. It's just some guy. Speaker 4 00:06:38 Yeah. Very soon it's shown that it's not him. Like first episode Speaker 1 00:06:42 They show him as a child. And I mean, we already know Bob Bette's origins from the Awful Star Wars episode two. Speaker 4 00:06:51 Is he even a real Mandalorian? I have seen things that he's not and that he just had the farmer, the fact, because he took off his helmet. I mean, he he showed his face a lot. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:03 And I Speaker 4 00:07:03 Like, well, I mean, Jengo Jango fit not Bobba fit. Speaker 1 00:07:06 Yeah. There's been a lot of talk about that. Like I, there is discussion about whether Jango and Bobbitt were actually mandalorians or not. Um, but that's the basis for this character. Like the armor, the, um, Speaker 4 00:07:21 The armor's Speaker 1 00:07:22 The same. You, you can see him like right there. Oh yeah. But the first episode I thought was good. Um, Speaker 4 00:07:28 When they touched fingers. Oh, Speaker 1 00:07:31 They did <laugh>. But I'm more interested in this case in who was in the first episode? Carl Weathers <laugh> for one. Nick and Nolte. Yeah. As an alien. Speaker 4 00:07:45 You're more excited about Carl Weathers than I am. Speaker 1 00:07:48 I want a Funko. Carl Weathers Speaker 4 00:07:50 Make one Speaker 1 00:07:53 Who played Apollo Creed. For those who don't know <laugh>, I Speaker 4 00:07:56 Hope people know who Carl Weathers Speaker 1 00:07:57 Is. I hope you know who Carl Weathers is. He's also an happy Gilmore as Chubs. <laugh> Chubs. Those are the two things that I really know him from. Predator I think was another big one. Yeah. But no <laugh>. I'm so excited that Carl Weathers is in it. Uh, and Nick Nte was cool too. Speaker 4 00:08:14 I like Nick Ty's character a lot. I thought he should have. I Speaker 1 00:08:17 Have spoken. Speaker 4 00:08:18 I have spoken. There's a lot of good catchphrases. I have spoken. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. This is the way. What else? That might be it, but I like Speaker 1 00:08:26 That was, that's about it. But <laugh>, um, Tyco y Titi was in the first one too. And I was kind of sad because I thought he was gonna be in it more. Oh yeah. But he, like, he's a droid and he got shot like at the end of the first episode. Speaker 4 00:08:39 Why the Mandalorian, Speaker 1 00:08:41 In fairness, he was going to shoot baby Yoda. So Speaker 4 00:08:44 Anyone who threatens baby Yoda, I want you to die Speaker 1 00:08:48 <laugh>. Yeah. They, they can't live. Speaker 4 00:08:49 They must be taken out <laugh>. They must be connected. Must Speaker 1 00:08:53 Be corrected. Speaker 4 00:08:54 Yeah. Yeah. Nick No's character was cool. I liked him. Speaker 1 00:08:58 Yeah. He's like a farmer type like rancher type on some planet that the Mandalorian lands. Yeah. And he kind of, he helps teach him like how to ride these weird things on the planet Creatures and blurs. He helps him like repair his ship. Yeah. They are blurs That is what Speaker 4 00:09:15 They're called. Yeah. They are called Blurs. Speaker 1 00:09:17 <laugh> Blurs, Speaker 4 00:09:18 Blur <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:09:21 Um, so the first two episodes were good. Like they were fine. Uh, like good starting episodes. The third one is where it really like stepped up. The Speaker 4 00:09:32 Third one was amazing. And I will say it, I'll say it every time it had Shades of the Punisher, shades of John Wick, which if you've seen those <laugh>, you're in for a treat. It's, Speaker 1 00:09:44 It's really cool for Star Wars to go that route. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because they never have, I mean, Anakin killing the young Lings, but <laugh>, that wasn't like, cool, get Speaker 4 00:09:54 Outta here. <laugh>. You just murdered children. Speaker 1 00:09:56 He hate Speaker 4 00:09:56 Anakin. No. Uh, the Mandalorian is super cool. Episode three was my favorite. I mean, he just, yeah. He was so ba Speaker 1 00:10:05 Because he had to save baby Speaker 4 00:10:07 Yoda. You gotta save baby Yoda. He, and he went, got to like, he almost immediately went full dad mode, which is just great. Like, I'd love it. Yeah. Like he is all about protecting baby Yoda. He's adopted him as his own. Speaker 1 00:10:21 Now, episode four. I wasn't super thrilled with, I mean, again, it was more like one and two or it was good. Yeah. I mean the entire episode was basically just the magnificent seven. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:10:33 I was a little disappointed with it, but not like enough to be like, this is terrible now. No, no, no. Like, I liked it. The third one was still the best. And literally anytime Baby Yoda comes on screen, I'm like, uh, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:10:47 So I do have some problems Oh. With the show. Speaker 4 00:10:51 Interesting. Speaker 1 00:10:51 Well, we've discussed these before. Yeah. I know <laugh>, um, episode four introduced another character named Carrado <laugh>. Hey Speaker 4 00:10:58 Car. Hey. Hi. It's even spelled the right way My way. Speaker 1 00:11:01 Yeah. Uh, another, like, another ban. Well, no, she was an ex, uh, Stormtrooper. Right. Speaker 4 00:11:06 She was a, an ex shock trooper. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:11:08 Shock trooper. Speaker 4 00:11:09 Which is pretty cool. I like that. I like that she's like rogue. Speaker 1 00:11:13 Yeah. I, I like that too. And um, what I'm hoping that they don't do with her character, because they split up at the end of the episode, they go their separate ways. Her and the Mandalorian. I really hope that she comes back because what they've done is they introduce these characters and then they just get rid of them. Yeah. Like within an episode or two, like Tako Itk was, was advertised as like, oh, he's in it. And like he's on the, the main, I think picture mm-hmm. <affirmative> on Disney plus like, Speaker 4 00:11:44 Oh, oh, Speaker 1 00:11:44 He died and then he's killed. Yeah. Nick Nolte I thought was gonna be like a main guy and they, they made it seem like he would be after like the part of the second, second episode. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like I thought he was gonna go with him. Speaker 4 00:11:55 Oh, I wish he would've. Speaker 1 00:11:56 I do too. But he stayed Yep. On his planet and now he could come back. But I mean, as far as we know, he's done Cara and now I hope they don't do that with Carrado. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:12:06 Yes. Speaker 1 00:12:06 Carl Weathers, they've, his name is Grief Speaker 4 00:12:09 Grief car. Speaker 1 00:12:10 So they've made it clear that he will be back. Speaker 4 00:12:13 Yeah. Cuz Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:14 Because he's kind of a villain now. Not kind of. He is. Well he's, well Speaker 4 00:12:19 He's, Speaker 1 00:12:19 He's, Speaker 4 00:12:20 He's in he's Speaker 1 00:12:21 The leader of a Yeah. He's, he's as bad as a bounty hunter fighting another bounty hunter can really be. Yeah. But Speaker 4 00:12:29 He's like a, the guild master. So like the bounty hunting gold Master, like Yeah. He's gonna wanna try and catch Baby Yoda and, and turn him in with a bounty. Right. Speaker 1 00:12:40 <laugh>. So that's my fear. And I hope that they like do bring these characters back because I mean, I liked them. Yeah. Like they were all good characters and I don't want them to keep introducing people and then just getting rid of them. Cuz that's one issue I've had with this show is that it's like, it it does follow a serial like pattern. Like Yeah. There is a thread throughout the episodes, baby Yoda, but every episode kind of stands alone. Yeah. And I'm, I know it's new and I know it's only been four episodes, but when your season is only eight episodes Yeah. It's, that's kind of rough. Speaker 4 00:13:13 Not Yeah. But Speaker 1 00:13:15 It is. So that's my, my main problem with it Speaker 4 00:13:17 Visually. It's amazing. Speaker 1 00:13:19 It's, it's amazing. And that's, that's a huge thing with Disney plus Speaker 4 00:13:24 It's high budget, so they're gonna put as much into it as they would a movie. So it looks really good. And I must say Speaker 1 00:13:31 Right. No skimping on that. Speaker 4 00:13:33 4K looks really good. Speaker 1 00:13:36 See I have not watched it in 4k. Speaker 4 00:13:38 Well I didn't realize my TV was 4K until I put it on and then I'm like, huh. I guess it is <laugh>. So, but it's really cool. I mean like the blurs and everything, none of it looked fake. The CGI was really good and then it looked even better in 4K than it does just on the regular tv. Cuz I saw it at the house on the regular tv. Yeah. But like 4k, like you would not know that. That's not a real living thing. Speaker 1 00:14:05 That makes me really excited for uh, especially Falcon and the Winter Soldier <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:14:11 Oh, Speaker 1 00:14:11 I can't wait. I know that's not till next year though. Dang it. Do you have any complaints or comments on the Mandalorian? Well, Speaker 4 00:14:20 No. <laugh>, I mean, <laugh>, I mean, I love it. I do get what you're saying with the characters. I do want them to bring some of them back. And I hope you know it, it's more, it flows more together. Like I do see where it's like episodic and, and that, but I think, I don't know, I just love it. The Mandalorian is super cool. He's full, he is his full dad mode. He, at first they made him look super serious. Didn't really have too much emotion, but once mm-hmm. <affirmative>, once they brought baby Yoda in, he's just like, oh, <laugh>, I'm gonna completely, I'm gonna completely betray everything that I've ever done. Save this baby. I don't need bounties anymore. I have baby Yoda Speaker 1 00:15:06 <laugh>. Well that's the thing too, cuz he, when he speaks, he's very monotone. Yeah. Like, not monotone, but stoic. Speaker 4 00:15:13 Stoic. And it doesn't help that he has the helmet and it has that. Right. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:17 And in the third episode he, there's one part where he like yells at Carl Weathers and you're like, yes. And it's like the first time he showed emotion in his voice. So I guess it all, cause you can't really show emotion with a helmet. No. Speaker 4 00:15:31 Actually, like a rebuttal to that is that you can, because Butal rubies, bottle rubies in the f in the third episode, same one. When he realized that he shouldn't have left Baby Yoda. Like his helmet was still on, but his movements like Mm. Like when he looked at the ball that he was playing with or that there wasn't the ball anymore and like his head dropped and his like, his movements got real slow. Like he was, you could tell he was thinking about it even though you couldn't see him. And you could tell he regretted it without being able to see him. And you're like, yeah, I like that. That's, that's really good to be able to like emote through your armor. Yeah. By your movements. Speaker 1 00:16:17 Good counter. Yeah. That was a good counter. Uncle Speaker 4 00:16:20 Robbies, Speaker 1 00:16:21 It was a good buttal. Robbie <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:16:23 That's from Bob's burgers by the way. We're not just talking about butt rubs. Speaker 1 00:16:27 <laugh> No <laugh>. Um, but I, I do think that the show has done enough to like justify its existence. Yeah. You know, it's not just there. Yeah. Um, and I am excited. I do, I watch every week. So Speaker 4 00:16:42 <laugh> Yeah. I, I don't know what they're gonna do because it takes place between six and seven. So what happens? Like is he, where is he during these new, this new trilogy? Speaker 1 00:16:55 Right? Is he alive? Speaker 4 00:16:57 I hope is he around? Is like what's going on? Speaker 1 00:17:00 I really hope that it has nothing to do. Yeah. At all. Well because I was, I heard, I saw something that was like, oh well like will it tie into the rise of Skywalker? I'm like, please don't, like not everything needs to be related in these movies and shows. Speaker 4 00:17:15 Yeah. The only thing is that because Baby u baby Uda baby Yoda is a super powerful force wheeler even though he's a baby. Like how can that not be involved in the leader story? Yeah. At at least that's true. At least mentioned like, oh, I guess what there's this like baby thing that's really strong and can like lift giant mud horn rhinoceros things in the air and stop it with its like one little tiny claw hand. I mean you would think that should at least be mentioned somewhere or Yeah, if they don't that's true. You know, I mean I guess but I dunno. Even if they're just like, whoa, there's this thing <laugh> Speaker 1 00:18:02 <laugh>. There's a thing. There's Speaker 4 00:18:03 A thing. Don't know why we've never used it to help us but <laugh> because the Manda, you Speaker 1 00:18:10 Had a Speaker 4 00:18:10 Baby. Maybe the Mandalorian was like, uh, my child is not getting involved in your little skirmishes rise of Skywalker <laugh>. This is my child and I will protect him at all costs. I don't know. Speaker 1 00:18:24 I don't know. So we'll see. I'm excited for the rest of the season. Um, but yeah, the Mandalorian, you guys should all check it Speaker 4 00:18:31 Out. Go watch it now. Speaker 1 00:18:33 It's on Disney Plus who does not sponsor this podcast. No, that's true. I could pretend like they do. I know <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:18:39 Thanks Disney. Speaker 1 00:18:40 Thanks Disney for, uh, sponsoring this podcast, Jake <laugh>. Anyway, my sister Kara Speaker 4 00:18:47 <laugh>, peace out, Speaker 1 00:18:48 <laugh> peace, sound. So thanks again to my sister Kara for coming on to talk about the Mandalorian. And thanks again to Tony Woodard and my brother Derek for sending in clips about their perspectives on being fans of bad football teams. No offense to them and their teams. I'm Brian. And that's it for this episode of Snorkeling with Narwals. Peace Out.

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