The 2nd of July: Revenge of the Slippy

Episode 3 July 02, 2022 01:09:40
The 2nd of July: Revenge of the Slippy
Snorkeling With Narwhals
The 2nd of July: Revenge of the Slippy

Jul 02 2022 | 01:09:40


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Brian and Slippy return with a barely holiday-themed episode. Join them as they discuss movies, drive-ins, why they've been gone for so long, their favorite YouTubers, and their thoughts on "Obi-Wan Kenobi." There may even be a song in the episode, who knows?

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:11 Hey everyone. I'm Brian Speaker 2 00:00:13 And I'm Slippery. Speaker 1 00:00:14 And this is Snorkeling with Narwhals. Brian and Slippery are back again. It's been almost two and a half months, but they're back again and they're recording another show. It's been a while. I don't know any anymore words. Anyway, I told you to be ready for that, so Speaker 2 00:00:36 I was hoping for a wrap, honestly. Speaker 1 00:00:38 Oh, well, I'm not, I'm not that talented. Speaker 2 00:00:41 Not Speaker 1 00:00:41 Yet. Not yet. Speaker 2 00:00:42 Maybe next Speaker 1 00:00:43 Episode. Next episode. When we have our rap battle with Robert Turk. Speaker 2 00:00:48 Ooh, you're gonna tease at the front. Speaker 1 00:00:51 No, I mean, we're, we're gonna try to, we're gonna try to get a guest for next episode. We've been trying to work something out with him for a while, but we're actually recording on the 2nd of July. Uh, it is a holiday weekend. This episode will come out on the holiday weekend, perhaps on the holiday, if we want to get those, those listens. Um, perhaps on the Sunday. I haven't decided yet because I live my life 10 seconds at a time like Vin Diesel in the Fast and the Furious. Um, Speaker 2 00:01:21 I'm sure there, that's the similarities extend beyond that as well. Speaker 1 00:01:25 Is it 10 seconds or 12 seconds? Speaker 2 00:01:28 Uh, it, it's 10 seconds cuz that's a, that's the quarter mile run. Speaker 1 00:01:32 Okay. Time. Yeah. Or no, it's e it's a quarter mile at a time. That's what he says. Speaker 2 00:01:36 Quarter mile at a time. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:01:37 Well, 10 seconds, quarter Mile. It all evens out in the end. Also. Uh, watch the Eighth. Fast and Furious. It's incredible. Speaker 2 00:01:45 I haven't seen it. Speaker 1 00:01:46 Oh my gosh. It's incredible. It's so ridiculous. They fight a submarine. Oh my gosh. Yeah. It's, uh, it's over the top, but not over the top in a, the way that the ninth one was where they went to space. Speaker 2 00:02:00 Spoiler alert. They fight a tank all the way back in, like the, what was it, the sixth one? Speaker 1 00:02:06 I think it's the sixth one. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:08 It's where Speaker 1 00:02:09 They fight the Evans Speaker 2 00:02:11 Whenever they did that. I mean, it's, at that point you're like, the sky's the limit. And, and now the sky is not the limit. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:02:17 The sky's not the limit. The atmosphere is not the limit. Right. Um, also the best part is that the people that helped them get to space in the ninth one were the people from Tokyo Drift, which has absolutely nothing to do with, Speaker 2 00:02:32 With the rest of the series Speaker 1 00:02:34 Even. Or with the rest of the series. Yeah. Um, great series. Well, not a great series. It's a fun series. The first couple you're like, all right, like heist driving movies. They're fun. They're definitely from the, the early two thousands. Uh, then they start to get a little more over the top and then they just get so ridiculous where you're like, this is amazing. And then we'll see if this 10th one that's gonna be coming out can kind of get back. Cuz the ninth one was not very good, I didn't think. Speaker 2 00:03:04 Um, so I don't think, I don't think this is entirely off theme with 4th of July. You know, they're, they are. I was shocked whenever I first found out that this series is one of the more, like one of the highest grossing, if not the highest grossing series, unless you count like the whole of the Avengers, um, movies in it. Like of all time. It's high up. They make a ton of money. They do. Um, and it's, it's shocking to me, cuz to me they're not that good. I didn't know there were that many fans of the movies. Like, I, you know, I loosely kept up with Fast and Furious, but I wasn't like, I'm not an avid fan. I don't go to the theaters to see them. Uh, but they're, so I think what it is, is they're so ridiculous. Almost like the Expendables. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and there is some crossover there. Uh, you know, there Speaker 1 00:03:53 Is some Jason Statham. There Speaker 2 00:03:55 Is. Um, you know, it's, it's so American, basically. Speaker 1 00:04:00 It is. It's like, it's the stereotypical when you think like me. Speaker 2 00:04:03 Yeah. But movie stars, guns, you know, cars. The whole cars, the whole yards cars. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:09 Yeah. Like, what else could you want? Uh, they're, they're fun though. I think that's what drew me to them was that I, well I saw Hobbs and Shaw, the spinoff with, um, the Rock and Jason's Statham. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was like, wow, this movie is so over the top. And I was like, well, let's watch. I think I just, one day, like it was on sale on Amazon and you know, I do this. Speaker 2 00:04:32 You do You collect, Speaker 1 00:04:34 I collect. So it was like eight movie collection. I was like, uh, yes, please. So that's how I got into the Fast and Furious. And I think over the past, I think the, like a year ago I watched, uh, the first eight, cuz I never, I had seen like the first one in a cabin, like on vacation when I was like nine years old. I remembered almost nothing about it. Um, but yeah, we weren't even supposed to start this episode talking about the Fast and the Furious <laugh> No movie Speaker 2 00:05:03 Talk about Talk Quickly. We, we Speaker 1 00:05:04 Do. That's point number four. But anyway, I guess the point of Fast and The Furious is Happy 4th of July America. Speaker 2 00:05:13 That's right. Speaker 1 00:05:14 And, you know, I would also just like to take this time to celebrate our victory over the aliens that came to invade in 1996. Uh, will Smith and Jeff Goldblum defeated them along with Bill Pullman and Randy Quaid. Speaker 2 00:05:29 And never Speaker 1 00:05:30 Forget, never forget it was a great time, great time to be alive. Speaker 2 00:05:35 Will Smith smacked them all the way back to Speaker 1 00:05:37 <laugh> wherever they back his face? Speaker 2 00:05:39 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:40 Did you ever see the second one though? Speaker 2 00:05:42 No, I didn't. Speaker 1 00:05:43 You Speaker 2 00:05:44 Probably sure shouldn't. I'm sure it's not worth it. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:05:45 It's so, it's cool cuz it has Jeff Goldblum in it and it has Bill Pullman at a time when like, they weren't really leading men anymore cuz it came out in 2016. Um, and it was kind of in the middle of, of the Jeff Goldblum renaissance cuz he's kind of everywhere now. Uh, but Bill Pullman, you're like, you're not really leading movies anymore. And they try to have like Liam Hemsworth in it, who's always cool. Um, yeah. And they ha you know, there's like the son of Will Smith's character, but they didn't have Will Smith. And you're like, mom, this movie is acceptable. I saw it at a drive-in, along with the Secret Life of pets and it was acceptable. Speaker 2 00:06:23 Oh, we've never talked about drive-ins. What a great experience. You know, Speaker 1 00:06:27 I've been to them. Speaker 2 00:06:27 It's usually inex, inexpensive, you can see two, sometimes three movies if you're like at a crazy one. Yeah. Where they, where they air into the, into the morning. Um, yeah. And the environment is is not like anywhere else. And it, it may, I'll I'll punch a theory out there that I have no research behind. I would guess this is also on theme. I think it's very American. Speaker 1 00:06:53 Yeah, Speaker 2 00:06:53 I bet, I bet they don't have drive-in theaters in Russia. Speaker 1 00:06:58 <laugh>, we were talking about Russia pre-show. Uh, I didn't know it was gonna make it into the show <laugh>, but I don't know. I'm sure they've got drive-ins elsewhere. I mean, yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:09 Maybe. I I know cinema is so big here. Anyway, I I just assumed that like, the strange nuanced iterations of, of theaters and, and viewing movies is probably more exclusive to the states than it is other countries. But, Speaker 1 00:07:27 Hey, I don't know. I mean, with all the research research we do on this show, you said sarcastically, we should have figured that out by now. But Speaker 2 00:07:34 Turns out if you go to the Wikipedia page, it's like invented in, you know, Poland Speaker 1 00:07:41 <laugh>, right? Speaker 2 00:07:42 They, they don't even have regular movie theaters there. They're all drives. Speaker 1 00:07:46 They're like, what do you mean drive in? Like that's, that's just what we do. Poland, Canada, you Speaker 2 00:07:53 Know. What do you mean? You don't have to bring your own seat? <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:07:56 Right? Yeah. It's like here in America. Like, we drive up to our movies like well sometimes, right. Um, I've only been to two drive-ins. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> but one, and they were decent experiences. One, I was trying to hit on someone and like, it didn't, you know, that whole experience didn't end up working. I'll tell you who later. You slippy not, not the audience. They Speaker 2 00:08:22 Not the world know that. Speaker 1 00:08:23 Yeah. Um, Speaker 2 00:08:24 Dates are that way. Speaker 1 00:08:26 Well, it wasn't, it wasn't for a date. It was like a group thing. But they happened to be there. Speaker 2 00:08:30 Oh, there Speaker 1 00:08:30 You go. All right. And I remember I brought them, uh, we stopped at a gas station beforehand and I, I bought a code red and a voltage cuz you know, I love my Mountain Dew. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, uh, I think I gave them the code red cause I couldn't give up the voltage, but if I'd given up the Innu Speaker 2 00:08:47 Voltage <laugh> <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:08:51 Maybe edit that out. No, that's, you know, how I feel about editing that's staying in the episode. <laugh>, I gave them the legitimate bottle of Code Red to drink. We'll say that. Um, as like a, an offering like, Hey, I'm interested in you. Um, again, didn't end up working out, but the moral of this story, as you know, we, we didn't even make it, you know, in our notes, we have notes. It says 4th of July very briefly. Yeah. And we're probably on minute, like 10 of Fast and the Furious Drive-ins and Mountain Dew based innuendos. But, um, Speaker 2 00:09:33 It's been a little bit though, so we, we Speaker 1 00:09:35 Had some No, it's been, well, it's been like, I think Easter was the last time an episode came out. So I guess we only released on major holidays, but That's right. We, we missed a couple. Um, Speaker 2 00:09:44 I had a, I had a trip in there. You know, we, we've been, we've been all over the map as far as scheduling Speaker 1 00:09:50 Goes. So yeah, we'll get a little into why we've been out. But, um, real quick, I will just say never go to a drive-in when you have to work the next day because oh, the one near Eerie, uh, they don't start till the sun goes down, which in the middle of summer is like nine o'clock. So you don't get out of these movies till like two o'clock. And I remember, I think the one time it was on a Friday and I had to work at seven in the morning washing dishes the next, so it was washing dishes. Like I didn't, you know, it wasn't like, I mean, I, I could wash dishes in my sleep, but, uh, it was basically like, get home at two 30, go to work at seven. And then the other time I think I had to work cleaning dorms, uh, which does require more than washing dishes. Speaker 1 00:10:44 It requires more thought for me. I sucked at cleaning dorms. Shout out to all the housekeepers at Barron. Uh, you were way better than me. I don't know why they thought I was good at it, but, um, that one at least, you know, you would be cleaning a room alone half the time, so you could just pretend like you were doing stuff, but mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So Yeah. Never go to a drive-in, um, when you have to work the next day. Cuz it's, it loses some of the luster. Cause you're like, oh my gosh, this movie needs to end. Um, Speaker 2 00:11:14 Right. You start, you start to like, when you're internal clock hits a certain point, you're like, oh my gosh, I'm, I'm in trouble. Speaker 1 00:11:21 <laugh>. Yeah. So the second time I went, that was, uh, the Secret Life of Pets and Independence Day. The first time I went was Muppet's Most Wanted and Maleficent because they also all, they tend to show, Speaker 2 00:11:33 They tend to be family Speaker 1 00:11:34 Friendly. Family friendly or like, yeah. Like young teen friendly. Like Independence Day is not a kids movie, but there's really nothing wrong with it. Um, so yeah. Drive-ins Fast and The Furious Independence Day. America, America <laugh>, uh, no, but, so it has been, what, about two and a half months since we recorded an episode? Uh, you took a trip Speaker 2 00:12:01 Sure. Did Speaker 1 00:12:02 To Europe. Speaker 2 00:12:03 Crossed the ocean for the first time. Speaker 1 00:12:05 Yeah. I've never done that. Well, yeah, I've, Speaker 2 00:12:08 I've been out of the country, uh, a number of times to Canada, but you know, like most people, most people don't really consider this international. Uh, but yeah, we went to Italy and um, obviously had a blast. Uh, it was great trip. Interesting to see Europe kind of, you know, just one country, but still, um, yeah, very, uh, I guess educational for me to see the world's cool. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:36 Um, and Speaker 2 00:12:37 Then I also got Covid there. Speaker 1 00:12:38 Yeah, you got Covid there. And then I think right after, or like a little after there, I didn't get it, but, uh, there was covid in my household, um, which then, I mean, like, everyone is fine. So like, I, I don't want to get into their privacy, but, um, it kind of sent my o c D off. Um, so there have been things that I've been avoiding that maybe I could have like, you know, touched them. I'm still avoiding a certain area that I just, you know, I don't wanna touch it. Um, Speaker 2 00:13:18 Term central, Speaker 1 00:13:19 It's probably like, it's, it's been a month since the whole situation went down. Yeah. So it's more than likely fine, but mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like, if, I don't know, I'm a little hesitant. So, um, yeah, there's just that. But, so that has comprised about two months, your trip and then my whole situation, um, you know, with with Covid in the house and me getting back to normal, like not being afraid of my house. Um, which again, some of it, you know, could be performative. Some of it could be like, there's legit, like, you know, I, I'm one of those people where it's like, oh, look at me. I have O C D. Um, but I also do have O C d <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:14:06 Right? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:14:07 Um, so it's a, it's, it's a combo of things. But, uh, we actually do have a topic, a couple topics for today's show. Sure do. I don't even know what minute we're on. Uh, Speaker 2 00:14:20 Uh, we're probably 20 minutes. Speaker 1 00:14:22 It's like 15 to 20 minutes. Yeah. We'll see how that comes out in the actual, like, you're listening and they're like, huh. They said they were at 20 minutes, they're only at 15. Like, just shuts it off immediately. <laugh>. But we are going to talk about other probably more successful content creators, uh, in some of our favorite YouTubers. So, slippery, would you like to get started? Speaker 2 00:14:46 Uh, absolutely. Um, so I, I didn't realize this, but I, on my YouTube, I have 80, I'm subscribed Speaker 1 00:14:56 To 80 different channels. My gosh. Or 81 subscribed to like maybe 10. And I don't even like view half of them. Speaker 2 00:15:04 Well, I, you know, I can't, obviously you can't keep up with 81. It's just like at some point, and I probably need to clean it up, you know, at some point I just click the subscribe button, you know, I was like loosely interested in their music or, you know, the take on something. Speaker 1 00:15:18 So I learned too that I don't know if they still do it, but at one point YouTube was doing where if you watched like enough videos from someone, they, they just subscribed to you automatically. Speaker 2 00:15:26 Auto automatically. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So YouTube has, has changed over the years, um, in that way, you know, like now YouTubers like, the big thing is like, like subscribe, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, get the notification button, blah, blah, blah. Speaker 1 00:15:41 That's the big one. Now. The notification button. Speaker 2 00:15:44 Yeah. I think apparently, well, I mean, the statistics show, like if you, if you get the notification, you typically will click on it because that means it goes away. And if you click on it, then they get a view. Yep. And most of these guys make their money on views and advertising and, you know, it's just that cycle. Everyone knows it. Um, but yeah. So 81, uh, I'm subscribed to you. I just happen to be scrolling through the list here and I see Brian McKay's, Speaker 1 00:16:12 You're, oh. So I was like, I was like, not snorkeling with Narwals. You're actually subscribed to Brian McKay. Speaker 2 00:16:17 Sure. Speaker 1 00:16:18 I am. Uh, click on that. Are there any videos? There might be one. Speaker 2 00:16:22 I don't know. There is, there's something called Testing. Testing. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:16:26 <laugh>. Yep. I thought that might or that, or, uh, Brian's just guessing. There were a couple times I tried to plan doing a YouTube channel. Uh, I had lofty goals apparently. Um, and I did not follow through with 'em. So, Speaker 2 00:16:44 Well, it's, it's a fun platform. You know, it's, I have, I have my own like channel I guess. And I uploaded a couple of silly things, but it's, it's always like, I'm gonna be the one who comes up with a unique bit of content. Right. Right. That's the idea. It's like, my idea is, is uniquely mine. And then Speaker 1 00:17:02 It's like, you know, we have, that's Speaker 2 00:17:04 YouTube. Speaker 1 00:17:04 Like we have snorkeling with nas. It's like, well, we're already like copying how many people mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, Speaker 2 00:17:11 Well how many have that name though? Speaker 1 00:17:14 Oh, none. When you look up snorkeling with Narwhals, you actually find like trips to snorkel with narwhals and like swim with them. Speaker 2 00:17:22 Are you serious? This is an event. You could Speaker 1 00:17:25 Do this. I think, unless I'm making it up swimming with them, at least. I don't think you can snorkel with them. I don't know. I'd Speaker 2 00:17:33 Be, I would actually be quite scared Speaker 1 00:17:35 To do that. We're not gonna Google it and leave it up to the imagination. Yeah. Well it would be scary to snorkel with an nawal because what if they stabbed you? Right. Speaker 2 00:17:43 They have giant spears Speaker 1 00:17:44 On. I mean, that's how I'd want to go, but like, Speaker 2 00:17:47 Yeah, I was, I would think that that's on your bucket list Speaker 1 00:17:50 Gets sped by an nawal. Well Speaker 2 00:17:52 That's, that's the end. That's at the bottom of the bucket. That's when you Speaker 1 00:17:56 Kick it. If I had to die, it would be getting spreed by an nawal or getting, getting beaten by a giraffe. Do you know how giraffes will like, fight each other and they'll hit each other with their necks? Speaker 2 00:18:09 They also kick, uh, you're more at like the kicking Speaker 1 00:18:12 Level. Yeah, but I'd, I'd rather get like beaten by a giraffe's neck. <laugh> <laugh>. Anyway, uh, I cut you off at one point, just like, while you were talking and sent us down that room, so Speaker 2 00:18:24 Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, so, so Brian is, is one of the channels. Um, but yeah, I, the, the overall makeup I think I sort of mentioned is, is mostly music related, so, okay. You know, like if I'm just scrolling through, it's various YouTube cover artists, uh, like Boyce Avenue has been Yes. Boson One Speaker 1 00:18:42 Avenue. I was gonna ask Speaker 2 00:18:43 You longest running ones. Yeah, chase Eagleson. You know, there's, there's a few in here that are just, uh, just like that and really the content, like Voice Avenue. I remember I was subscribed to them. I'll be a little hipster about it, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like 10 years ago. Yeah. And, um, YouTube made them, and then I actually saw them in concert. Um, Speaker 1 00:19:07 Were they good? Speaker 2 00:19:08 They were good. Yeah. They sound just like their videos though. Yeah. That's what's funny about it. And I, whenever I see somebody live, I kind of want them to be a little less of the recording noise. People are different on this. So some people want to go and they're like, I want the music to sound exactly like it does on the radio. And I'm like, if it's that way, I wouldn't go to the concert. I just turn on Speaker 1 00:19:30 The stream. Yeah. But, um, I think there's a fine line because I think I'm more along those lines where I would rather they sound like they sound on their cd cuz that tells me then that either they're lip syncing or which I, I doubt, but, or Speaker 2 00:19:47 That No, they're, they weren't. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:19:48 Or that they're actually that good. Um, I do remember, I don't know if you went to this, did you go to the TobyMac concert at Speaker 2 00:20:00 No, I've never seen him. I, I'm sure he was good. Speaker 1 00:20:03 He was good. But it was one of those festival type lineups. Actually NF was there, which was, it was like before he was like really famous. Speaker 2 00:20:11 No. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:20:12 Um, but they, they spent like every act before Toby Mac trying to get the sound right. <laugh>. Oh my gosh. Um, so the sound sounds Speaker 2 00:20:22 Like Speaker 1 00:20:23 The Yeah, the sound for, it's like, they're like, oh my gosh, we gotta get the headliner. Right. At least. And the speaker. But it was like, for the, for some of the bands, it's like you couldn't really hear what was going on. And that's the other side of like, you don't want it to sound like a bootleg. Um, no. Reliant K released a couple, actually these were on vinyl. They sense released them on digital, which makes me kind of mad cuz I, I have them on vinyl and recorded them to digital of, of like live recordings. And um, they, they kind of sound like people have even commented, like, they sound like boot legs. Like they sound like there was someone in the back like recording it. Uh, editing they, yeah. They don't sound live editing. Yeah. Like they don't sound like a real live recording or you, you know how like, if, if a van releases a live recording, like it's prepared differently I would assume. Like Speaker 2 00:21:20 I think so. Yeah. I I mean there's, you know, it kind of depends on what you're doing there. But, um, like Jack White is famous for, and he's a, he's a, a person who I did see live and, um, does sound different than his recordings cuz he intentionally like, puts things into, uh, his live music that is not that's cool. Not normal, but Yeah. He's famous for like, um, recording live onto vinyl. Like they press it while they're playing. Yeah. Um, which is insane. That Speaker 1 00:21:51 Is insane. I love it. Speaker 2 00:21:53 Like, you have to get it right and the little mistakes are in there. Yep. Um, so yeah, he's, he's sort of famous for that, but, so that's like the, you know, of course it's like the purest artistic form. Right. We're we're like so good that we can do it that way. Speaker 1 00:22:08 They claim I've listened to vinyls. I don't know. Speaker 2 00:22:12 Yeah. And, you know, that's the way it used to be done. Really. That's what it is, is he's, uh, insult my, uh, my favorite musician. He's a Luddite <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:22:22 He just, yeah. Okay. Speaker 2 00:22:24 Sticking with the, you know, like the 1920s in the way that you Speaker 1 00:22:28 Just see someone in the back with like the record play where you had to like crank it. Like, all right, I'm listening to this, this album. But, so Jack White. That's, that's interesting. I think the, I guess I should have pulled up mine too. Um, but I think I followed the Digital Age on YouTube, which is the opposite of a, uh, an artist who, like, they embraced, they were a Christian band, an offshoot of the David Crowder band. Um, that they used a lot of technology in their stuff. Like they, they used like The Drum. I don't know if you, did you listen to them? Speaker 2 00:23:08 I think, yeah. So I think that the digital age, my quick take on them is their early stuff. Whenever they were basically covering Crowder was really good. Um, I enjoyed it for a time mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then it, I, I just like got tired of it cuz it's the same sound over and over Speaker 1 00:23:23 Again. See, I I, I loved them. Actually I did the opposite, like their first rehearsals ep. I was like, eh, it's fine. You know, it's got a couple nice songs on it. Their CD Evening Morning is great though. Speaker 2 00:23:35 Um, I don't think I've listened Speaker 1 00:23:36 To that, that they do a cover of, and here we're, we're showing off our Christian Roots <laugh>. Everyone's probably like, who is the digital age and why I Speaker 2 00:23:46 Find, right. What is the <laugh>? What is this artist? Why aren't we not talking about Coldplay Speaker 1 00:23:50 <laugh>? Right. Um, but they do a cover of all the porn powerless, which was really good. Hmm. Um, done by all sons and daughters, which for those who don't know us, they, Speaker 2 00:24:01 I have no respect for <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:03 That is a Christian. There was a duo, it was kinda like a folk duo. And we once played almost an entire CD of theirs in college on the radio. Um, we were like, it was so rough that and no cuz they're very talented and they're very good songwriters. Like they're good. You just can't listen to a whole CD at once. And we're, it's the only time in that show, cuz I had a show where I would play a full cd. It was the only time that we were like, do you think anyone will notice if we don't play the last song? And we just kind of didn't play the last song because we couldn't bear it anymore. Speaker 2 00:24:44 It's like, you know, if a tree falls in a forest and nobody's there to hear it, <laugh> then doesn't make a noise. It falls your daughters release a an album with 10 songs on it. Does anybody know, if people look Speaker 1 00:24:58 Track, like, wait a minute, there's an 11th troll Speaker 2 00:25:00 <laugh>. It turns out that eight of the tracks are, are just blank Speaker 1 00:25:05 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:25:07 No, they just actually only recorded the first Speaker 1 00:25:09 Two <laugh>. Sorry to roast them. Uh, I know one of them has, I think they're both solo now. Um, I have not checked out their music, so I cannot, I cannot say what they're like. Um, and I don't want to like disrespect a Christian artist who's trying to do their thing and spread their message. But personally, like the music was not great. Um, right. Like object, you know, subjectively, I guess subjectively like listening to them is not that pleasant of an experience, Speaker 2 00:25:39 But, well, that's kind of like Christian music for even still, but for Generations was really mostly trash from like a, a musical standpoint. Speaker 1 00:25:48 The production in like the nineties was really bad, Speaker 2 00:25:51 Really, really bad. Right. Uh, song. There were some people who still listen to it because like it's meaningful Yeah. In their, in their lives. But like, other than that, there's no reason to have listened to it. And now, like the production quality of it is pretty good. Yeah. Across the board. It's getting better at least. Speaker 1 00:26:07 Yeah. It's like, it's like, I, I mean I still, I I listen to kind more of a mix than I used to, but, um, I know you want to tell people, it's like, you know, it's not, don't think of just like the generic old music that you, you think of. Um, which is why I liked the Digital Age, because they were actually, like, they have a video on YouTube. Um, the song is fall afresh. And one of their members, mark Waldrop, he goes by Mark the Shark. He follows me on Twitter. We've spoken on Twitter, uh, I'm famous, but, but he, in the same song, he's playing a little bit on a keyboard mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he's playing a drum pad and then he pulls out his guitar and is playing. So, uh, I, I like artists like that who, like, they, I mean, you see exactly what they're doing and there's four of them and they're all like, you know, some of 'em have got multiple instruments going and it's really cool to watch. Um, so yeah, I think that's the only music I follow on YouTube or I'm subscribed to, which I don't think they're a band anymore, so I don't think I'm gonna be getting any, uh, any more info or any more videos from 'em. What I do tend to watch more of is cinema sins. Hmm. I don't know how you f uh, if you follow them or how you are with them. Speaker 2 00:27:33 I don't, I I'm completely unfamiliar you, you've caught me Speaker 1 00:27:37 Flatfooted. Okay. So what they do, and they've been around for about 10 years, is it started out more as like nit like their, I think their first video is everything wrong with The Amazing Spider-Man. And it was like three minutes long and they would just notice like inconsistencies between shots. Like, oh, hey, the clock says it's 11 o'clock, and then the next frame the clock says it's like 1110. Like, and it's the same scene. Um, or like, hey, there's a lot of Sony product placement in this Sony movie, which they are notorious for. But eventually they kind of, the videos got longer and like, they got to like 10 minutes now. I think they're at like 20 minutes, but they're very nitpicky and they, it's, I don't know, they, they claim that it's like, you know, kind of tongue in cheek criticism, but mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it also feels like they're just nitpicking. Speaker 1 00:28:32 But I like watching 'em kind of, and this is not a ringing endorsement, uh, kind of as like, background or kind of just like, like, oh ha. That was a funny remark. Um, but they did, like, they did the Fate of the Furious to, to tie it in like a professional, uh, to the earlier segment. And they have a sin counter. Like each, each thing is a sin for like, each thing is a sin. Yeah. Like each comment is a sin and they break it for the fate of the Furious. Like, it's broken and it's just like, it's up in the corner, glitching out and they're like, oh my gosh, it's dead. Because there's just so much that's ridiculous and over the top in that movie that like, they couldn't take it anymore. Um, so those are fun that I like those. And I like the Screen Junkies Honest Trailers videos. Uh, I haven't really watched any for a while, but yeah, screen the, there, those are more fun criticism because it's distilled into like a four minute video. Uh, whereas, you know, the cinema sins go longer, but do you do any movie criticism or movie? Speaker 2 00:29:38 No, I was gonna say it's, I'm scrolling through here. I, I, um, there is one called, and maybe you've found this, um, lifer. Speaker 1 00:29:47 No, never Speaker 2 00:29:48 Heard of it. Schleifer 28 12. It's a strange channel, um, where basically after various series come out, they will do like a, almost like a post-release trailer, um, with a theme. So like, they did it for the Avengers and it'll be all about, let's say Ironman. Right. Speaker 1 00:30:08 Okay. Speaker 2 00:30:09 And, uh, it'll be a five minute video and it'll just be shots from the various movies. And it'll be around a theme of like, um, sacrifice, Speaker 1 00:30:19 Let's say. Okay. Speaker 2 00:30:20 Uh, and so it'll be, you know, Tony Stark's like sacrifices through all of the films. Okay. And it'll just be basically that over and over and it's very artfully done. Um, so I recommend that channel for sure. It's That's cool. It's cool for a variety of interests. Like, I don't watch all of the videos there, it's really just for, you know, the series that I'm interested in. But he just did one, he or she, I guess, uh, did one for Kenobi, um, ah, which we'll talk about later. Speaker 1 00:30:50 Yeah. We will be talking about Obiwan Kenobi. Speaker 2 00:30:53 Um, that was pretty good. So yeah, check that channel out for sure. Speaker 1 00:30:57 Um, you can also, you know, I think I'm subscribed to it, I should be the snorkeling with Narwals YouTube page. Uh, back when the show first started, we actually did like video episodes. Like it was video and audio. Uh, there's 10 of them with, with my good buddy Ronnie Cox. Um, he's in most of 'em. Those were all produced by my friend Eric Brown, who the, these are both people that I want to have on at some point cuz they're wonderful humans. Yeah. But, um, and they both went to Barron, but Speaker 2 00:31:32 Of course, Speaker 1 00:31:33 I'm trying to think if I've, oh, there's one more that I had that I did want to bring up. <laugh>. Do you watch or have, have you ever heard of Bruce Stew films? Speaker 2 00:31:43 No. Speaker 1 00:31:43 <laugh>. Okay. Speaker 2 00:31:44 What is that? Speaker 1 00:31:45 So I was originally introduced to him by, I think my sister-in-law actually was the one who posted the video, cuz it was about Pokemon cards. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, and she likes Pokemon, I think, and I can't remember for sure, but she eventually had to take it. She took it down because she was a teacher at the time and she didn't want the parents. Like, cuz this guy swears a lot in his videos. Um, but what he, he's like 29 or 30 years old and most of his videos are about growing up in the nineties or just like being an adult now. Mm-hmm. So he's basically our age. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and they're just really funny videos where like, he's had ones about going to Blockbuster and he, like the, the guy found one copy of Pokemon Stadium, uh, for the N 64 that he was able to rent and his dad just never took it back. And Blockbuster, he's like, well, you know, they eventually collapsed. So, uh, I just got Pokemon Stadium like forever. Speaker 2 00:32:50 He's the re he's the reason <laugh>, but there's, it collapsed because of things like Speaker 1 00:32:55 That. Yeah. There's that one, there's one about helping people move and how it's literally the worst thing you can do. He's like, he, he talks about a billiard table and it's like, if you ever want a billiard table, uh, put the billiard table there, build the house and then you're good. Cuz like trying to move a billiard table. Speaker 2 00:33:11 Don't try and take it with Speaker 1 00:33:13 You. No. Like, it's ridiculous. And my brother actually, when he moved and they left the table there, cuz Yeah. There's, there's no easy way to move a billiard table. Pull table. I'm pulling up a billiard table slate. Speaker 2 00:33:25 You're you are. But like, I'm Speaker 1 00:33:26 Fancy, fancy guy. Speaker 2 00:33:27 I mean, it's a, it's a big, there's a big slab of stone that's underneath the felt. Um, Speaker 1 00:33:32 Yeah. I guess I've never really thought of what was under it. Speaker 2 00:33:35 Yeah, it's typically, I think it's S slate, uh, that's under there. They weigh a ton. Obviously they're supposed to be extremely stable. Like Yeah. You know, people aren't, you're not supposed to lean against it, but like they are built for that. Yeah. Um, they shouldn't like move whenever you touch them, so, Speaker 1 00:33:52 But yeah, he's got, I'm actually, he has a Patreon and I, I did, uh, I did support it. I don't think I, I did for quite a while, but I did it so that one of his, the tears, one of the rewards was to be drawn into a video. Uh, that's so I am in one, not my voice or like, I'm not involved in it at all, but like, I appear as an extra in cartoon form. Uh, I've got my glasses, I've got my beard, and I've got my beloved and Lost Forever Green Power Ranger Beanie. Speaker 2 00:34:28 Ah, Speaker 1 00:34:29 Dude, that hat I miss it so much. The Speaker 2 00:34:30 Beanie, Speaker 1 00:34:31 You know, the, you know the beanie right? Speaker 2 00:34:33 I do. I remember it well. Speaker 1 00:34:35 So, so people listening, I had a Green Ranger beanie that was the coolest hat in the world. It was like going winter hat. It was green. It had the Power Ranger white diamonds, like in the top part. And like it had, instead of a logo or anything in the front, it had the Green Ranger's, uh, powerco. Coolest thing in the world. I lost it on a date. Uh, it was at the movie Theater, theater three. I will forever remember it. It was that Tinseltown, it was theater three. Um, went to see, I never remember which one is the documentary and which one's the movie. I think it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The Mr. Rogers movie with Tom Hanks. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and it was one of those things where I was like, at the time I was like, eh, well I probably left it in the car. Like I tried to look for it. I was like, I probably left it in the car. Or I was like, yeah, whatever. I lost the hat. Not realizing that the hat was like the coolest hat in the world that you can't buy anymore Speaker 2 00:35:31 Later, three years later you're like, Speaker 1 00:35:34 Oh no. It was like immediately, like, I called the place we'd gone to to eat nothing and you know, someone probably found it and they're probably wearing it. Um, Speaker 2 00:35:43 This is, this is how like half of my like, you know, you just lose things in this way. Like when, when you go to college, if you, if you stay in the dorms, it's like you're gonna lose clubs. Like I, if you leave your clothes in the, in the drying machine in college, it's like, just forget about it. You, you wear a half hour late to pick up your clothes. Well, somebody went through and picked up all the T-shirts. They Speaker 1 00:36:05 Liked <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:36:06 I lost so many clothes that way. And now like, I just associate Erie with like, the place where I lost clothes. Speaker 1 00:36:12 <laugh>, <laugh>. Um, so also the date didn't go well, but I'm more upset about the hat. Right. Speaker 2 00:36:21 The hat's. What you Speaker 1 00:36:22 Remember. The hat's what I remember the most. So I don't even know where was I going? Oh, so I'm in this Brew Stu video, uh, with a beer like in my hand, which is funny cuz I don't think beer like beer's disgusting. Um, that is not my drink of choice at all. But Speaker 2 00:36:40 It's Pina coladas, isn't it? Speaker 1 00:36:42 Uh, it's mostly mojitos. Speaker 2 00:36:44 Mojitos. Okay. I do love I was gonna say Maide next as, as the, the third Speaker 1 00:36:48 Option. Slushy Pina Coladas are one of the most perfect elite created drinks you'll ever consume. It's true. Um, but a mojito is like the most refreshing thing in the world for those who've never had one. It is lime and mint. Go get Speaker 2 00:37:03 Rum if you're of Speaker 1 00:37:04 Age. Yeah. Um, Speaker 2 00:37:06 Unless it's the morning Speaker 1 00:37:09 <laugh>. What? Wait, what? Speaker 2 00:37:13 I said unless it's the morning, then, you know, don't Speaker 1 00:37:16 Don't Speaker 2 00:37:17 Too Speaker 1 00:37:18 Early to take. No, that's when you're apparently supposed to drink, uh, mimosa, which are disgusting. Speaker 2 00:37:23 Yeah. They, you know, people love mimosas just because it's like, Ooh, we're having, we're drinking in the morning. Morning. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, you know, what you're really doing is you're getting a lot of sugar so that you can have a headache in the afternoon, Speaker 1 00:37:35 <laugh>. It's like, and you know what you're doing? You're mixing orange and grape. It's disgusting. So mimosas are gross. That's what you should take from this. But, uh, no, look up the video. At some point, Bruce, two films, the Real, the Real Pooter, they found a cat and named it Pooter and then Lost the Cat, but then Found the Cat, but then found another cat that looked exactly like it. So they don't know which one was the real one. Um, oh gosh. And you will see me in cartoon form. I'm extremely proud of that achievement. Uh, I remember it happened, it came out like right as Covid was like becoming a thing. So it was like two years ago. Um, see, Speaker 2 00:38:16 I don't, I don't do any of the, like, the Patreon things. I'm, I tend to be one of those, you know, heartless viewers where they, you know, they ask at the end. They're like, this is the only way we make money. And I'm always like, yeah. And I'm gonna keep watching Speaker 1 00:38:27 Free <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:38:28 You know? But there is, there are some cool giveaways, um, like that, you know, some of them do offer things as Speaker 1 00:38:35 Well. Well, it's like, it's like, yeah, you made, you made it, you made it worth it for me to want to su to support you. Yeah. Um, also you reminded me of a Simpsons bit where, uh, that's like, they're watching PBS and Betty White guests start on the episode and she's like, if you watch even a single second of PBS without donating, you're a common thief. <laugh>. That's just what you made me think of. Um, so yeah, that's our, that's some YouTube. Any other prominent YouTubers? Speaker 2 00:39:04 Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna run through the list, so I'll start. Okay. I'll start. Uh, I'm not gonna read all 81. Speaker 1 00:39:10 Read some off and I'll tell you if I've heard of them. All Speaker 2 00:39:12 Right. So we were just talking about drinks I watch every Friday. Andres Erickson, he's a, he had a bar in Chicago. Uh, and then he decided to, like, I think he's full-time making just YouTube videos on how to mix cocktails. Oh, Speaker 1 00:39:27 That's cool. I have an, which is very, but it sounds cool. Speaker 2 00:39:29 It's really like the quality of like audio visual quality is really, really high. Yeah. And then the drinks are also good. Um, so that's cool. Uh, and then just like scrolling through here, there's so many, uh, music things. And then I, I also like loosely kind of am in touch with the automotive industry. Like I'm, you know, I'm subscribed to various channels like that, reviewing cars and, and trucks. Okay. And, and things. So that's interesting. But we talked about background content. Uh, I, I'm, uh, I guess becoming an avid disc golfer. I like to disc golf, you know, go, go and play, uh, regularly. It's just relaxing. Gets me outside. Yeah. Um, I find myself to be somewhat decent. Um, but I, I'm subscribed to a couple of channels there where, you know, it's, it's a good like 40 minute background thing to have on during lunch. Yep. Like I'll just, I'll put it on the TV and, you know, eat my food and have that on. And it is, it is watching golf. I realize this, you know, I, my uncle used to sit on the couch, watch golf whenever we were at, uh, my grandparents' house at big family gatherings and things. And it was like, oh my gosh, how can you sit here and watch this as a kid? I'm like, I don't understand. It's golf. And now it's kind of all I want to do. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:40:52 Yeah. So, Speaker 2 00:40:53 Um, so yeah, I keep, I keep that on the, in the background and some Star Wars nerd alert, uh, you know, some Star Wars, um, channels as well that are like reviewing and doing deep dives on the latest content and even on old Cannon content and, and even some legend stuff. So Star Speaker 1 00:41:14 Well that's a good Speaker 2 00:41:15 Star Wars theory is, is good. And, uh, stupendous wave. So Yeah. Speaker 1 00:41:20 Okay. That's a good, sorry, I didn't mean to cut off. You're actually like naming the channels <laugh>, you know, the, the point of the segment, but Speaker 2 00:41:28 Well, you know, I mean that, those are really like the big themes of my YouTube viewing, but there's, I think, like anybody, you know, it just tends to be all of your hobbies end up colliding Yeah. That Speaker 1 00:41:40 Platform. So that is a segue. I hear dog barking. Speaker 2 00:41:45 Yeah. And Speaker 1 00:41:46 It's not mine. Speaker 2 00:41:48 The neighbors got a, got a puppy, uh, over Easter and it, it sort of lives outside. I guess I can say. Uh, I'm not a fan of people's dogs who live outside. I'll just say like, I don't think that that's great ownership, Speaker 1 00:42:02 But yeah, I don't either. Speaker 2 00:42:04 Um, Speaker 1 00:42:04 Well, I thought it was a dog on my end. Speaker 2 00:42:07 Questionably Humane. But the dog is inhumane. Um, the dog is always barking. It, it's a young pup. So, Speaker 1 00:42:13 Sorry. I thought you said the dog was inhumane and I was like, well, technically yeah, Speaker 2 00:42:17 Technically the dog is inhumane. Although the humane side of me is like, you should maybe treat it a little more humanely. Speaker 1 00:42:25 <laugh>. Yeah. You know, human, that's a, that's always a good thing. Speaker 2 00:42:29 What a funny turn of phrase. So, but so yeah. So it's barking at a cars and things outside. Speaker 1 00:42:35 So Star Wars, I'm like trying to power through this segue that I clearly lost like an hour ago. <laugh>, uh, obiwan Kenobi that came out about a month ago. Um, it was a six episode, they said limited series. There might be a second season. I don't know. Um, we'll talk about it. We're just gonna say it. Spoiler alert from here on out, anything we say, we're gonna be spoiling the show. Uh, so don't come back at us and be like, you spoiled the show because we warned you. I loved it. Uh, I gave it four and a half outta five narwhals. Um, Speaker 2 00:43:08 It's terrific. Speaker 1 00:43:09 But the, the gist of this story is, and they didn't tell you any of this going into the show, is that it's 10 years after a revenge of the SI episode three. And OB one is living on Taine, but he gets called, uh, by Jimmy Schitz Bay or Ghana. I love Jimmy Schitz. He was one of the best things about the prequels, but he gets called. You think so? I love dude. I loved him and well, I think it, I might love him cuz he was on the West Wing as Oh, okay. He is the one running for president, like near the end of the show, uh, as it started to shift, you know, away from Martin Sheen. But he, so Obiwan is asked to go find Princess Leia cuz she was kidnapped and they didn't tell you any of that going in, that that's what the show was gonna be about. Everyone kind of just assumed it was gonna be like Obiwan watching over Luke on tattooing. Right. Um, yeah. So that, I Speaker 2 00:44:05 Mean, we knew, we knew Vader was gonna be Speaker 1 00:44:07 Involved. Right. And Speaker 2 00:44:09 I think we didn't know what that looked Speaker 1 00:44:10 Like yet. And I think people were like, well, something's gonna get Obiwan away from the planet cuz like, you could see in the previews like he's on like another planet. Um, but that was, that at, that was immediately like a, a really good turn. And I, I know I'm not the only person who said that, but like, that was a, that was a good move right there. Cuz it's like, what can he really like the, unless I made the joke that like, I'm surprised Disney didn't try to digitally de-age Mark Hamel to play Luke. Ugh. As like a 10 Speaker 2 00:44:39 Year old Yeah. As a, as a 10 year old Speaker 1 00:44:40 Because they love de aging. Mark Hamel, instead of doing the obvious thing in casting Sebastian Stand to play Luke Skywalker, but Speaker 2 00:44:48 His clone, he, Speaker 1 00:44:50 Oh my gosh, it'd be perfect, but Speaker 2 00:44:52 42 years later Speaker 1 00:44:53 Right. Speaker 2 00:44:54 Or whatever Speaker 1 00:44:54 We're at. Uh, yeah, I don't even know. But Speaker 2 00:44:56 44, Speaker 1 00:44:58 Um, no, I just thought it was a really good show. Like, the girl who played Princess Le was, I usually hate precocious children. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but she was actually like a good actor, so it worked out. Uh, she was like, she was funny. She was, you know, kind of ba um, Speaker 2 00:45:17 Well, and she, I think what she did really nicely is she captured what Leia would've been like, you know? Yes. As a, as a kid. And that's, that is a, would've been a difficult thing for a 20 something year old actress. But like to do that, you know, as a, as a child actor is, you know, it's incredible. Yeah. Like I really You do get that from the show. Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:45:40 Performance. Absolutely. Um, and they brought back Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader, and I don't think people knew how that was gonna go because it's like, well, Darth Vader in a suit and it's James Earl Jones' voice. So like, what's the point of having Hayden Christensen? And I still kind of think that like, there wasn't much point to having Hayden Christensen in the show except to say that like, you brought him back. Um, because I think he appears as Anakin in like one flashback episode. Speaker 2 00:46:14 He's in a flashback, he appears kind of just standing on a dune. Yeah. Like a, I don't know, a mirage that Kenobi sees. And then, uh, yeah. And then he's also, you know, in the, in the fight. Speaker 1 00:46:28 Yeah. He's like partially unmasked, right? Speaker 2 00:46:31 Yeah. So, you know, it's not much, but they do, they do blend his voice with James Earl Jones' voice. Speaker 1 00:46:39 Yeah. That was pretty where Speaker 2 00:46:40 Like his, I thought that was Speaker 1 00:46:41 Good. Where his like, whatever his suit was like malfunctioning and so like, you're getting the mix of their voices. That was cool. And I heard that for James Earl Jones, he did record dialogue, but they also used artificial intelligence to like, like they did with Mark Hamel in, uh, I think the book of Boba mm-hmm. <affirmative> where like they kind of created a voice to make him sound younger. Because I mean, James Earl Jones is Speaker 2 00:47:07 91. His, his voice, his voice has changed. Yeah. Yeah. So they, they, it seems like they did a much better job of it in this than they did in, um, I guess it was probably Rogue One. Yeah. Where he, where he spoke and it was like, it is his voice because I know it's James Earl Jones voice, but it isn't Darth Vader's voice also, it was just a little wrong. Speaker 1 00:47:29 Also. Where is Padme? Is she safe <laugh>? Is she, is she Speaker 2 00:47:35 Alright? Speaker 1 00:47:36 <laugh>? Oh my gosh, episode three was Speaker 2 00:47:39 Might be my favorite. Speaker 1 00:47:40 Oh, the movie is good, but I mean that you're like, yay. Doth Vader. Oh, uh, you know, again, not the first person to say that, but mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so no, the show was really good. You and McGregor justified to me him being Obiwan because I was one of those people who didn't think he was overly great in the prequels. I mean, pretty much most of the acting and the prequels sucked except like Liam Neon. Um, and I didn't think, like everyone was like, oh, you and McGregor was great. I was like, he was really over the top, like, oh, hello there when he fights General grievous. But Speaker 2 00:48:17 Yeah, they, they, you know, as time goes on, the things that last from the series are different for different generations, which is why they end up doing the, the hello there at the end of, of Kenobi too. Speaker 1 00:48:28 Well, I didn't even realize that. He says that in episode four, in the original, like the, when he first meets them, I totally did not even compete with me. So I saw all three of 'em together. I was like, ah. Um, but I think George Lucas was just not a very good director for the prequels. Um, Speaker 2 00:48:45 Yeah. I mean he, he just, you know, everybody's said this a thousand times, but there were just no checks. Right. Like, there, it's no George Lucas, there was, it's George Lucas, he created the series. Um, and because he's like God of that world, you know, who's gonna say, you know, George, I'm not sure we should have a Gi Speaker 1 00:49:04 R <laugh>. Right? Like, say what you want about the sequels and you, you can, but, uh, at least they were like well made movies mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, with a good acting and dialogue and like, you know, believable performances. But yeah. George Lucas and that, that, uh, obiwan, like the Disney Star Wars stuff has been like, there was better acting, better dialogue. And I thought overall it was just a really good show. You know, I I did not notice that Zach BRAF played the Mole Guy. Speaker 2 00:49:41 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:49:42 I was like, I was watching at the end, his name, his name was Frack and he was just this obnoxious fake. Speaker 2 00:49:47 He seemed, he did seem familiar. Speaker 1 00:49:49 Yeah. And it was Zach braf. It was, it was like in the credits. It was like in in Order of appearance, Zack braf. I was like, what the heck? Like, I just finished rewatching scrubs. Uh, so I should have been like really in tune with that. But, um, there were a couple, like a, a couple baker name actors that you're like, oh, hey, uh, command Na Gianni. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, OSHA Jackson Jr. Which I don't know if you know that that is Ice Cube's Son. He played, uh, Roan Roan. Speaker 2 00:50:20 Oh, I didn't know that. Speaker 1 00:50:21 The leader of like the, the Path Rebellion. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I loved, I don't remember what its name was. It might have been, no, it wasn't How, I think it was Ned, Ned b the Droid. Mm-hmm. The loading droid. Yeah. Uh, I loved him and I almost cried when he died. Speaker 2 00:50:40 He died. So like, it, they've actually, they've, they've made like in, uh, solo for instance, um, Speaker 1 00:50:47 Droids oh three. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:50:49 Yeah. Droids now have like a little more personality and everything. I mean, R two and C3 Po. Like, they brought that with the, the, the whole like series. But even still, like, they continue to present that as like, you're gonna love some of these random droid. Speaker 1 00:51:06 And I did. So, you know, they, they played him off. He, he was a loading droid, which his literal, his only job was like to pick things up and move them. Um, couldn't even speak. Yeah. He didn't speak like LE's like, oh, why doesn't he speak? And, uh, t his like owner was like, you know, sometimes actions speak louder than words. Um, and so at the, I think it was episode five, which was a great episode, uh, really solid. Mm-hmm. Tala gets shot and Ned be kind of just like hovers over her to like, to protect her. And like, so then he's getting shot and you know, she uses a grenade to, to sacrifice herself. And I, I, I was like, I almost cried when Ned B died. Is, is his name Ned B? Can we look that up? Speaker 2 00:51:57 I don't know. Speaker 1 00:51:58 I don't know. I ask our non-existent like, producer, can we look that up? Um, well if it's not, if you watch the show, you'll know who I'm talking about. Cuz it's the only droid that like dies via sacrificing himself to let a grenade go off. But, um, yeah, no, I just, yeah, I really liked Ned b, he's my boy. Speaker 2 00:52:24 So I a little, uh, a little research behind it. I guess it's come out now McGregor said that originally it was going to be, um, I think a two-part or a one part film, um, in between just like, rogue One was just a standalone. Speaker 1 00:52:41 Yeah. I I do remember they had talked about a movie Speaker 2 00:52:44 And that might be why the, the quality of it was a little bit higher. Um, like cuz for a show you don't have to produce at the same level as a movie. I think generally that Disney has actually done a pretty good job raising the level. Um, but yeah, for, for Kenobi, I, I mean, content-wise, especially the last two episodes, it was definitely worth watching. Um, you know, and it, it shows a really nice, it fills in some of the gaps. Speaker 1 00:53:13 Yeah. And, um, Speaker 2 00:53:14 It has some nice homages to the original movie Speaker 1 00:53:18 Moses, Moses Ingram, who played Reva Reva Reva. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Reva Reva Reva, um, the Inquisitor, who you think is trying to hunt down OB one, which she is, uh, she was great. Her backstory was great. Speaker 2 00:53:35 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. They did a nice job with that. I knew, honestly, I knew that, uh, it was gonna have been her from the temple scene in the very start of the whole show. See, like you, you see, she's actually like the first person on screen. Speaker 1 00:53:50 Yeah. I did not catch it. My sister's like, that's definitely her. Uh, so for those who didn't watch Yeah. The show starts with like a recreation of when Anakin goes and kills all the young Langs in the Jedi temple in episode three Speaker 2 00:54:04 Order 66. Speaker 1 00:54:05 Yes. Yeah. Thank you. Um, and my sister's like, well, I mean that, that was definitely her in the scene. And I was like, ah, how did I not notice that? And then it comes out that, you know, throughout this whole show, she's hunting OB one, she's using Leia get to OB one, like she's using, trying to get to OB one so she can get promoted to Grant inquisitor by Darth Vader. And then you find out in the fifth episode, it's like she doesn't want to help Anakin, like she wants to kill him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you're like, oh my gosh. Because she saw, and that, that's how she knew that it was Anakin and not just some random guy who was Darth Vader. Like, uh, she knew that Darth Vader was Anakin is what I'm trying to say. Right. And she, like, she was trying to get close enough to kill him and it does not work, obviously. Right. But it was a nice question. Speaker 2 00:55:01 He sh he shows his dominance. Speaker 1 00:55:02 Oh, he, yeah. He just destroys her in a battle. He, they made Darth Vader as awesome as like he's ever been. Speaker 2 00:55:10 I loved it. Yeah. I loved it. Everyone, every scene with Vader is just Speaker 1 00:55:15 On, he, he cri I mean, you know, I don't wanna, I don't wanna give it to Hayden Christensen, <laugh>, like, I, I don't know how much of it was him or just Darth Vader of looking intimidating, but, um, it's, no, I guess it's a fence. Sorry, Hayden Christensen, you deserve better than, than me badmouthing you. But, um, Speaker 2 00:55:35 It's time to, for it's time to forgive, Speaker 1 00:55:36 It's time to forgive. I suppose I should. But like in the third episode, he's walking through just like a street and he grabs some random guy with the force by the neck, and then he lets him go and he grabs the guy's kid and snaps his neck. And you're like, what? Yeah. Like, never, never seen Vader. This br everyone was like, oh, rogue One, you know, the lightsaber scene. I was like, oh, like, you know, and other people have come out and said this, but I do think, I remember like, the Rogue One lightsaber scene is cool, but it doesn't really, like, it's just showing off Dar Vader. Like it doesn't have a point really. Um, Speaker 2 00:56:16 But Well, he's so, like, people forget, he's a sy a sy lord. And like, if you follow all of the Star Wars content, like, so there's so many like, really, really loyal fans who are into like all of the side content books and things. It's like Vader is brutal, right? Like we, we tend to remember the Anakin Skywalker who is turned back to the light at the end by his, his son, Speaker 1 00:56:41 Or the fact that just in the original movies, like, he's not that intimidating. Speaker 2 00:56:46 Oh, I don't think I agree at all. Ooh, okay. The march, and he comes down the step, uh, like when he's exiting the, the, the spacecraft for the first time in, um, oh, you know, it's, it's just, Speaker 1 00:56:59 Is it Empire? Speaker 2 00:57:00 Yeah. But, but like, even in episode four, the original You're Vader is a presence that he shook. He shook like the cinematic and, and the cultural world of like a generation, see Speaker 1 00:57:15 My problem, Speaker 2 00:57:16 Remember him as, as a, a great villain more than of that generation in our generation. We're like, uh, it's a, a great, Speaker 1 00:57:23 That might be the problem. Like if we had been children when Star Wars was out, or like, I mean, by the time, like I've watched Star Wars, like Yeah. Everyone knows he's Luke's father. Like that's not a spoiler anymore. Um, but one thing that does bug me in episode four is like, you can tell that he was not supposed to be like this great leader. He was like under Grand Mo Tarkin. I mean, am I missing something? Or like, like he was not the bad guy. He was kinda like the bad guy's second in command. He was the, they call him the dragon. Like he's the one who got all of the dirty work done. Speaker 2 00:58:05 Yeah. I mean, he's, he's a, an enforcer. Yes. Right? Like, he sort of plays this, this role as just like the, you know, like the guy who crosses his arms at the bar and then he steps in and, and breaks up the fight, or, you know, beats somebody up because you know, the Mob boss asks him too. Speaker 1 00:58:22 Right. And even in Empire, it sort Speaker 2 00:58:23 Of comes across that Speaker 1 00:58:24 Way. And even in Empire Strikes back in Return of Vijai, there's the emperor is looming and then finally actually shows up. But Darth Vader feels more like the actual villain in those movies than he does in, uh, a new hope to me at least. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's, I'm actually, I've been doing a watch through, but I gave up and I'm actually on Empire Next, so I'll have to let you know if like, I feel intimidated by Vader, but maybe that's just part of it is like, again, by the time I saw it, like, you know, everything about it or like, you've never actually seen the movie fully through, but you've seen all the different parts so many times that like, you don't remember how intimidating this guy is. But I think Obiwan did a really good job of showing how intimidating he can be <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:59:15 Well, it, yeah. I mean, speaking of Empire, when you're going through that, you'll, you'll pick up pretty quickly. Like he just keeps choking out Commander after commander, right? Yeah. It's, it like really cements like, this guy is just here, he's just gonna, people are meaningless to him. Yeah. In front of his purpose. But, and that's, that's actually, this maybe is a good, a good segue into my main point about Kenobi. Maybe my main Speaker 1 00:59:40 Gripe. Go for it. Um, Speaker 2 00:59:42 So my main gripe is that he beats him. Speaker 1 00:59:47 Right. That Obiwan beats Vader. Speaker 2 00:59:49 You mean O Obiwan beats Vader, but again, doesn't kill him. Like he doesn't finish the job. Speaker 1 00:59:56 Yep. I read that somewhere. People were Speaker 2 00:59:59 Yeah. And the reason, the reason it gets me is that like, now he has data, it's like Vader is a sy Lord, you've seen him in action. You've seen him kill innocent people. Yep. You know, like hunting you and stuff. Like he's going to go on to terrorize the galaxy. Yep. And you just like, still can't bring yourself to bring justice. Speaker 1 01:00:19 The Ringer had a great review about this. I don't know who wrote it, but, um, oh yeah, yeah. That's, and to, to piggyback off of your point, yeah. It's like you even say, and the point of the article, they, they talk about this. You even, he's, you say that then my friend is dead. Like, then Anakin is dead. Like, you know, cuz Vader's, like, I killed Anakin. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and it's like, so you're saying that Anakin is dead and your friend is dead, but you're just gonna leave him there alive. And we, you know, obviously it's cuz the movies have to happen, but Right. From a story point, it doesn't make sense <laugh> at all. No, Speaker 2 01:01:00 I mean, he walks away, he, he calls him Darth and then in the, you know, in the original movies, he like, even as a force ghost, he's like, you know, that guy's dead. What I said from a certain point of truth Yeah. Of view is a certain point. It's like, you know, he, he Obiwan did not really see or believe that there was remaining good in him. Like he knew he couldn't be saved. Right. Um, so there's not, like, that's not in the background of his mind. You know, it's not like he, he thinks that there's conflict. Speaker 1 01:01:33 No, he's he's done with him. Speaker 2 01:01:35 Right. So he should have just decapitated him. Yeah. You know, and saved the galaxy of a lot of trouble. But, but maybe the best argument for it is OB one clearly gets his strength. They demonstrate this, you know, he gets his strength from raising the kids, keeping them safe. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, the twins. And, and it's, uh, maybe it's like I can't bring myself to kill, the thing that I love most now is these kids, maybe I can't bring myself to kill their father. Speaker 1 01:02:05 Right. Maybe. Speaker 2 01:02:07 But I, I just think, I think that was a weakness. But otherwise, you know, that dual and some other scenes, it, it explains why Vader has some hesitation. You know, they have like this slow dual in a new hope, right? Yeah. And it's like, when I last met you, I was, but a learner, it's like, well, you know, he, he gets, he gets thrashed by a Kenobi twice <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:02:31 So Yeah. But it's, you know, like the first fight in Kenobi, he destroys, uh, Kenobi. Vader does, I mean, that's kind of another one. It's like he could have killed OB one right there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> in the first fight, and then they fight again. And Yeah. O he, he, he almost, you know, beats him again. But then ob one ends up, you know, taking him out. Uh, and so yeah, it leaves the, that third fight kind of just like, Hmm, okay, like third match, who's gonna win? Speaker 2 01:03:04 Yep. But well, on the second one, it, it almost doesn't count. It's like, you know, there, there's various things that break it up and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. But you know, he, he, uh, he's arguably the stronger of the two. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. But it, it is not, it's not about that. It's because like Vader's strength also comes from his own self-hatred. Speaker 1 01:03:26 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:03:27 And it, his own self-hatred comes from, I have this conflict about killing Kenobi Speaker 1 01:03:32 <laugh>. Yeah. So, so yeah. I have to talk about real quick, cause we should be wrapping up here. Yeah. Um, Liam Neon did show up as Force Ghost Kgon gin, so happy, even though he looked kind of weird with his hair, um, it's almost like he hasn't been kgon for 20 years, but <laugh> ghost, it was really cool to see Liam Neon in it. And people are like, oh, why did they're like mad that he lied about being in the room. Like of course he's going to lie. Like, it's, it's a cameo that happens in like the last 20 seconds of the entire show. Like it's Speaker 2 01:04:07 Supposed, and he's post, he's paid to, I mean, it's a great reveal every Yeah. Like it's, I mean, you could see it coming, but Speaker 1 01:04:12 Yeah, of course. I, I knew his voice at least was gonna show up. I didn't know if they would actually bring in Liam Neon, like physically, but it's like they're not, they're not gonna tell you everything. Like, do you want them to tell you that Liam Neon's gonna be in the show and then, then you'd be mad because he only showed up for 20 seconds. Like, he's not, I read this, he's not even credited in the episode. Right. Um, but no, I thought it was really good. People are talking about a season two. I don't want a season two. Speaker 2 01:04:40 No, I Speaker 1 01:04:41 Want You don't need it. I want some of the characters to show up elsewhere. Yeah. Like Reva was a good character. Haja, who was a Kail. Na Gianni, I liked him. People think that Rogan is gonna show up on the, and or show the Cassian and or show. I could easily see that happening. Speaker 2 01:04:59 Undoubtedly. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:05:00 Um, so yeah, I don't want, uh, I think screen rant out an article. I get all of my info and apparently don't have original thoughts of my own. Um, but I get a lot from Screen Rant and it's like, we don't need a season two, we need some of these characters now to branch off. Like, I think we can be done with Obiwan, like as a Speaker 2 01:05:21 Character, I think can, I mean, and or could even, like, you could, if you really wanted to bring Elon McGregor back in and have like a, a Kenobi part too, you could include him in that. Like, Speaker 1 01:05:31 I don't really feel the need for and or as a show, but Speaker 2 01:05:33 By the way, you just don't need it. Yeah. I, I'm, I mean, I'll watch it. Speaker 1 01:05:37 Yeah. Of, of course. Speaker 2 01:05:38 To me, star Wars is almost mandatory viewing. Speaker 1 01:05:40 It's like, it's like, Hey, here's this character that we introduced in a prequel movie with a predetermined ending because everyone has to die who's not in the original Star Wars. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Cassie. And, and or being that character in Rogue One, Hey Kate, we're gonna give him a show that's a prequel to that prequel that has a predetermined ending. And you know, that he can't die in this show because he has to die in this movie that he has to die in because it's leading into the original movie. You're like, okay, this is too many prequel. Is there gonna be a character in and or that's gonna get a prequel? Like, are we just gonna have prequel section? I don't know. Speaker 2 01:06:17 Well, and at some point you just can't keep like making actors perform younger and younger roles for themselves as well. Also, like, let Hey, Christensen, 20 years, you Speaker 1 01:06:26 Know? Yeah. He All right. They definitely de him Speaker 2 01:06:29 15 years of de aging is like, uh, Speaker 1 01:06:32 Um, let Tyco Ytd make an original. He wants to make, he's making a Star Wars movie and he wants it to be all original characters. Let him do that. Yeah. Stop making everything in Star Wars have to revolve around the original movies. Like that's, you know, that's my last word on the subject. So, uh, wow. We went for over an hour. Speaker 2 01:06:56 Yeah. Not bad. Well, Speaker 1 01:06:57 We haven't, Speaker 2 01:06:58 We, we thought we had a short list of content. Speaker 1 01:07:00 Yeah. So, uh, next episode, we're going to definitely try to be back before two months from now. Um, I think we should start to be getting more on a schedule, not a schedule schedule per se, but, um, like I think, I think you would agree that we, we can make more time for this. I think Speaker 2 01:07:21 We could. Yeah. Um, and, and we have, you know, as you can see, we have lots of subjects to cover, so Speaker 1 01:07:26 Yeah. They just, they pop up outta nowhere like half the time. Yeah. Uh, but we are going to try next episode to have our friend Robert Turk. He is one of the preeminent members of our football picks group on Facebook. Um, you've never actually met him. I met him at his, his, we're friends with his brother Brett. We went to school with him. Yep. We know Robert through the group, but, uh, he was the first to, well, Speaker 2 01:07:56 I, I met him on a, on a, uh, what was it? A draft Speaker 1 01:07:59 Stream? One of the draft calls. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Uh, I met him in the wedding. Uh, cool. Dude knows a ton about football, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, when we have him on, we're gonna have to be like super brushed up on this or else we're gonna sound like idiots. Speaker 2 01:08:14 Um, I started already Speaker 1 01:08:16 <laugh>. You did? And I was like, uh, I'm not ready for this yet. Started, Speaker 2 01:08:21 Started asking you questions you didn't know about fantasy and stuff. Like I got a notification and I was just gone. Yeah. The research, I'm like, oh, I'm gonna figure out if, uh, you know, which quarterback is gonna be, you know, like figure out the quarterback rankings and then try and pick receivers based on that, blah, Speaker 1 01:08:37 Blah, blah. Cooper Cup. Cooper Cup always. Speaker 2 01:08:41 He's gonna be, I think he'll be a top 10 in most Speaker 1 01:08:45 Leagues. You know what? I am a little irritated cause I'm seeing a lot of lists and we're, we need to nip this before it turns into Speaker 2 01:08:53 Another 10 minutes. We're about to go down it. Speaker 1 01:08:56 But, um, it bugs me. I'm seeing these lists where they're like, oh, Devonte Adams is the best receiver in the league one list. It was like, Devonte Adams, Keenan Allen, and then Cooper Kup. I'm like, did Cooper Kup not just leave, lead the league in receiving yards, touchdowns and catches and win Super Bowl mvp? Did that not happen? Are we not like the Triple Crown? Are we pretending like that didn't happen? Speaker 2 01:09:18 Yeah. Speaker 1 01:09:19 Uh, I'm a Rams fan for those who don't remember from our first episode. So I take these things very personally. Anyway, I am Brian Speaker 2 01:09:28 And I'm slippery. Speaker 1 01:09:29 And this has been snorkeling with Narwals. Happy 4th of July. Everyone go Jeff Goldblum. Woo-hoo. Speaker 0 01:09:36 <laugh>.

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