Brian Knows Movies [feat. Ronnie Cox]

Episode 8 July 21, 2016 00:15:31
Brian Knows Movies [feat. Ronnie Cox]
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Brian Knows Movies [feat. Ronnie Cox]

Jul 21 2016 | 00:15:31


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

In this installment of Snorkeling with Narwhals, Ronnie tries to test Brian's knowledge again, this time with movies. Plus, stay tuned for a special announcement!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Happy you picked Strawberries Day. Speaker 2 00:00:04 I'm Speaker 1 00:00:05 Ronnie. And I'm Brian. And this is Snorkeling with Narwhals. Speaker 2 00:00:11 Today on Snorkeling with Narwhals, we have a special announcement that is probably going to overwhelm you and not be that important, but stick around and we will definitely share it with Speaker 1 00:00:20 You. It's gonna be DC talk levels of disappointment for anyone who would get that, but stay tuned. Speaker 2 00:00:28 And after the, uh, and before that, sorry. We are going to be playing another game we do where we are going to test Brian's ability to not know things, Speaker 1 00:00:38 Which, if you recall from our last quiz, what was that one? The animal Speaker 2 00:00:42 Attacks. The animal attacks. And he got zero, correct? Speaker 1 00:00:45 Yeah, I got like two of 'em. Oh, but I got a great, he failed. Majority of them wrong. Yes. So hopefully this one I'll do a lot better. I know what the topic is, so I think I will, especially because I guessed at two of the ones you were looking at before you even like gave me any intro. Speaker 2 00:01:02 And by that he means he cheated while I was making the Speaker 1 00:01:04 Quiz. Anyway, we should probably tell you what said to quiz is. Speaker 2 00:01:08 Well, we'll do that once we transition. Speaker 1 00:01:10 Yeah. Transition. Now, Speaker 0 00:01:16 Welcome Speaker 2 00:01:16 Back. Before we get started with the game, I want to point out Brian's lovely shirt that he chose to wear today. If you don't know what animal it is, you should not be Speaker 1 00:01:25 Watching this. This is a narwhal and this is the first I own five shirts with narwhals on them, but this is the first time I've ever actually worn one on here. It's not, I think it's the second. Oh, well, we'll have to go back and look at the friend. Speaker 2 00:01:38 Friend doesn't know anything which he will prove when he plays today's game. All right, so for today's game, there is a prize which will be revealed later if I get it. If you get it Speaker 1 00:01:47 When I get Speaker 2 00:01:48 It. Actually, you know what I'm gonna tell you? Just you. Oh, I'm going to make you, I have your very own movie character costume that you can wear for Halloween this year. Speaker 1 00:01:58 I hope it's not like Woody from Toy Story. It's, it's not My cousin already got me that for Speaker 2 00:02:02 Christmas. That's a little creepy. But anyways, let's move on to the game. Alright, so for today's game, keeping with the idea of the prize. Yeah. I'm going to give you two characters from two separate movies and you have to tell me which actor played said roles. Speaker 1 00:02:20 Okay. Which we did a couple practice ones. Speaker 2 00:02:23 We did a couple practice Ones text. So he kind of gets to understand you guys can play at home. So I will give you two different characters. Like I will say, what was the practice one? Speaker 1 00:02:32 It was, uh, like a space pirate and Speaker 2 00:02:34 A space. A space Renegade. Speaker 1 00:02:36 Right. And Earth Fugitive. Speaker 2 00:02:37 And an Earth Fugitive. And the answer was Harrison Fors from The Fugitive and from Star Speaker 1 00:02:43 Wars. You probably shouldn't have used Fugitive in the Clue though. Speaker 2 00:02:45 Well, I was trying to make that one pretty easy. All right, and Speaker 1 00:02:48 Straightforward. All right, let's do Speaker 2 00:02:49 This. Ready? All right. So we're gonna try to start out easy and we'll see how it goes. So she played, so your hand, your first hand is she played an X man and a player in a future dystopian death game Speaker 1 00:03:04 Show. It's Jennifer Lawrence. Speaker 2 00:03:05 There are were choices, but yes, it is Jennifer Lawrence. You could have also picked Holly Berry, Jennifer Garner, or Cameron Diaz. But Speaker 1 00:03:13 It is neither of the last two were X-Men. Speaker 2 00:03:17 Jennifer Lawrence. Correct. Please keep your answers until I've read all the names for at least for the people playing Speaker 1 00:03:22 At home, but I want to be impressive. <laugh>. All right. Speaker 2 00:03:25 He played a sergeant in the lap d and voiced an English soldier who settled in Virginia. Is it Jeff Bridges? Samuel L. Jackson. Mel Gibson or Russell Crowe? If you can't come up with the answer, I do have a bonus wait. Speaker 1 00:03:45 Character. Can you, can you say the, the, the clue Speaker 2 00:03:48 Again? He played a sergeant in the a p d and voiced an English soldier who settled in Virginia. Speaker 1 00:03:56 Oh, it's Mel Gibson. The Correct, the Patriot and lethal weapon. False what? Speaker 2 00:04:03 He played a sergeant in Lap D lethal weapon and voiced an English soldier who settled in Virginia. Wait, you're right. John Smith from Pocahontas. Speaker 1 00:04:11 But it still was Mel Gibson. Speaker 2 00:04:12 Yes, it's correct. Mel Gibson. False with, for Speaker 1 00:04:15 It was for the wrong reason. Speaker 2 00:04:16 Right? It was. He played, if you haven't seen Disney, Pocahontas, Speaker 1 00:04:20 He did the voice of that John Smith. I couldn't even think of. Speaker 2 00:04:23 He also played a nationalist twice in two different movies. That was the, that Speaker 1 00:04:27 Was the bonus. The Patriot was one of Speaker 2 00:04:28 Them. Right? The Patriot and Braveheart. Braveheart, Speaker 1 00:04:31 He nationalist in both of us. Scottish Nationalist. There Speaker 2 00:04:33 You go. Um, he played a former UN investigator and a man who got perpetually younger. Your choices are Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, Brad Pitt or Robert De Speaker 1 00:04:46 Niro. Brad Pitt, correct. Brad Pitt Benjamin Button, but I don't know what the other one was. World War Z. Oh, well, yep. Speaker 2 00:04:52 World War De, which is the most Benjamin Button. Speaker 1 00:04:54 Unrealistic Zomy movie, by the way, Speaker 2 00:04:56 That's a topic for another Speaker 1 00:04:57 Day because everything does not injure or hurt Brad Pitt, and it all happens around him. All right. Speaker 2 00:05:03 He played six characters in the same film. Oof. And in another film he played a prison officer. Hmm. Was this Clint Eastwood? Tom Hanks, Kevin Costner, Oregon again, Mel Gibson. Speaker 1 00:05:21 Tom Hanks, Speaker 2 00:05:22 Correct. Yep. He also played a secret mailman. Speaker 1 00:05:25 What was that one? Speaker 2 00:05:27 Uh, saving private riot. <laugh>. He was a secret mailman, uh, uh, was correct. Tom Hanks, uh, and the, he played six characters in Polar Express Speaker 1 00:05:39 And, um, what was the other there? Oh, prison prison Speaker 2 00:05:42 Officer was the Green mile. The green mile. All right. So he played a tooth fairy and a cab driver Who fights aliens? Was it Kevin Spacey, Tommy Lee Jones, Dwayne Johnson or Robert Duvall? Speaker 1 00:05:59 Dwayne Johnson. Speaker 2 00:06:00 Dwayne Johnson. Finally from Tooth Fairy. And race to which mountain? Hmm? He also played Hercules. That was true. Would've been your bonus hit. Yeah. You haven't needed your bonus in so far. You're like, you've gotten 'em all These are pretty easy. All Speaker 1 00:06:13 Right, well, I'm, I spend way too much time on like Wikipedia. Speaker 2 00:06:17 He portrayed a biblical character and an entertainer. Speaker 1 00:06:21 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. I need the, Speaker 2 00:06:27 The choices. Oh, that's right. Sorry. <laugh>. Um, Nicholas Cage. Speaker 1 00:06:32 Hmm. Speaker 2 00:06:32 Morgan Freeman. Russell Crowe or Nicholas Cage again. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:06:40 Well, I don't think it's Nicholas Cage. I think I need the other, the Speaker 2 00:06:43 Bonus me. The other hint. He also played a bow wielding. Hooded robber. Speaker 1 00:06:48 It's uh, Russell Speaker 2 00:06:49 Crow. It is Russell Crow. He was an entertainer in Gladiator. Speaker 1 00:06:53 That okay. That, that's like semantics, Speaker 2 00:06:56 Noah. Speaker 1 00:06:56 Yeah, I knew Speaker 2 00:06:57 That. And he played Robin Speaker 1 00:06:58 Hood terrible, by the way. Um, Robinhood was good. Yes. I just probably stopped talking with my hand Speaker 2 00:07:04 Over your mouth. Yeah, let's not do that. Alright. She was a witch and the daughter in this movie and in the second movie, she was the daughter of the actor from the previous question, which was, Speaker 1 00:07:16 Uh, Emma Watson. Speaker 2 00:07:17 It is wa And you didn't let me read the questions. Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Um, Kate Winslet, Danielle Penna Baker, Emma Watson, and Audrey Hepburn were your Speaker 1 00:07:23 Eye choices. Yes. Cuz Audrey Hepburn played the daughter of Russell Crow Speaker 2 00:07:27 <laugh>. That was the hint there for that one. Alright. He played a mob boss. Hmm. And a high school punk choices are Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, John Wayne or John Travolta. Speaker 1 00:07:43 Oh, read it again. Or the, the Speaker 2 00:07:45 Clue. He played a mob boss and a high school punk. Speaker 1 00:07:50 Bruce Wallace. Oh, wow. Yeah. It's John Travolta. Speaker 2 00:07:53 Yes. John Travolta was, Speaker 1 00:07:54 Plus I think Eric reacted when John Travolta came up. Speaker 2 00:07:58 What Speaker 1 00:07:58 Was way the answer? I know it was Grease, which is a Speaker 2 00:08:00 Terrible movie. Yeah. He played a Mob Boss in The Punisher and, and then in Greece. And he was a high school punk in Grease. Speaker 1 00:08:06 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:07 All right. Another female actor. Actress. Actress. She played a superhero's girlfriend and played the survivor of an Apocalypse. Scarlet Johansen. Sandra Bullock. Jennifer Aniston, or Emma Stone. Speaker 1 00:08:24 Oh, Emma Stone. Speaker 2 00:08:25 Emma Stone. She was in what Speaker 1 00:08:27 Movies? She's in Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield. Right. And Zombie Land. And Zombie Land. I loved her in Spider-Man, by the way. But I also love Emma Stone. Speaker 2 00:08:36 All right, so next one. She played a super evil woman. Ooh. And an overbearing boss. Which choice are Meryl Strep Streep. Which one is that? I don't know how Its Streep Streep, Angelina Jolie. Sandra Bullock or Gwyneth Paltrow? Speaker 1 00:08:55 I think it's Meryl Streep. Speaker 2 00:08:58 False. First incorrect answer. It is actually Sandra Bullock. Dang it. Who's the She played, she was the Bad Lady in Minions. Speaker 1 00:09:08 Oh, wow. I don't remember the character. Say, I think I could have made a fair play though for Meryl Streep Speaker 2 00:09:12 And she was the overbearing boss in Speaker 1 00:09:16 Ah, the Speaker 2 00:09:16 Proposal. The proposal. Yeah. Your bo your bonus hand would've been, um, gravity. Speaker 1 00:09:21 Oh, I should have waited for the hint. I was so sure. Speaker 2 00:09:23 All right, so we have two more. All right. If you get all both of these right, you can grab your Speaker 1 00:09:29 Prize. Wait, I only missed one. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:09:31 But you're too good at this. I should have made these Speaker 1 00:09:32 Harder. Well, that's on you. That's not me. Speaker 2 00:09:35 <laugh>. All right. He played a conman and a guy with amnesia. Matt Damon. Martin Sheen Speaker 3 00:09:45 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:09:46 What, who did you put other choices? Way to break though? <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:09:57 Robert E. Lee Speaker 3 00:09:59 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:10:03 Or Ben Affleck. Speaker 1 00:10:05 All right. What was the clue again? Your laugh is making me laugh. Speaker 3 00:10:09 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:10:12 All right. What were the clues? Speaker 3 00:10:14 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:10:15 He play a conman and a guy with Amnesia, Martin Sheen, Robert E. Lee. Ben Affleck. Matt Damon. Speaker 1 00:10:23 I need the bonus. Speaker 2 00:10:24 The bonus is he played a soldier in World War ii. Speaker 1 00:10:27 It's Matt Speaker 2 00:10:28 Damon. It is Matt Damon. Matt Speaker 1 00:10:30 Damon and Ben Affleck are essentially the same person. It's kind of Speaker 2 00:10:32 Hard. He played a conman Ocean's 11 and a guy with Amnesia in the born series. Yeah. Um, the reason I would keep laughing if you haven't realized it by now, Robert E. Lee. Robert E. Lee was someone we were actually talking about, cuz we were talking about Gods and Generals Speaker 1 00:10:46 Movie, which is the Civil War movie. The Civil War movies. Robert Duval. Speaker 2 00:10:50 Robert E. Lee. I meant to put Robert Duvall and I put Robert E. Lee, but he died, what, probably a hundred years. Speaker 1 00:10:58 It's been a while ago. Speaker 2 00:10:59 It's been a while. He's pretty, I mean, he Speaker 1 00:11:00 Does, he's pretty dead. He's pretty dead <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:11:02 He's pretty, I was gonna say he's, he would be pretty old. All right. Last character. He played a preacher and planter and pre-civil war Louisiana, and an ancient space warrior. Speaker 1 00:11:16 Wow. Um, I need the bo Wait. You, I need the choices. Speaker 2 00:11:21 Okay. That's right. I'm sorry. Yeah. Your choices are Chris Hemsworth, Tom Cruise, Benedict Cumberbatch or Robert Downey Jr. Speaker 1 00:11:33 I need the bo I think I know it, but I need the bonus. I'm sorry. I need the bonus. Speaker 2 00:11:40 Um, the bonuses is, he also played in a movie where he used, um, like first generation computers. There's a bonus, bonus hit if you want that. Speaker 1 00:11:53 I need, again, the, the flu. Yeah. The names Speaker 2 00:11:57 Chris Hemsworth, Tom Cruise, Benedict Cumberbatch or Robert Downey Jr. Speaker 1 00:12:03 Wow. This one's really hard. I need the bonus. Bonus. Speaker 2 00:12:07 He also played a Dragon Speaker 1 00:12:09 <laugh>. It's Benedict. Speaker 2 00:12:12 Congratulations. He played the pre one, um, 12 Years of Slave. Yep. Yeah. And the ancient space warrior was his, uh, con and Speaker 1 00:12:21 Oh yeah. Wow. So Speaker 2 00:12:23 I just had semantics it so you didn't Speaker 1 00:12:24 Get it. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. If you would've, yeah, probably. Speaker 2 00:12:27 Yeah. Yay. Congratulations. We will give you your prize Yay. Speaker 1 00:12:32 Soon at some point. And we're Speaker 2 00:12:38 Back. And we're here now for the award ceremony where Brian is going to get his own personal costume for if he's ever in a movie, this is the character he would play. All right. To put the beard on. Speaker 4 00:12:52 It's kind. Speaker 2 00:12:55 Just gotta like, pull, like way down too far. Speaker 4 00:12:59 And then like, like, like, I don't know. Oh man. The mic. Speaker 2 00:13:04 Like, all right, there you go. No. Speaker 1 00:13:07 Oh, Speaker 2 00:13:08 There. Speaker 1 00:13:09 I'm either Amish or a hobo. Speaker 2 00:13:11 Yeah, I'm gonna, it's, it's a hobo costume. Yay. You got a hobo costume as your Speaker 1 00:13:16 Prize in case I'm ever a hobo in a movie. Speaker 2 00:13:18 In a movie. Now he's already got the costume, so that if they, or if you wanna use it for Halloween or whatever, I mean, you got it. It's yours now. Speaker 1 00:13:24 That's awesome. Thank you. All right. I'm glad I won this game, man. It's my beard. Sh It's shifting Speaker 2 00:13:29 <laugh>. It's funny because you already have a really good beard. It almost didn't, it almost doesn't, it was unneeded. Oh, well, so now you have some brand new news. Speaker 1 00:13:42 Yes. Um, we have some exciting stuff and it's really more of a formality at this point because I only have hosted two episodes of snorkeling with Narwhals by myself. Every other episode features Ronnie as a guest host. So officially Ronnie is now being named co-host of Snorkeling with Narwals. Speaker 2 00:14:03 Wait, I thought I was the host. Speaker 1 00:14:05 No, Speaker 2 00:14:05 You're the co-host. Speaker 1 00:14:06 Well, it's both co-hosts, that's why it's co. Speaker 2 00:14:10 Okay. Speaker 1 00:14:10 He's also Speaker 2 00:14:11 Can't we just both be hosts? Speaker 1 00:14:12 He'll be both. He'll, he'll be, he'll be going on as a producer as well. And head game maker. Like that guy from the Hunger Games with the squiggly beer Speaker 2 00:14:21 Without death or, um, killing of any kind. Speaker 1 00:14:24 He didn't Speaker 2 00:14:25 Make it. Or actually making like arenas. Speaker 1 00:14:27 Well, Phillip Seymour Hoffman was also a game maker. Speaker 4 00:14:31 Um, Speaker 1 00:14:32 I, anyway, I'm talking about, anyway, that is it for today's episode. Speaker 2 00:14:39 So Brian, what have we learned? Speaker 1 00:14:40 What have we learned? I know a lot about Speaker 2 00:14:42 Pop songs, you know, way too much about movies and actors. That is what we've Speaker 1 00:14:47 Learned. Um, I learned that maybe I look like a decent hobo. I don't know. I'm trying to look at myself in the reflections. Speaker 2 00:14:53 Maybe. Maybe if, but now you're prepared. Now you know, that you were prepared to become a hobo. Speaker 1 00:14:57 Yes. Sorry. Do any real hobos out there if you're watching this? Well, um, what else have we learned? We learned that Ronnie is now a co-host. I'm now officially host. Speaker 2 00:15:07 That's really all there is today. Speaker 1 00:15:09 That's they, yeah. I think it was a good episode though. Speaker 2 00:15:11 Yeah. So, um, so happy picked strawberries a day Speaker 1 00:15:15 And Happy International Virtual Assistance Day. And, Speaker 2 00:15:19 Uh, we'll see you next time. Speaker 1 00:15:20 Bye-bye with Nawal.

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