Our Alma Mater and Aristotle [feat. Molly Beth Shaver]

Episode 4 September 17, 2022 01:03:07
Our Alma Mater and Aristotle [feat. Molly Beth Shaver]
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Our Alma Mater and Aristotle [feat. Molly Beth Shaver]

Sep 17 2022 | 01:03:07


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Brian and Slippy are joined for a casual chat by their friend (and Brian's former radio co-host) Molly Beth to talk about Penn State Behrend, doing radio in college, weddings and speeches, Greek philosophers(?), Brian crashing into Hungry Howie's, and more.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:12 Hey everyone, I'm Brian Speaker 2 00:00:14 And I'm Slippery. Speaker 3 00:00:15 And I'm Molly. Speaker 1 00:00:16 Uh, we have a guest host. This is Snorkeling with Narwhals. So we have enlisted the help of our friend and my former radio co-host, Molly Beth Shaver to pod with us today. Welcome Speaker 3 00:00:33 Stops Speaker 1 00:00:33 Up. So I guess slippery, you said it best before we actually started the show. We should probably just start with our history. I mean, we've done mine and Sleepy's history and so I don't think there's really like much more to add, but we're going to like gradually incorporate all the pieces of our Barron history apparently into this show. Speaker 2 00:00:58 Well, you guys had, you guys had more than, more than our history. Like you guys did radio without me more often than, than I did it with you Brian, I think. Speaker 1 00:01:07 Well that's true. You were usually like a guest host. But, um, okay. Speaker 3 00:01:12 I was gonna say I've known you for 10 years. This is 10 years of history. Brian Speaker 2 00:01:16 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:17 Okay. Yeah, that's actually really, that's fair. We have known we all, Speaker 3 00:01:21 I'm pretty sure that means that we're friends for life. What does it seven years psychologist say? Speaker 1 00:01:26 I'm not sure, but Speaker 2 00:01:29 Tell us <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:01:31 Well, I'm gonna go with seven years. Speaker 1 00:01:33 My brother's a psychologist. I don't know if he has the answer to that though. Speaker 3 00:01:37 Um, okay, we'll write that down to ask him later. Okay, I'll, because I'm gonna need to know <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:42 Um, so yeah, we have all been friends for like 10 years. So as most of my friendships at Barron started, they started through Evan, the mysterious Evan, who will probably someday beyond this show. And I think, how did it go? I met Evan, then I met Slippery and then I think just gradually more people came in. Like Christine basically forced me, another friend who will probably be on the show, Christine, like forced me to, to hang out and I think that's how I probably met you, Molly. Just Speaker 3 00:02:22 Like, yeah, Speaker 1 00:02:22 I think that's how hanging out with the group. Speaker 3 00:02:24 Yeah, that sounds right. And I'm sure like through Christine, she's probably like, oh, I know this other com major. And then I think we had a bunch of classes after that. Speaker 1 00:02:32 Yeah, I think our first, I remember, so my sophomore year, so year, freshman year, uh, we were like, oh man, we're taking the radio class together. So we were like, well we should do a show together. We like didn't know each other at that point. Speaker 3 00:02:46 Not Speaker 1 00:02:47 At all. So you're probably like, um, okay. Like I, I don't know you. Speaker 3 00:02:51 Yeah, but that was better than having to like talk by myself for an hour. No way could I do that. Speaker 1 00:02:57 Yeah. So we actually took a radio practicum class. Uh, it was, it was one to three credits. Uh, it somehow it became like, it, it varied. Like I took it for two credits. Uh, and you're supposed to do like extra meetings or extra stuff for it to count for extra credits. Nothing ever happened. I just did the same exact stuff as everyone else, but, got it. Speaker 3 00:03:21 Okay. That actually makes me so mad cuz I only got a credit and a half for that <laugh>, so whatever. Speaker 1 00:03:28 Yeah, cuz you still, you took the TV practicum too? I didn't have to do that. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:03:33 I had to cuz I had to have three credits and so then I ended up taking this like news journalism, whatever class and I was not good at it. It was, it was terrible. It was a night class. It, there was nothing good about that class. Like it was just bad, bad, bad. Speaker 1 00:03:50 Ooh. Well we're gonna get into a lot of our, our Baron stories cuz we have a lot. Um, but slippery. How did you guys meet? Was it just through Crew Speaker 2 00:04:02 <laugh>? I was, I was trying to think of this actually. Uh, uh, when you were saying, uh, you know, you're, you were saying being on the, you know, on the radio for an hour by yourself would be awful. I was thinking back to being invited the first few times, being invited on air was, um, I'm pretty sure, I'm pretty sure the two of you invited me, uh, initially to be like either the third or maybe fourth guest. I don't know if there, there might have been a fourth person. Might been Speaker 1 00:04:30 Jim. I think it was our, yeah, I think it was our finals show. The, okay, so I guess we should preface this by like explaining that Molly and I hosted a radio show for what, like two years? Speaker 3 00:04:45 Yes. Speaker 1 00:04:45 Like two, two school years. Speaker 2 00:04:48 Um, two different radio shows. I thought, Speaker 1 00:04:51 Uh, uh, Speaker 3 00:04:51 We had like three or four semesters. It was a Speaker 1 00:04:53 Lot. Yeah, we did, we did four semesters. So it was called Psalms and songs. We played Christian music and we read bible verses and talked about like devotional stuff. My big thing was the music. I, I like <laugh>. I, I'd scoured my music every week for, for stuff. And Molly ran the board because you know me trying to do both, I'm not a good multitasker. My brain can only focus on one thing at a time. My brain's like the screensaver thing that just like Bonks around Speaker 3 00:05:28 <laugh>. That's a really good description. Speaker 2 00:05:29 <laugh>. I like that. Speaker 1 00:05:32 Uh, so yeah, we, uh, at the end of our second semester, it was the end of our first full year of, of the show. Uh, we had Slippery on as a guest host and we had Molly's now husband. I'm still gonna call him Jimmy cuz I don't like calling him Jim. Speaker 3 00:05:48 That's fair. Speaker 2 00:05:49 His real name is James though, isn't it? Speaker 3 00:05:52 Yes, it is. That's But then like when we moved to Jersey, I find out a bunch of people call him, um, like Junior or Jimmy Junior or like stuff like that. Oh my gosh. That is Junior. Jimmy Junior. Wow. Or like JJ for Jimmy Junior. It's really weird. Speaker 1 00:06:06 Like Bob's Burgers Jimmy Junior. Speaker 3 00:06:08 Yes. <laugh>. Exactly. <laugh>. That's literally the joke we would make all the time. Speaker 2 00:06:12 Your hometown always brings out nicknames and things that people didn't like, just were completely unaware of. You know, like at, at Barron I was called Slippery I think traditionally, but like, you know, if you were to go home and visit like my church from growing up or any of my friends from high school or something, like you'd get anything <laugh> you, you'd, you'd probably be surprised what, what people came up with. Speaker 1 00:06:36 Uh, so for me, I am Brian in the normal world. I'm Lyle in my family. Speaker 3 00:06:45 I feel like I knew that, but I definitely forgot <laugh>. Yep. Speaker 1 00:06:50 So I don't know where were we? Oh yeah, slippery. So you were talking about like the first time you guys hosted with us. Speaker 2 00:06:57 Yeah. So there was that and then Future, I feel like future recordings with you. You were like, can you come on the show? Cuz I can't do another session in the sound room just by myself. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:10 So there were times, yeah because um, in addition to that I did Psalm and songs, just the songs where I played a full cd, but that was usually without Molly. Like, I think you came on a couple times, but Speaker 3 00:07:21 Yeah, I did a couple, but then it was just like our other show. So Yeah. And I had a lot going on this semester that you did that. Speaker 1 00:07:28 So yeah, I think that was the semester that I just like, uh, tried to finish my thesis but spent like three or four hours a week in the radio studio. Um, so yeah, slippery. I would, I'd call and be like, yeah, I can't because it's hard, it's hard to do an hour alone even when you're playing music. Like, it's hard to, I don't even know how like sports, uh, hosts who do like three hour shows how they do that. I Speaker 2 00:07:56 Was just thinking about that. You know, I, I used to listen to, um, what's his name, Mark Madden on, on some of my commutes. And like the guy just filled the air with mostly anger, <laugh> <laugh>. But uh, you know, it's like he, unless there was a caller, he's just sitting there by himself just spewing into the microphone with emotion. And I have no idea how you bring that kind of energy into a show. I couldn't do Speaker 1 00:08:26 It. I couldn't do it. Um, also, I, I'm glad, I don't know if we had the capability at Baron to take, to take callers on our show. I think there was a phone in there, but Speaker 3 00:08:39 I think there was, cuz I remember talking about it in class, but then like phone calls are kind of a wild card and you don't know what people are gonna say. So we were not brave enough to, to try to figure it out for an unknown result. Speaker 1 00:08:52 Yeah. We didn't even know who's listening. We don't know. Speaker 3 00:08:55 Well we were 8:00 AM on a Monday, so I don't think anybody was Speaker 1 00:08:58 Listening <laugh>. No, we were, I forgot we were that early. Yes. Yeah, our show was 8:00 AM on a Monday. I can't believe we did that. Speaker 3 00:09:07 Yeah. But I Speaker 2 00:09:08 Always got the best time for college on campus. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 1 00:09:11 That's true. It would be great for parking. Um, but so let's talk about the radio studio for a little, because there, that was a bizarre studio. I don't know who set up the B V Z studio, but I'm pretty sure, uh, not to, you know, tear down Baron's radio station that they don't really care about <laugh>, but Speaker 2 00:09:33 They had too many roles. Let's start there. Well, every time, every time I came on the show, I feel like I was, I was like a, a bull in a China shop. You know, it's like you you go in there, don't touch the windows, don't touch the mics. Sit in the chair. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:09:48 Yeah. I Speaker 2 00:09:49 Wasn't stare straight Speaker 1 00:09:50 Ahead. I wasn't supposed to leave you alone. Like if I Speaker 2 00:09:53 Right. Yeah. That was the other big Speaker 1 00:09:54 Role. Yeah. My nose started bleeding one time and I had to leave you alone in there. It's like, who knows slippers alone in the studio, what's he gonna do? Which knowing you could have actually been like very dangerous Speaker 2 00:10:08 <laugh>. Well, I don't think I would've touched anything. It was more, I probably did fill the air with something. Speaker 1 00:10:13 No, I think we just immediately went back to music. Speaker 2 00:10:17 Oh. Speaker 1 00:10:17 It was like the shortest break in the history of like, any break I've ever done. But, uh, Molly, you'll remember the wonderful, uh, software we used to run the actual like station and how horrible it was and how it ever worked. Speaker 3 00:10:35 I'm pretty sure that's why I don't do anything with sound anymore because I just like, I have like PTs d I can't take it like Speaker 1 00:10:44 It was called Backbone, I think. Speaker 3 00:10:46 Which Speaker 1 00:10:46 I dunno if you've never heard of it, that's probably why, uh, <laugh>, I don't know whose idea it was, but it was like the worst software in the world. Like half the time you'd go to connect and it wouldn't connect. And I remember we had, we just call it week six, Speaker 3 00:11:05 Oh my gosh, week six. Speaker 1 00:11:07 It was our sixth episode on the air and we could not connect, like we could not get connected to the, I don't know, server or whatever the actual station. So we called our professor and she's like, well call George in Boston. And I'm like, what <laugh>? Who is George in Boston? Speaker 3 00:11:29 I don't know how that fell on us to handle either <laugh>. Like Speaker 1 00:11:33 I don't either. Uh, shout out to Kim Young, our professor. She was awesome. Speaker 2 00:11:39 <laugh>. Oh, we're naming names Speaker 1 00:11:41 <laugh>. Yeah, <laugh>. But I dunno how we ended up being the ones to try to solve this. Um, Speaker 3 00:11:48 And we didn't. We Speaker 2 00:11:49 Didn't. This is, this is Baron's selling point. It's their approach. It's like, like you will be close with your professors <laugh>. Yeah. And they won't treat you like students. Like Speaker 3 00:11:58 You'll learn real life problem solving skill Speaker 1 00:12:01 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:12:01 Yeah. You'll become engineers. They're going to need your help. It turns out <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:12:06 But I remember for a while there, I think in my phone I had George from Boston as a contact, even though I never talked to him <laugh>. Uh, cause it was like, I don't understand why our surfer was set up in Boston. Like, I mean Yeah, that's true. I dunno. I remember they reorganized B V Z a couple years later and like, I think they just used like shoutcast or something and it worked a lot easier. Speaker 3 00:12:33 Okay. Oh good. That's good to hear. I like stopped listening. Speaker 1 00:12:37 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:12:38 Not a good, good alumni or whatever the word. Speaker 1 00:12:41 It's, I don't listen to B z Sorry. But Speaker 3 00:12:47 I like the Facebook Speaker 2 00:12:48 Post. Does it actually still exist? Speaker 1 00:12:50 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:12:50 Under that name? Yeah. Huh? Speaker 1 00:12:53 You're listening to B V Z Radio. I'm Brian. Speaker 3 00:12:56 And I'm Molly Speaker 1 00:12:58 <laugh>. And this is SSON songs. Uh, <laugh>, sorry, I'm like, that's just ingrained in me. But, um, no. So week six, yeah, we eventually got connected to the, the server and I remember, uh, Kim Young came in and like tried to help us get set up and then it got disconnected and then eventually we're just like, all right guys. Like we're, we're calling it, we can't get on the air. And it's one of the few shows that I don't have saved somewhere because like, there was nothing to record really. Like we played like three or four songs and I think we were just so worried about getting on the air that like, it didn't, it didn't do like I I wasn't concerned about saving the file. But yeah, that was, that was our probably worst time doing the show. Speaker 3 00:13:53 Yeah. That was bad. But that was like our first semester too. So like we were learning and it did get better. Speaker 1 00:14:00 Yeah, it did. I remember our fir very first episode, we had to have someone shadowing us who was already on B V Z and Speaker 3 00:14:08 Oh that was so awkward. Speaker 1 00:14:09 It was cuz one, he didn't come like on time. So we were like, okay, I guess we're gonna be going on air soon, <laugh>. And then he finally showed up and we're like, oh good. Um, but I remember I made some horrible joke. I read a bible verse that mentioned Kush and I said, I was like, but not weed. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:14:33 I Speaker 3 00:14:34 Remember that. Oh my goodness was, there was also that time, it was the, they said that it would be cool to have a kid at a hundred like Abraham and that was the one that the professors listened to. And she's like, what the f is going on? I'm like, I'm sorry I couldn't control him <laugh>. Cause you didn't even come to that interview with her. So I'm sitting there, she's like tearing apart our show and that's what she brings up. I'm like, I Speaker 1 00:15:00 Oh my gosh, I yeah, that was great. Uh, cuz we were talking Yeah, we were talking about Abraham and Sarah and how they had Isaac at like a hundred years old. And I guess I said that it would be really cool to have a kid at a hundred years home. <laugh>, I Speaker 2 00:15:13 Don't see, which is, that's also a really bad take. Speaker 1 00:15:15 <laugh> Speaker 3 00:15:16 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:15:19 Okay. Yes. In in retrospect, being a hundred with a child would probably be difficult, nearly impossible. Some may say, Speaker 3 00:15:31 Uh, yes. As I listen to mine, who is still screaming. So I've got about five minutes and then, uh, I might have to, I dunno what I'm gonna do <laugh>. I'll be able Speaker 2 00:15:40 To just, Speaker 3 00:15:43 I love it. Speaker 1 00:15:44 Yeah. But yeah, that was, I'm trying to think of other babies memories we had, um, I think one time Wow, I'm like scraping the barrel here. We ate Jolly Ranchers in the studio, which was not supposed to happen. Yeah, no, but you could always tell who was like, who put the stuff away because like Molly's headphones would be all nice and neatly put together and mine would be like, hanging from the string. Like, like it's just some random human came in and put it away. Like they didn't know what they were doing. But yeah, that's, that's a little bit about our radio history in a brief and awkwardly paced segment. But you Speaker 2 00:16:29 Guys, you guys are gonna get your degrees taken away <laugh>. They're gonna listen to this and be like, Nope, nope, we're taking that back. Speaker 1 00:16:37 What if that could happen? Speaker 2 00:16:39 I think it can happen. Speaker 1 00:16:40 Can what can that Speaker 3 00:16:41 Happen? Speaker 1 00:16:41 That cannot happen. Speaker 2 00:16:43 They're a business. They can just take away your, it's like a certification that they gave you. Hmm. There's lawsuits about this. Speaker 1 00:16:51 We're gonna have to look this up. Oh my gosh. Speaker 3 00:16:53 I'm not doing anything with audio, so I guess it doesn't really matter. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:16:57 <laugh>. Well, I can't, I'm not supposed to talk about my job, but I do. So <laugh>, I probably don't wanna lose my degree. But, uh, no, the wonders of being a communication major, like we had some great times. Like people always said it was super easy and I don't know, I thought a lot of the classes were pretty easy, but that's not why I took the major. Speaker 3 00:17:25 Oh, I was undecided and then went for calm because my parents wanted me to do business. So being a com major was kind of a little like rebellious act of mine. Yeah. But I mean, it's worked out. So Speaker 1 00:17:37 I was originally gonna be a math major, which is why if you ever look at my schedules from like, I don't know how you would, but if you looked at my schedules from like the first couple semesters, like they were very math based. Uh, except I took like one com class and then I think I just decided, I was like, you know what? I think I wanna be a com major. Uh, and so then I like, I never actually declared. So I, I I went to com. Um, the one class that I had had was with Dr. Kang. Speaker 3 00:18:08 I love him. Speaker 2 00:18:09 Yes. Oh, he's, he's great. Speaker 1 00:18:11 Ye yes. We have all had him. I think I had him five times. Speaker 2 00:18:15 You and I. Yeah. I took of you and I were definitely in the same class with him at least once. Speaker 1 00:18:20 Yeah. Uh, what was ours? Like news media literacy or something? Speaker 2 00:18:27 Uh, I did like a graphic design with him. Speaker 1 00:18:30 Oh, maybe that was the one we took together. I don't know. We took something together. Speaker 2 00:18:34 I did two. I think I, I had two classes with him at one point I selected a class because he was the professor. It's like filler. You have to have something in, in calm to check the box for a marketing degree. So I was like, all right, I'm gonna look at what Dr. Kang is doing <laugh> and go that way. Speaker 1 00:18:52 Yeah. I once late added a class because I was trying to also do the actuary certificate, uh, Speaker 3 00:19:00 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:19:00 Which is also why if you look later in my schedule, there's a lot of random stats classes. <laugh>. Like I had a professor once who told me that I was both the highest and lowest ever com major score on his final because I was the only one. But, Speaker 2 00:19:17 Um, it's such a stats professor thing Speaker 1 00:19:19 To say <laugh>. It really is. I know. Um, but no, I, I was taking a finance class that I hadn't taken the pre-req for and I like, I was just like, this sucks. I have no idea what's going on in this class. So I dropped it and it was like five weeks into the semester. So you can late add classes, but you need to fill out a form and have it signed off on. So that's the only time I ever did that. Like, I actually just joined a class like four or five weeks into it. Speaker 3 00:19:53 It great. Was that hard? I feel like you'd have to play catch up. Speaker 1 00:19:56 No. Cause there were only like five people in the class and we, I don't remember what we did. We like made, we made videos and did stuff. I don't remember what that class was, but <laugh>, I remember I made a video set to a capital king song of, it was me walking around campus just like doing my daily life. But I had Eric, our friend Eric Brown just take pictures. So it was literally just like stills of me. Like right, right after the other. I don't remember what that class even was. I don't remember. I couldn't tell you what it was called. If you like, you know, if you threatened me, Speaker 3 00:20:35 I don't know. There's only one class that I like remember the name of and that's just cuz it was nonverbal communication. Everything else, I Speaker 1 00:20:44 Forget. I don't think I took that. Speaker 3 00:20:46 So Whoopy, I took that together. Speaker 2 00:20:49 Did we? Speaker 3 00:20:50 Yeah. It was like an 8:00 AM or 9:00 AM class with Dr. Kale. Speaker 2 00:20:55 This explains why I don't remember it. Speaker 3 00:20:58 Dr. That kale, that makes me so sad. Like that course, like I still operate off of stuff from that course. Our final project we had to go and like people watch at two different places and compare. Speaker 2 00:21:09 Okay. I remember doing that. Yeah. We talked Dr. People watching. Yeah, I guess it's the non-verbal part. I'm <laugh> clearly the, like the point of the class stick. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:21:22 Um, I, I also had Dr. Kale for an 8:00 AM Uh, I think it was the public speaking class. You know, the one that like everyone had to take. Oh yes. Uh, ca 100. But um, I remember this was back when I was a good young, like studious person. I never missed a class, didn't miss anything and then you could miss two classes without it affecting your grade. And the last week of classes I asked him, I was like, Hey, if I just didn't show up to class for the next two days, like, would that be okay? He's like, well it'd be better for you to like listen to your classmates' speeches, but you haven't missed any classes, so technically you're fine. <laugh>. So that was back when I asked if I could skip classes. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:22:10 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:22:12 Yeah. That's, that's a an early time in college for me. Speaker 1 00:22:15 <laugh> what? When you asked to skip or Speaker 2 00:22:18 Like Yeah, in fact, I don't know. Yeah, maybe I never did. I probably did it once and then after that was like, I don't think these people need to tell me. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:22:27 Yeah. So I went from like, I would ask to skip or then I would, I think second year I would skip classes to do stuff for other classes, which is always a fun trade off. Speaker 2 00:22:42 Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:22:43 <affirmative>. And then by junior year I was just like, if I didn't want to go to a class, I was like, I think I'll be okay. Speaker 2 00:22:48 Molly, Speaker 1 00:22:50 Did you also skip classes? Speaker 3 00:22:52 So, okay. The first class I ever skipped was because of a boy. Um, and it was embarrassing. So because he dropped me off at school so that I could get to like the class on time. Cuz we had gone off and were working at Erie City Mission before that. But I'd gotten the time of the class wrong. And so like I walked into the building, realized the class had already started and like immediately turned around. But then he hadn't left yet. I didn't want him to see me walking around campus because we had rushed back to like get to class on time. And so I like hid around the cockle building so that he wouldn't see me skipping class. It was really embarrassing. Um, I don't know. I didn't skip very many unless it was, I don't know. I really didn't skip very many. I was scared of getting behind. Speaker 1 00:23:44 That reminds me though, I had a, a math class once where I was like, I was struggling to finish the homework before class started and I was in the library and I had to get to ob b s I think. Speaker 3 00:24:00 Cool. Speaker 1 00:24:01 Hitting us. Yeah. So for those who aka mostly everyone probably who didn't go to Barron. Actually, I don't know if you're listening to this, you probably know us. So you probably did go to Barron. Um, the library to the o bs building is a track. Speaker 3 00:24:17 It's Yeah, like opposite size of the campus. Speaker 2 00:24:19 Yeah. Yeah. And depending on, you know, the precipitation at the time could be. Speaker 1 00:24:25 It was spring, it was fine. Okay. But I remember I was like, okay, I finished the homework, I gotta like run a class. And I literally, I was the guy I, I ran, I actually ran to class. Speaker 2 00:24:38 I never did that. Speaker 1 00:24:40 Uh, I would see kids running later and I was like that. I did that once and I was like, never be that kid again. Speaker 3 00:24:47 I'm pretty sure if I did skip that was probably one of the reasons why. Cause there's no way I'd be running across campus. Speaker 1 00:24:53 <laugh>. No, no, no. It's like one, it's embarrassing and two, it's like you're already late <laugh> like, you know, like it doesn't matter at that point. If you're like five minutes later, 10 minutes late, you're still gonna be late. Speaker 2 00:25:08 It's also a very particular run. It is like the run, the run to to class late. It's like everyone knows what you're Speaker 1 00:25:15 Doing. Yep. It's like you kind of have your, your arms are like on your backpack, but like That's right. Speaker 2 00:25:21 Youre not moving your moving your heads down and you're, you're like tilted forward Speaker 1 00:25:25 <laugh>. Yep. And, and you're kinda, you're kind of like, you're, you're walking fast. You're trying to look like you're not running, but you're definitely running Speaker 3 00:25:34 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:25:35 So Speaker 3 00:25:35 Don't do that. Heaven forbid it's like February and it's all ice. Speaker 2 00:25:38 Oh, it's icy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. You we definitely saw some people running the class in the snow and bite it and it's every time it's like, you know, you feel bad, a little bit of, of you feels bad. And then like most of me is like, I'm trying not to laugh at this person in their lowest moment. <laugh>. Yep. Speaker 3 00:25:58 Yes. I think I did that a couple of times. I'd like sit up in Bruno's like right by the window and just watch people like roll down that hill and like fall. Like thank you Speaker 1 00:26:07 Everything. Speaker 3 00:26:09 It was not me. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:26:11 I don't remember. It was like, uh, it was like kind of that winter spring where there was still snow on the ground, but like, you know, you thought you were safe <laugh>. And I don't even think I was trying to get to class on time or anything. I think I was just coming down from Burke a k the biggest hill on campus. <laugh>. And I took a little shortcut just like to get to the up the bottom sidewalk. And I walked through the snow on the hill and I slid and there was mud underneath it. Speaker 2 00:26:41 <laugh>. Aw. Speaker 1 00:26:42 It's like what? Some faculty saw me, but you have to like play it off. Like he didn't just like, you know, fall. Speaker 3 00:26:51 I meant Speaker 1 00:26:52 To do that snow. A song of, a song of snow and the mud. But, um, yeah, no, I also once to take this even farther, the macro version of it, I was in the computer lab in the library on the top floor and saw someone driving down Jordan Road and it was snowy and they did not stop. They could not stop and they, they don't remember what they ran into, but they hit probably another car. Speaker 3 00:27:24 Oh, I've done that a couple of times on that hill. Like I got, like you hit other cars, well not other cars, but like slid completely down the hill and like almost went through like the inters like the big intersection there. Yeah. Right. Um, I mean granted it was always late at night when I did that cuz I was probably taking Jim back to the dorm or something. But it was like treacherous a couple times. I thought I was gonna die. Speaker 1 00:27:44 Well like that hill was, it's insane. It is like the biggest hill I can think of. Speaker 2 00:27:52 They had to clear it so much because like, even if they left it alone for 15 minutes in Erie, you know, it's like, well now it's a sheet of ice and everyone in the intersection is gonna die. There Speaker 1 00:28:03 Used to be a ski lift there. I have been told, Speaker 3 00:28:06 Nuh Speaker 1 00:28:07 My dad said this, Speaker 2 00:28:08 It would make sense. Speaker 1 00:28:09 Like, back, back when there weren't a ton of buildings. I mean, Barron was still there, obviously, but it wasn't like a ton of buildings. People would go like skiing and sledding there and I mean that hill would be perfect for it. But I'm like, why can't we bring this ski lift back? We we can't have a ski lift to get me to class. I mean, it'd be so slow <laugh> like, all right, gotta leave 20 minutes early so you can catch the ski lift to Burke. But Speaker 3 00:28:40 I like, I used to have to do that go to class that early when I was like on crutches and it would take me forever to get across campus. It was terrible. Speaker 1 00:28:49 Yeah, I mean some of the like classes were what, usually 15 minutes apart so you could have time to get there, but like you had to, like I remember one day in my freshman year, I mean like one specific, I think it was like Wednesdays, I had to go from o bs to junker Speaker 3 00:29:11 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:29:12 To Cockle to Burke to os That's terrible again. Yeah. So for those again who aren't familiar, I was literally like going all the way across campus. Like Speaker 2 00:29:24 That's like three miles. Speaker 1 00:29:25 Yeah. Like that. I mean, yeah. No wonder I was so skinny at the time. But yeah, Barron, Speaker 3 00:29:35 Man, that makes me wanna like go back to Erie and just visit campus. Speaker 1 00:29:39 Yeah, I I do too. I haven't been there since. I mean I also was the one who stayed, not stayed, but I went back and worked. Uh, you remember my cart, remember Molly? Speaker 3 00:29:51 Uh, yes. I used to go visit you all the time in my weird science classes that I had to take senior year. I don't know how that happened. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:29:58 Uh, I worked at a cart where I sold bagels and whatnot, but then I also worked at various other places and I finally left like two years ago, like January of 2020. That's the last time I was there. Um, but yeah, I should also go back at some point Speaker 3 00:30:19 Someday, Speaker 1 00:30:20 Someday Sunday. But anyway. So I guess we should talk about like, where are we now? So Molly, where are you now? Like what Speaker 2 00:30:31 <laugh> Speaker 3 00:30:31 Where Speaker 2 00:30:31 Am I from? Where are you now? Speaker 3 00:30:34 <laugh>? So I am a stay-at-home mom in New Jersey. Speaker 2 00:30:39 Where, where Jim's from, right? Speaker 3 00:30:40 Yeah. Where Jim's from. So, uh, we got married in 2017 and we moved not too far from where he grew up. Um, and I worked various like bookkeeping jobs and then, um, once we had our kids, I started just working from home, uh, staying home completely. Um, so I still do stuff on the side, but it's, it's from home during nap times typically. Speaker 1 00:31:05 Yeah. That's cool. Speaker 3 00:31:06 Yep. So then we bought a house and Speaker 2 00:31:08 That's the last time I saw you guys in person. Speaker 3 00:31:12 What Speaker 2 00:31:13 Thinking, thinking back on that, is that the last time that I saw you Brian or you Molly, at your wedding? Speaker 1 00:31:20 Uh, Speaker 3 00:31:20 Did anyone get married after me? Speaker 1 00:31:23 Well, okay, so that last slippery, I think that was the last time I saw you in person. Um, Molly, uh, we were in Brett's wedding. Speaker 3 00:31:32 Yes, Speaker 1 00:31:34 I like it. We're just named Speaker 3 00:31:35 People. That was same Speaker 1 00:31:36 Year though. That was, yeah, that everyone got married that year. Cause I was also in Ronnie's wedding. Um, Speaker 3 00:31:42 Yeah, that was an expensive year. Speaker 1 00:31:43 I was Ronnie's best man. I have no idea how also if, if, and I've told him this, I was the worst best man ever. Speaker 2 00:31:53 Like, Speaker 3 00:31:54 Oh, I feel so bad for Brett, Michelle. I was a terrible bridesman cuz I had like, just gotten married and we moved to New Jersey and I was having like panic attacks every day being in New Jersey. And so I didn't come back for any of her stuff. I was the worst. I felt so bad. Speaker 1 00:32:06 Yeah, I, but Speaker 3 00:32:08 Nothing Speaker 2 00:32:09 I can do. You only, you only have two jobs as the best man. Like make sure he shows up probably on time. Uh, and like, don't lose the ring. If, if in fact you are like hand, you Speaker 1 00:32:20 Know, I did have, I did have the ring for Ronnie's wedding. Um, Speaker 2 00:32:24 So you did all right. Speaker 1 00:32:26 I did. Well we didn't make sure that he ate for breakfast. Speaker 2 00:32:31 Oh Speaker 1 00:32:32 Yeah. So I don't know if I've told this story on here before or I probably should have saved it for when we have Ronnie on, cuz Ronnie actually used to be a co-host on here, but Speaker 3 00:32:43 Yeah. But now you started and I'm really curious as all this plays Speaker 1 00:32:47 Out <laugh>. Yeah, so it was me and the other guy, like we were the two groomsmen and we stayed at Ronnie's overnight and we didn't make sure he ate. And I don't think the maid of honor made sure that his wife ate either <laugh>. So we, you know, we're fine in the morning, everything's fine then, you know, we, we do the wedding, we're doing pictures and everything and they're like, we're, we're all really hungry and people are starting to get hangry and like, we still have to go take pictures and everything. So we're doing that and the pictures and the reception hall are way far away from each other. So we get to the reception hall, all these people have been waiting to eat because, you know, you can't eat without the bridal party there. And we get to eat first. It was so bad. It's like, oh, hey everyone, sorry, we're, we're here. We're here. Okay, now we're gonna go eat. Um, but that's also when my best man's speech, I cut down from five minutes to a minute and it was like, I've, I've apologized to him multiple times for the <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:33:55 Did he want it to be like this big? Speaker 1 00:33:58 No, but I had this, you know, I used my speech skills, my cast 100 skills, <laugh>, I wrote a, a wedding toast and it was five minutes. It was beautiful. And I had to on the fly, cut it down and, and it was fine. But, Speaker 2 00:34:17 You know, and that, my experience with that is it, I think that's probably one of the most stressful things that I ever had to prepare for was, was my brother's, uh, wedding, being the best man in that. Oh my gosh. I'm like so not a, a crowd person. And doing that speech was a huge accomplishment for me. But for everyone else it's like, okay, yeah, there was a best man's speech. We don't <laugh>, you know, not necessarily notable, but yeah, the nerves. Speaker 3 00:34:44 I've never done that. I've never, I've never been a ma I've Speaker 2 00:34:48 Never been, I've Speaker 3 00:34:49 Never had to do a speech. Well, I mean I've never been a best man either. But <laugh>, no, I've been in like 12 weddings, but always just at bridesmaids. I've never had to worry about it. Which has been kind of nice. Speaker 1 00:34:59 Yeah, I mean you'd be good at it though, probably. I don't know. I Speaker 3 00:35:03 Took advanced of public speaking. I took like, what was I cast 200, I took like four public speaking classes at bar. Yeah, I think we took, I actually have like the skill, like the education to do it. I just never do. Speaker 1 00:35:16 Yeah. My thing was always like I was the calm major who hated talking to people. Um, but no, I can give a really good speech now. I haven't had to for like seven years, but back in my day <laugh>, I could knock the socks off of speech listeners. Speaker 2 00:35:37 It's amazing. They haven't really changed like a good speech a thousand years ago is still a good speech today. Speaker 1 00:35:44 Is it though? Would you wanna listen to like Aristotle? Speaker 2 00:35:47 Yeah, for sure. Are you serious? Speaker 1 00:35:49 <laugh>? So there's a story. Um, my dad, like they got shirts at work that uh, say the, it's like a, they have a quote with Aristotle on it, but they misspelled Aristotle. I'm like, that's so ironic. I love it. You misspelled the philosopher, like the wise man's name. Speaker 2 00:36:14 Did he, did he give speeches? I, I, uh, I don't know that part of Speaker 1 00:36:19 History. <laugh>, I don't know. I always mix up Socrates and Aristotle Speaker 2 00:36:25 And so greats. Speaker 1 00:36:27 So greats and Play-Doh, who I almost just called the Pluto, but I'm sure there were some speeches given in there. Speaker 2 00:36:36 Yeah, I mean I feel like those guys part of, Speaker 1 00:36:40 We try to segue Speaker 2 00:36:41 From we're all like, Speaker 1 00:36:42 Hmm. <laugh>, we're like hmm cool Aristotle. I dunno how we ended up here. Speaker 2 00:36:47 I guess I wouldn't have very quiet, I wouldn't understand the language. Speaker 1 00:36:50 Yeah. Like he'd be listening to the speech in like Greek and you'd be like, Hmm, I don't know what he's saying, but it sounds like it's going well. Speaker 2 00:36:58 I I'd use those nonverbal communication skills that I learned <laugh> so far. There Speaker 1 00:37:02 You go. Yeah. That you apparently learned but don't remember Speaker 2 00:37:06 <laugh>. There you go. Full circle. Speaker 1 00:37:07 Full circle. Saved it Molly. We had a couple classes together. Um, Speaker 3 00:37:12 We did and class itself was really fun, but I remember that I worked so hard on the assignments and you would just like scribble something down like five minutes before class and you always did better than me. And I remember being so mad at you all the time. Speaker 1 00:37:27 <laugh>. That's what Evan always said too, cuz we had a class together too, where it was the same thing. Like I would just do my assignment at the very last second and like just crush it. But, um, yeah, Speaker 3 00:37:38 No, those are fun though. We had some, we had some good ones. Speaker 1 00:37:41 Well we had one Slippery, you'll, you'll remember this. I don't know where you were though at the time. The day of the bomb threat. Speaker 2 00:37:50 Oh my gosh. The bomb threat. Yeah. So that is a funny, that was a great day actually. Speaker 1 00:37:56 I, I, I say that all the time too and it sounds so weird because like, it sounds horrible but Speaker 2 00:38:01 Like it makes, it makes it seem like maybe you did the bomb threat Speaker 1 00:38:04 <laugh>. Like the day of the bomb threat was really fun. Not like the act. So I remember it Speaker 3 00:38:09 Was so fascinating. Speaker 1 00:38:10 So my memory of it was, uh, Molly, we did a show cuz we were doing Friday shows at that point and we went over to Bruno's cuz I got a pop. Like that's, that was usually our routine on Mondays and Fridays. Right. And so I think we were coming back to Cockle from Bruno's and I had to print something and one of our friends, Mike was like, he's like, Brian, get in here. I'm like, I'm like, what? He's like, get in here. And so I like come rushing in and like no one knew. It was actually a very fascinating communication study. Um, Speaker 3 00:38:44 That's what I say all Speaker 1 00:38:45 The time because no one knew what was going on and stories Speaker 2 00:38:47 Nobody. Speaker 3 00:38:47 Yeah. The story. Right. But within five minutes everybody knew. But it was all different. Speaker 1 00:38:51 Yeah. It was all wrong. It like one was like that There were gunshots, do you know, on campus? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:57 There were people saying there was a active shooter. Yeah. And then like the fear that was present and the lack of information from also faculty <laugh> Yeah. Is just right. Astounding. Like this is probably, it's a little bit late for the school to have not had a better system in place for these kinds Speaker 1 00:39:17 Of things. Yeah. It was basically just lock the doors. Like okay, yeah. <laugh>. But, so everything ended up being fine but they sent everyone home. So I remember slippery that year especially you were always trying to get everyone to go to lunch. Speaker 2 00:39:34 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:39:35 And I don't think it usually worked out, Speaker 2 00:39:37 But it was No, usually you couldn't get like a good size group. But typically I could find like Habin or somebody, you know, somebody would be down to go but Speaker 1 00:39:45 Yeah. Yeah. But we all now had free time on our hands cuz we weren't really supposed to be on campus. So we all went to Perkins. We'll never forget it. It was so fun. Speaker 3 00:39:58 Yes. That was fun. Our buddy, Speaker 1 00:40:00 Our buddy Isaiah like asked for his eggs. Well done. I was like, I've never heard anyone say that before. Speaker 2 00:40:07 <laugh>, how do you want your eggs? Well done. No, but okay. I mean I Speaker 3 00:40:15 Understand that that poor ways, like that poor waitress Speaker 2 00:40:18 <laugh>, right? Speaker 1 00:40:21 Oh yeah. She had to deal with what like 10 or 11 college students. Like Speaker 3 00:40:26 I'm sure just from our group, I'm pretty sure there were like a bunch of other college student. Speaker 2 00:40:29 Oh probably. Oh yeah. Too, Speaker 3 00:40:30 You Speaker 1 00:40:31 Know? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:40:32 Yeah. I guess at the end of the segment we can't come out like pro bomb threat Speaker 1 00:40:37 <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:40:39 But it's gonna be hard Not to bad. Speaker 1 00:40:41 Let's be very clear. Uh, th that was very bad. Whoever did the bomb threat like that was a horrible thing to do and shame on. It's really good that nothing bad happened on campus. Yes. But then like the rest of the day, like was once we were allowed to leave was actually really fun. And I remember like, you actually slippery, you drove me home cuz you know I didn't have a car. Right. Like I was always relying on Speaker 2 00:41:08 <laugh> and it was weird timing. So like you couldn't get picked up or anything. Speaker 1 00:41:11 Yeah, yeah. Well I think it was more just like, hey, you know, we drove to Perkins together. Hey can you drive me home? Can you drive all the way across town to take me home? Speaker 2 00:41:21 <laugh>? Well it was, it was educational for me cuz I like, I had no idea which part of Erie you lived in. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and honestly like I didn't see much of Erie in my time up there cuz Barron is sort of outside of Speaker 1 00:41:33 Erie. Yeah. And I lived on like the complete opposite side of the city. Speaker 2 00:41:37 Right. Speaker 3 00:41:37 Oh. I used to get lost in Erie all the time. I'm pretty sure I should have died a couple Speaker 2 00:41:41 Of times. Yeah. Not a good place to get lost. Speaker 3 00:41:43 Not, yeah, no, I got lost in like bad places Definitely. But I like, I'm directionally challenged so Speaker 2 00:41:51 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:41:52 I just got lost all the time. So I would just like drive around Speaker 2 00:41:55 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:41:56 I dunno. I remember one Speaker 3 00:41:57 Time it's probably a miracle I'm still Speaker 1 00:41:59 Alive. I remember one time, uh, I went to you went to some, well we had to stay for a B V Z meeting. Speaker 3 00:42:06 Oh I remember Speaker 1 00:42:07 This. And then you were going to like a, a church thing at Grace Church. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. And I had not had the heart to tell my dad that I needed a ride late that day <laugh>. So I was like, Hey Molly, can I come with you so you can take me home? I don't think I said it like that, but that was essentially the gist of it. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:42:33 She didn't know at the time. It's like, oh sure, I'll take you there. And Speaker 1 00:42:36 Then it's like, wow. Brian, Brian. Like I never, never went to any crew events or anything. It's like, oh wow, Brian's going to something. Oh he just needs a ride. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:42:45 That's okay. Speaker 1 00:42:47 Well they were very adamant about that meeting. Usually I skipped the B B Z meetings cuz they were really late, but they're like, no, everyone has to be there. I'm like, eh, fine. It's like six o'clock. Speaker 3 00:42:57 Yep. And I'm pretty sure I, I got lost leaving your house. Speaker 1 00:43:02 I remember. Right. That's, that's possible. My house is one of those ones that like, it's probably like mythical in the friend group because everyone has probably dropped me off or picked me up at least once, but they never know like where it is. Speaker 3 00:43:15 Yep. Speaker 1 00:43:17 <laugh>. So what else? What else do we have to talk about? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:43:21 I was gonna say, so bomb threats, <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:43:25 We've gone, we've gone Speaker 2 00:43:27 Awkward. It's a strange, it's a strange phenomenon really. Like always it's around finals, right? Isn't that the deal? What Like somebody's just like trying to get out of their finals so they, you know, I even Speaker 3 00:43:38 Remember like what the whole scenario was, but Speaker 2 00:43:40 I don't know. It was right. We didn't know At the time we were like, maybe campus isn't there anymore. <laugh>, but we're at Perkins, so whatever Speaker 1 00:43:48 <laugh> No, they, they, they'd given the all clear at that point, but I think they just, it was like we're done for the day. I remember we were sitting in there in Drer's class, shout out to Dr. Troster if you could see me right now. I've got my hand up with Lape sign because that man was a saint. He put up with a lot. He put up with so much. Uh, I'm gonna go on a side tangent here about how, uh, he was my advisor and he had to deal with me coming in to visit him like all the time. And I, the funniest story, I will never forget this. He was touring a prospective student and his parents around and he gets to one of the editing booths in Cockle. And lo and behold, I am in there <laugh> sitting on the floor with my laptop papers strewn all over <laugh> on a website. I think I had my shoes off on a website of just funny like test answers that people gave. And it's like, this is, if you go to Baron, this is what you're going to become. Speaker 2 00:44:53 You'll be reduced to this <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:44:57 Cause I was working on my thesis and I, but I would go in the editing boots cuz it was quiet in there. Uh, that's also where I heard someone getting chewed out for plagiarism. Like, you should have, you really should have hung out in them editing boots cuz you know, that's, that's where all Speaker 3 00:45:11 Yeah, I was Speaker 1 00:45:12 Missing out. Yeah. That's where all you could, because people, it was so quiet they didn't know you were in there and you'd just hear stuff happening. Speaker 2 00:45:18 Well, and there was a hallway, there's like a hallway right next to it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or it's, it's off of a hallway. Yeah. That has some, it wasn't the busiest on campus, but it, it had some through traffic. Yeah. And the traffic was interesting. Yeah. Because it's, it's a variety of people going through there for sure. Who don't normally mix. Speaker 1 00:45:37 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:45:37 Yes. Speaker 1 00:45:38 But no, shout out to Dr. Troster. Um, I remember once I called him on a Saturday morning because why would Speaker 3 00:45:46 You do Speaker 1 00:45:46 That? Uh, it was awful because my thesis grade showed up as like an F and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm not gonna graduate. And he was like, no, it's fine. We'll just reset it because like, it, it was just like they Speaker 3 00:46:02 On a Saturday morning Speaker 1 00:46:03 I did. Oh my goodness. Speaker 2 00:46:04 Yeah. So Wait, did you actually get an F? Speaker 1 00:46:07 No, I didn't. It was <laugh>. We had basically he had put a placeholder grade in there because it was like an incomplete assignment. Like I, I had to finish it. It wasn't an actual class. Ah. But, uh, I think that expired and so it just went to an F and it just like danged my gpa <laugh> and then I freaked out and he had given me his phone number. If you don't want someone to call you on a Saturday morning, don't give them your home phone number. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:46:36 And then put a placeholder grade as an F <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:46:39 Well he didn't put the placeholder grade as an F, but Speaker 2 00:46:42 Oh, okay. Speaker 1 00:46:43 I think, I think it was just kind of empty. But like I said, it expired, like the time limit on the placeholder had expired or something. So it, the, the system automatically assumed it was an F cuz there was no grade or something. I don't know. But no, I did not get an F on that. But, uh, shout out for like the fourth time to Dr. Troster. Speaker 3 00:47:07 I'm pretty sure I frustrated him cuz I had to have a meeting with him once and he was like asking me what I wanted to do with my life and my degree and I was like, I don't know, I wanna be like a secretary at a church or something <laugh> like that is a complete ways. And I was like, yeah, but that's what I want. But like, hey, I'm, that's what I'm doing now, like on my free time, nap time, whatever. Speaker 2 00:47:28 You're living the dream. Speaker 3 00:47:29 I am. So Speaker 1 00:47:32 Yeah, it's, I mean look, people get degrees for various reasons. You don't have to do what your professors want you to do. Um, Speaker 3 00:47:43 I joke with Jimmy that I went for my misses. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:47:46 The Rs. Speaker 3 00:47:48 That's right. Speaker 1 00:47:50 But um, Speaker 3 00:47:50 Hey look, I did that too. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:47:53 Two degrees in one. Speaker 1 00:47:57 Oh <laugh>. I did not <laugh>. You didn't Speaker 2 00:48:08 Get your misses <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:48:10 I didn't <laugh> Well, no, I was more just gonna say that I, you know, I, I stayed pretty much single actually not pretty much. I stayed single through my time at Fair and saved for like a three day period after I graduated and worked there. Which Molly knows about. I don't think Slippery knows about it. Speaker 3 00:48:30 Well, in your defense, Barron was like mostly guys. It, I think when my freshman year it was what, a three to one? Four Speaker 1 00:48:36 To one? Yeah. Three to one is they ratio always say the ratio was Speaker 2 00:48:39 They did say that. Yeah. And then in certain majors it was way higher. Yeah. Like engineering I think they said was something like eight to one. Yeah. Pretty bad odds. <laugh>. So Speaker 3 00:48:48 Yeah, when I first started going to Crew there wasn't only like three girls. Speaker 1 00:48:52 <laugh>. Yeah. So the odds were not ever in my favor for like finding someone at Baron. But, you know, s o c k s <laugh>. It is what it is. Anyone else? Anyone else got some topics so we can get off the awkward subject? I brought up <laugh>. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:49:13 Um, I don't know. Speaker 2 00:49:14 You should let that hang and see if you feel it. Speaker 3 00:49:16 Don't what to talk about <laugh>. My my life consists of like, have you pooped today? So like, I don't have anything better to talk about Speaker 1 00:49:25 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:49:25 You mean you mean the kids? Speaker 3 00:49:27 Yes. Yes. My kids. I've got two kids. Speaker 1 00:49:32 You just go around and texting people like, have you pooped today? Speaker 3 00:49:36 Yeah. I really don't want that to be my job in the friend group. Speaker 1 00:49:39 So it's like the, you know, the, uh, when you're little, like, have you used the bath? Like you might not, you don't, you might not think you have to use the bathroom, but you should try. My sister tried that on me once when I was like 15. I was like, okay mom. <laugh>, <laugh>. But Speaker 3 00:49:59 No. So like, I've got two little boys, right? So my life is like wiping boogers. Have you pooped yet? And just like hoping that the stain on his arm is dirt. Like it's just, that's just life right now. Speaker 1 00:50:13 Oh. I don't mean, I mean I, I just, I was thinking I was going to be like, so it's like my life. <laugh> <laugh>. Well I hope not <laugh>. Um, yeah, no, my life right now is basically just working fall. I fall asleep super early. Um, I need to somehow break the cycle cuz I'll like go home and be like, oh, I'm gonna play some Madden and it's like eight o'clock and then night eight 30 I'm like falling asleep. I'm like, okay, this is probably not great. Um, but yeah, no, that's mine. And guys, I'm finally, this is gonna sound so sad, like, I'm finally getting a car or I'm going to like, I'm working on getting a car, Speaker 2 00:50:55 You know? What does that, what does that look like? Like what do you mean working on it? Speaker 1 00:50:59 Like looking, Speaker 2 00:51:01 Are you gonna Oh, okay. Looking, you're doing, you're in like the research Yeah. Research phase. Speaker 3 00:51:06 Are you like leaning towards anything specific? Speaker 1 00:51:10 Probably a Mazda just because it's convenient. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:51:15 I'm, I'm like sort of selling my car. Speaker 1 00:51:19 Hmm. I don't know. I've heard bad things about selling cars between friends. Speaker 2 00:51:23 There are, there is. Yeah. I keep bringing this up and every time I do, uh, other people are like, you know, you shouldn't do that <laugh>, <laugh>. I'm like, yeah, but nobody else will buy it. <laugh>? No. Speaker 3 00:51:39 I kinda miss my old car. Speaker 2 00:51:42 The sob. Speaker 3 00:51:43 The sob. Speaker 2 00:51:43 Yes. Oh my gosh. Speaker 3 00:51:45 The one that we broke. Oops. Like the, the No Speaker 2 00:51:48 We didn't Purple top. If your dad's listening to this, it didn't, that's not what happened. <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:51:52 He's not gonna listen to this. Speaker 2 00:51:54 Please. Oh. Speaker 1 00:51:56 But that also reminds me, you know, I totally forgot about one of our core memories, Speaker 3 00:52:03 Um, when you ran into Hungry House, Speaker 1 00:52:05 <laugh>. Okay. Two of our core memories. Oh my gosh. First off since you brought it up. Yes. I once crashed into a hungry. Hows <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:52:15 Which is a nice, a nice pizza establishment Speaker 1 00:52:18 In here. Slippery. Do you know about Speaker 2 00:52:20 This? I do know about it, yeah. Okay. This story cracks. You tried to keep it about it <laugh> you tried to keep it quiet and, and it's like, this story's too good to keep Speaker 1 00:52:29 Quiet. So I, I had gone to pick a pizza and I pulled into the space and I was like, oh, I feel like I'm hanging out of the back of the space a little bit. I'm gonna edge forward a little bit, except for some reason I floored it. Uh, and I hit one of their cars on the way to hitting the wall. So luckily I hit a wall and not like, oh, we know, Speaker 2 00:52:52 But Speaker 1 00:52:52 I'm crying. Speaker 2 00:52:53 <laugh>, you did some damage. I'm crying too. <laugh>. So then I'm Speaker 3 00:52:58 Crying. You're my hero. Speaker 1 00:53:00 Thank you. Thank you. So, so then I had to back up and there was literally a discussion about like, did I hit the car twice? Speaker 2 00:53:12 Oh my gosh. Speaker 1 00:53:13 And we determined that. Did you Speaker 2 00:53:14 Do back into it? <laugh> Speaker 1 00:53:15 We determined that I had to have only hit it once because of the way the cars were angled. Like I hit it and then just like, kind of backed out instead of like hitting it a second time. Speaker 2 00:53:27 I love that. That's an unknown for you. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:53:30 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:31 I don't know if I hit it. Speaker 1 00:53:33 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:34 I drove into a building. That was the big Speaker 1 00:53:36 Thing. But I think the, the story spread didn't it? Because Jimmy worked at a Hungry Howie's. He Speaker 2 00:53:42 Did. He Speaker 3 00:53:42 Didn't work at the one that you hit though, Speaker 1 00:53:44 Did he? No, but I thought he said that someone like there, the, the story had been told that someone crashed into the one on 26th Street and you know. Oh. Speaker 3 00:53:54 Because I think that's how he found out it was you. Cuz he told me the story and I was like, oh yeah, that was Brian. Speaker 2 00:53:59 You know, word. Word got out. Speaker 1 00:54:00 Proud moment for me. Uh, was that the famous, famous, uh, I was the reason they then got like the parking blocks in the front <laugh>. So You're welcome. Hungry Howies. Except then they got rid of 'em. It's not even a Hungry Howies anymore. Speaker 2 00:54:16 Ah, Speaker 3 00:54:17 Nuh. Speaker 1 00:54:17 It's a bakery slash like food place. Speaker 3 00:54:22 Man. I miss hungry. He is. Speaker 1 00:54:24 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:54:25 I've been, I do too. I I actually thought it was like at the time pretty good and I liked all the variety that came with the C Crusts, but Speaker 1 00:54:32 Oh yeah. It's still good. Speaker 2 00:54:34 Well people, people these days are like, ugh, that's like just cheap college pizza. It's like, Speaker 1 00:54:39 Well that's cuz there was a hungry How's across from Barron? Speaker 2 00:54:42 Yeah. Like what else? Speaker 3 00:54:43 I'm okay with cheap college pizza though. Speaker 2 00:54:45 Yeah. Yeah, me too. I mean, uh, there was some bad pizza in Erie that I like they would give us for free at the school that actually I, I turned my nose up at. Ooh. Like, that's the only place where I did not like, I can only think of one, maybe two pizza experiences where I wouldn't eat it. I think it was where Speaker 1 00:55:05 I, Speaker 2 00:55:05 You I would say it was, uh, like dad's or something. It was something in Erie that they had and it was like cardboard. It was just so Speaker 1 00:55:14 Bad. I've literally never heard of that. Speaker 2 00:55:17 Hmm. It was a thicker, Speaker 3 00:55:17 I'm not gonna lie, I get really upset with like the pizza situation here. Like, everyone is so proud of Jersey Pizza and whatever. I just can't, I do not like it. It's terrible. Speaker 1 00:55:28 So what is Jersey Pizza? I should know this. Um, Speaker 3 00:55:31 I I think it's slimy and gross. I don't know that if you ask anybody from New Jersey, they're like so proud. Their pizza's the best. Blah, blah. I don't get it. Speaker 2 00:55:40 Well it's not New York. Speaker 3 00:55:43 I don't get it. Speaker 2 00:55:44 There's Speaker 1 00:55:44 Chicago. I didn't, there's like, apparently like St. Louis Pizza. I'm like, every city can't just have a pizza. Speaker 2 00:55:52 Yeah. We don't have room for this. Like, we can only know two types. Speaker 1 00:55:55 Yeah. It, it's like Chicago and New York. Uh, I just wanna be like, oh yeah, eerie pizza. Like what is an eerie pizza. Like, I don't know. According to slippery cardboard, apparently <laugh>. No. But the other core memory was when we went to visit you for your birthday. Speaker 3 00:56:14 Yes. Ah, that was the best. Speaker 1 00:56:17 So I don't remember. Didn't you only thought like two or three people were coming, right? Speaker 3 00:56:23 I was pretty sure it was only like Christine and Speaker 2 00:56:25 Staff. Maybe. I think Christine. So did she plan it? Speaker 1 00:56:30 Probably cuz she planned everything. Speaker 2 00:56:32 I think she did. Speaker 3 00:56:32 Yeah. So my birthday was over spring break and I grew up like an hour or whatever, south of Erie. So the Speaker 2 00:56:40 Big ooc Speaker 3 00:56:41 Came to visit me, Speaker 1 00:56:43 <laugh> the, the Speaker 3 00:56:43 Big O. We walked on a frozen lake and Speaker 1 00:56:45 Caught. We found out like after we were on the lake that we probably shouldn't have been on the lake. Speaker 2 00:56:52 Why? People Speaker 3 00:56:53 Used to do go ice fishing there all the time. Speaker 2 00:56:54 There were ice fishers actively on Speaker 1 00:56:56 It. Were there? Speaker 2 00:56:58 I think so. I don't Speaker 1 00:56:59 Think there were. Speaker 2 00:57:00 I tested for all of you. Speaker 1 00:57:01 I remember there's a video of you testing it Speaker 2 00:57:04 And, and really what's interesting is the area where we chose to step on was like the thinnest spot. Yeah. And it wasn't, it did actually move under our feet, which everyone says like, you know, don't do that. Don't walk on ice. You're not sure about Speaker 3 00:57:21 Enough Speaker 1 00:57:22 Of us. We're like, let's take an epic. Like the picture we took, it reminds me, there's an awesome picture we took. It's like a landscape, but it reminds me of like twilight. Like, cuz I don't know. I could see that I, I've never seen 'em, but I know there's like a twilight scene that takes place on like the ice and that's what it um, that's what I imagine. Um, but that was also cause we were in a bunch of different cars. So me, Evan, and Brett were in a car. I think we were driving over to the lake and uh, we got lost. And I don't know that these two things are actually connected, but I like to think they're, we were singing the Canadian national anthem as rounds or No. Oh my goodness. We were singing the Canadian National anthem and we were singing Row Your Boat as friends. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:58:10 Yeah. And there's no service down there. So there you would've been lost Speaker 1 00:58:13 For a long time. We, we got lost. Um, so I'd just like to, yeah, we got lost singing the Canadian National anthem. Speaker 3 00:58:20 Nice. Yeah. I don't know if I knew that part. Speaker 2 00:58:23 Yeah. No, Speaker 3 00:58:24 But I was in a Speaker 2 00:58:25 Different car, so Yeah. Probably everybody had like their unique adventure getting Speaker 1 00:58:29 There. I know if we, if you ask like everyone, it's like, oh yeah, I, I got lost in the woods. I don't know. <laugh> <laugh> Speaker 3 00:58:38 The middle of Speaker 1 00:58:39 Nowhere. I got lost in the middle of nowhere. Oh. But I don't know. I think that's all I've got for today. Anyone else? Speaker 3 00:58:48 No. This has been so fun though. I miss you guys. I know. I'm like so far away. I, people here are different <laugh>. It's not eerie. They're Speaker 2 00:58:56 Not, they're nice. We know New Jersey people Speaker 3 00:58:58 <laugh>. Yeah. It's just different. Speaker 1 00:59:01 Yeah. Well, I mean eventually, well, you know, we're all the class of 2015, aren't we? Speaker 2 00:59:09 Yes. Yep. Speaker 1 00:59:10 Yeah. So did they do college Speaker 3 00:59:12 Reunions of 15 <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:59:15 What Speaker 1 00:59:15 Do they do? College reunions? Speaker 2 00:59:18 Oh, I don't know. Speaker 1 00:59:19 Huh? We should just do like our own. Speaker 2 00:59:23 If they did do it, I would have no, probably no way of finding out about it. <laugh>. Like, it would be, it would be word of mouth. I'm, I'm completely dependent on that cuz I'm not connected to any like, alumni anything. Speaker 1 00:59:35 Yeah. I get, I'm not from the alumni association trying to get me to donate. I'm like, I donated my money Speaker 2 00:59:42 Yeah. Via loans and that's right. Payments. Speaker 1 00:59:46 Yeah. And via, you know, just tuition. Speaker 2 00:59:50 Right. Speaker 1 00:59:51 But I remember once they sent something that was like, Ohio State beat, Penn State and donations. We need to beat them. And I was like, oh no. What do we do? Oh. Speaker 2 01:00:02 Oh no. <laugh>. Speaker 4 01:00:03 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:00:07 Yeah. I, I got them to stop calling me after this is like the angriest, this is the last thing for me. <laugh>. I swear I, I got like the fifth phone call in a row in two days asking for money. And it's like, I, I gave this person an earful about how I paid tuition and I don't owe anything and they need to stop calling me and yada yada yada. But I got like loud on the phone, which I don't normally do. I never do this only with the cable company. Do I do that? <laugh>. And Speaker 1 01:00:36 So maybe that's what you need to do when we're podcasting. Speaker 2 01:00:39 Yeah. Just, just get worked up about my bills. Speaker 1 01:00:43 <laugh> Speaker 4 01:00:43 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:00:46 Yeah. But they have not called me since I, I was like, you know what, if you call me again, it's not gonna be good for you. Speaker 3 01:00:52 <laugh>. Okay. This is gonna sound silly, but I feel a little neglected. I've never gotten a phone call. Speaker 1 01:00:55 Really? I've never gotten a phone call either. Actually. I just gotten mail. Speaker 2 01:01:00 Oh my gosh. Speaker 3 01:01:01 Maybe you're just getting scammed. Speaker 2 01:01:02 No, no. It was legit. I know it was legit <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:01:07 But they also tried to sell you furniture. Like you would get these catalogs. It was like, oh, Penn State alumni buy this chair with a Penn State logo on it. And you're like, why would I want that? I don't know. Speaker 3 01:01:22 The only Penn State thing I've ever really wanted since graduating was like a little onesie for the babies, but I've never actually got it. Man. That's, I was too cheap. Speaker 1 01:01:33 <laugh> <laugh>. I have like a Penn State hat. That's it. Speaker 2 01:01:37 The barren thing is like, you're, you're like grudgingly a part of, of Penn State. Yeah. You're not really, Speaker 1 01:01:44 Uh, it's like Barron is way better than Penn State. Speaker 3 01:01:47 Oh, I specify to everyone. I tell that I graduated from the Barron campus. Speaker 1 01:01:51 Yep. And it's like, thanks Penn State for the nice name on my degree. Um Right. That's basically how I feel. Speaker 3 01:01:58 I've never even been to main campus. Speaker 1 01:02:00 No, me neither. Wow. Speaker 2 01:02:02 Um, make the, make the rimage. I like, Speaker 3 01:02:05 I kind of wanna go once and I'd love to go to like a football game, but then at the same time, like, it just seems like a lot of work. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:02:11 Would Speaker 2 01:02:12 You, you should go to the football Speaker 1 01:02:13 Game. They'd be like, who are you? And I'd be like, better than you cuz I went to it's like a class thing. <laugh> Speaker 3 01:02:25 Oh my goodness. Speaker 1 01:02:26 No, my life. I would not say that, but I it would definitely be You think it. I would think it, but I wouldn't say it twists, mustache <laugh>. I could. It's my mustache is very twisty right now. Um, but anyway, I think that's gonna do it. Special thanks to Molly Beth Shaver for joining us as our first ever guest. Speaker 3 01:02:47 Oh, thanks for having me. This has been so fun. Speaker 1 01:02:49 We will have you back at some point possible with Jimmy too. Speaker 3 01:02:53 Uh, yes, that would be perfect. Speaker 1 01:02:55 So I am Brian, I'm Slippery. And Speaker 3 01:02:59 I'm Speaker 1 01:02:59 Molly back. And this has been snorkeling with Narwhals.

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