Decibels and Downton

Episode 2 March 29, 2016 00:22:20
Decibels and Downton
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Decibels and Downton

Mar 29 2016 | 00:22:20


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

In the second episode of Snorkeling With Narwhals, Brian talks about messing up his music library, how much he loves Downton Abbey, and his spring break escapades.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Good morning slash afternoon slash whenever it is that you're gonna be listening to this. This is snorkeling with Narwhals with your host Brian McKay. So this is our second ever episode and so we are kind of trying to figure out on the fly how we're gonna work this out. Um, cuz last time we did the introduction where we kind of just explained, I'm saying we, Eric is still behind the camera <laugh>, but it was mainly just me, um, explaining what the show is gonna be about. So I was like, well, we don't really have an intro segment then at this point. So what I've decided to do is just tell a little story to kind of, you know, start this off. That'll be kind of, I think how we start the show except when we have guests, which now I'm just thinking out loud. But, um, we talked last week on the first ever episode, uh, beards, <laugh>, beards and buses. Speaker 1 00:00:54 That's what we ended up calling it. We talked about me shaving my beard, and as you can tell, I did in fact do that. Um, it was a couple weeks ago cuz last week was spring break. But I, it has started to grow back. It actually started pretty quickly and I'm not sure now what I'm gonna do with it. If, as you may recall, I had said that I, this is really the only way I think I look any good, but I realized that I don't look too bad anymore. Um, with like a, a fresh face. A clean face. And I think I've reached the point where I am old enough and mature enough that like I can pull that off. So I'm kind of considering doing it again. Um, you'll be seeing the pictures come up here. I actually documented the process of, of me shaving and there were, there were three, three pictures. Speaker 1 00:01:42 I had one, I had a horseshoe mustache, which most people usually call a fume chew. It's actually a horseshoe mustache. I learned that from rat and lyx. Good mythical morning, by the way, shout out. Um, that's actually kind of who I'm modeling this after I had just a mustache, which it was not a good look. It's something I should not go with. And then I had just the clean face. So I, I wanted to see what it looked like at various stages that I would never actually keep. And, uh, I thought it was pretty fun. The horseshoe mustache. Uh, my cousin actually, he commented that I looked metal <laugh>, um, and that he was jealous because I don't think he can really grow any facial hair. Um, and a lot of people are actually complimenting me on the, the clean shaven face. Now, most of them were like older and or related to me. Speaker 1 00:02:26 I'm, wait, like why? It's never any, like any people, like any girls that I would be interested in or that are around my age that comment on this and I'm like, come on, people. Like, my face is clean, my face is maybe more attractive. I don't know. But that's kind of what I was hoping for. Um, but today we have a bunch of cool segments. We're gonna be talking about my music collection. We're gonna be talking about Downton Abbey, which usually does not fit the category of cool. And for you audio only listeners, we're gonna be talking about my spring break excursions, so off with the show, my music collection. So I have a music collection that's relatively large and by relatively large I mean 7,400 songs. Um, most of them are, I listen to predominantly Christian music and uh, people are sometimes shocked that I have that much music. Speaker 1 00:03:20 That's mostly Christian. I mean, if something's not, I listen to Dory and uh, three Doors Down as well. They're pretty cool. Um, but there are a lot of subgenres in Christian music that, you know, you can find a lot to, to fit in a library, but that's a separate talk for another episode. And what I'm about to tell you is kind of, it hinges on the fact that I buy my music or, you know, I get it as gifts. I don't, I don't download things from YouTube or anything like that. Um, so bear that in mind while I'm telling you what I'm gonna be doing or what happened to me. So a, a couple weeks ago, I have a music player that it'll level the audio of your tracks. And what that means is it'll set them all to the same, to the same like decibel level. Speaker 1 00:04:03 Which it was useful for me when I used to host radio shows here at Barron because I, you know, I wouldn't have to finagle with the, the, uh, the sliders on the board here. You know, I wouldn't have to mess with it. It would, when I was playing music, it would all just be on the same level. So I, I just now, as a tendency, you know, as a habit, I, I fix all my music. So it's at the same level and it's, it was at a good level. It was kind of low, but I could always turn it up when I was listening to it. And I wanted to make it higher. So I raised it like nine decibels. And the problem with this media player is that it irreversibly modifies a track when you, and it, it tells me that, so you have to hit okay when you go to level it. Speaker 1 00:04:42 And so I did that and I, um, I didn't really think anything about it except that when I was listening to 'em, I didn't all sound like they were at the same level. So I put 'em back down at the original one that I had had them. And I realized like last week that I had messed up, like my entire musical library, what I did when I raised the, the decibel levels on them, I had raised them too high. And so they had peaked, which they were just super loud and a lot of them and they had peaked too high and it was distorting the sound and it was all muffled and everything with it was messed up. And so I was like, oh, oh that's not good. Especially cuz that was the, the version of my library that I copied over to the, the micro SD card on my phone. Speaker 1 00:05:27 And so I was like, this isn't good. I don't have another copy of my library intact that I can mess with and like return it to normal. And so I was freaking out until I realized that I do have an SD card in my Kindle. And I was like, that's perfect. Cause I, I had most of the music on there before I had messed it up. I mean there were a few things that I had added later that I would've to replace. Like most things I downloaded from iTunes or Amazon. So I could do that. And I was like, this is awesome. I can, I can fix it, it'll be fine. Most of the stuff was on there cuz my Kindle is, is stupid and likes to wipe the SD cards music. And so it had apparently started to do that, but I had not gotten far enough to get rid of most of it. Speaker 1 00:06:05 And so I was, I was able to restore like five sevens of it that way. So then what I did, it was going through iTunes and Amazon, like to find what I needed. I was going through my damn downloads cuz a lot of stuff was in zipped folders and figuring out what was in there. I had a spreadsheet like with a like green and red, like, so it was synced up. So I knew what I needed. Um, but then I was looking in my recycle bin and I had another zipped folder that had a good chunk of my library. This was from a pastime like a year ago. And Eric, Eric was laughing because I still had stuff in my recycle in from a year ago that I had yet to clear out. Um, it's because I'm absent minded, but like sometimes organized when it comes to this. Speaker 1 00:06:46 So I had started to move my library and I wanted to make it smaller by compressing it so I could upload it online. Except when I compressed it, it was still like huge. So there was stuff in my recycle bin and I was like, all right, most of this is fine. I ended up only losing 24 songs that were like too distorted. Even some of the ones that had peaked were not bad. They were just allowed and it was fine cause I can put 'em back down. They had yet to distort their sound. So what I have learned from this, I'm still doing this at home by the way, I'm still working on it. All the music is back except the certain ones that I have to buy again, everything is back in the, my library now. I'm just reorganizing it and making it look beautiful again. Speaker 1 00:07:26 Um, but it was insane. And basically what I've learned from this is that I need to back this up like a million times. I'm gonna back it up on 2 64 gig SD cards that I bo I have them. Like that's where I, I had them both stored originally I just bought 128 gig. That's what's gonna be going in my phone. I wanna put a copy on the cloud, a copy on my, uh, the, on my laptop. I want to compress a, like a folder and put it somewhere on my laptop. And then I said that I need to just make a copy of it somewhere and like stick it on my laptop and like forget about it. So that if I somehow like were to delete every single copy of my library, it would still be there and somewhere I would just have to find it somewhere. Speaker 1 00:08:10 So never make a music library without like a good backup. And if you're about to change something with it, like make sure it's backed up before he change anything. So that's, that's all I really know about my music collection. Um, that's, I like to sometimes work on that while I'm watching tv. Which one of the things I love to watch is Downton Abbey, which we will talk about next. Downton Abbey. A show that recently ended, at least here in America is Downton Abbey. Now for those who don't know what the show is, it's basically about British, like super rich people in the 19 hundreds and their lives. And bas it takes place in a 10 year period. They time jump a lot, which is kind of of weird. I don't like that. Um, but it takes place over a 10 year period and it's, it's just about how their lives are going with like, the times. Speaker 1 00:09:04 I tried not to like this show at all. For some reason my dad decided one year to start watching it. And so we started watching it on Amazon Prime. And I tried so hard. The only thing I liked about it was Maggie Smith. You know, most of people probably know Maggie Smith from the Harry Potter movies. She is like the coolest person in the world on that show. She just plays this old, she's like the main, she is, they call her the Dower Countess, which means she is the, like her, her husband was the Lord and now he's dead. So she's kind of just like off to the side. But she still interacts with everyone. Is she, is she Professor McGonagal? She is Professor McGonagal. Okay. This is the first, this is the first Eric has now, uh, he has spoken on on Earth, so yes. Speaker 1 00:09:48 Um, yeah, so she, uh, she is really funny. She's really sarcastic and some of the things she says are just like huge burns on people. So she, for the longest time was the only thing I liked about this show. And it's basically a soap opera. And the problem with soap operas, and this happened to me with the ww e cuz that is like a violent soap opera, is that you just get hooked, you get hooked on the characters and on the situations that are happening. And like you tr I tried, I did not wanna like Downton Abbey at all, but I became like, I don't wanna say obsessed, but I did actually start to care about the people on the show. And I was bad. I, uh, I'm one of those people who I don't really care about spoilers unless it's something huge. Um, I accidentally spoiled the new Star Wars for myself. Speaker 1 00:10:38 And I like, I wanted to cry when I did <laugh>, but for the most part I, like, I went on Wikipedia and I just wa like read the this, um, uh, summaries for every episode of Downton Abbey up to that point. And so I got, I knew what was happening before it would happen on the show, but it didn't like ruin the enjoyment that I had for him. It, it actually helped for some reason, and I don't understand why. So then the New seasons were, were starting to air as, um, like, you know, we, we watched the first three on Prime and then season four was out, and then season five came out. So the funny thing is that these shows Air First in the uk and so people were putting spoilers on Wikipedia before it had aired in America. And so I'm reading about what's happening on this show before we can even watch it. Speaker 1 00:11:24 And that was cracking me up because I'm, I'm sitting there and my parents, my sister are like, like, don't tell, like, you know what happens, don't you? And I'm like, yeah. And they're like, don't tell me. But then they're like, does this happen? Don't tell me <laugh>. And so and so, there it is again, uh, the interjection of of the year apparently for me. And so, so I, you know, I I started to get hooked on this show and we would, we would watch it and season six just finished, which was the final season. We watched the, the series finale last week. It was wonderful. Like it ended perfectly. And now I'm kind of sad and I want them, I'm like, every year they should just do a special, because that way you don't have to commit to a whole season. Like these actors don't have to do that, but you're still like, this is what's happening to the characters after the show is ended. Speaker 1 00:12:09 And I think that would be awesome. And you know, they're at the show. This isn't really a spoiler. I think this is common know now. People keep, people get married, people die. There was a particularly brutal season. It was season three, like a bunch of main characters died, but it was just because they wanted to leave the show, the actors. So like, they had to write 'em out somehow. It's, it's a good show and it's one of the only shows I can say I've watched fully through its entire run. Like I'm one of, I can't binge watch things. I tried, I I, I started to to watch a show and I got through the first season just because it was six episodes. That's as far as I could get. And they were all like 22 minutes. That's the only reason I did that. Um, so we were watching this on TV and you know, that's more my speed, that's more my like, you know, forte. Speaker 1 00:12:57 But no, that was it. Downton Abbey, um, it got it, got it got me. I never cried. There were times that made me emotional though. But it was such a good show. Anyway, for you. Audio only listeners, uh, we're gonna be talking about my spring break now and it wasn't as exciting as that sounds. And if you're not, you know, we're gonna be going to the ending segment. So stay tuned. Spring break last week was Penn State Barron's Spring Break. Since I work at Barron, I also got most of the week off. There was one day that I had to work. It was some crazy high school thing going on. I sold a, like a boatload of food. Um, but for the most part I had, I had last week off some of the things that happened last week, kind of tell you all that you need to know about me. Speaker 1 00:13:43 Monday morning it was like 8:00 AM I drove to Target to buy nerds jelly beans because they're the best jelly beans in the entire world because they're jelly beans and they're nerds. And that's the only place I've been able to find them this year that like Amazon has 'em for like 15 bucks. I'm not paying that for a bag of jelly beans. And I went to Target, I looked around, I saw their Easter display and people are like, they're trying to, the workers are trying to like fill it. Cause apparently if you go to like a store at 8:00 AM that's when they're like doing all the work. Um, I'm not really used to going to a store at 8:00 AM but I went, I kind of just like sneaked in there and I bought <laugh>. I bought four bags of jelly beans. I spent $10 on jelly beans and I was like, don't judge me for my jelly beans. Speaker 1 00:14:33 I just really want them, they're all gone by the way because everyone in my house was eating them. So there are no more jelly beans at home. Um, after that I was up at, on, yeah, it's up near the mall. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna try to stay away from being local here. Um, I was up near the mall and there's a Taco Bell pretty much across the street. So I was like, it's breakfast, I'm getting Taco Bell for breakfast. I got the cool like new queso lupa thing they have. Um, it was breakfast version and I got it and I ate it when I got home and I was like, there's no cheese in this shell. And that is the whole point of the thing of the product that it's supposed to have like melted cheese in the shell. So I did what any communication major would do in the digital age. Speaker 1 00:15:13 And I got on Twitter and tweeted at Taco Bell. And I'm wondering if they did this because you know, when you tweet something at Taco Bell, like everyone who follows Taco Bell on Twitter can see that maybe some, I mean if they really tried to find it, but it's out there like it is out there for the public to see you complaining to Taco Bell. So I, I ended up getting a response from 'em. They asked for my address and I got sent a free coupon. Actually, it's one of the two things I have in the cash slot of my wallet. Well, besides receipts, I have this Taco Bell coupon for a free thing. It sounds like it can be any like food item. And I have a $2 bill. It's my emergency, $2 in case I don't have my debit card or anything on the debit card or any other cash. Speaker 1 00:16:02 I have the emergency $2 and I have had to use one before. This is my replacement emergency too. Um, it's too bad this is audio only cause this is a good video segment. Um, so yeah, I got a free, free coupon. I haven't used it yet. I'm waiting to do that. So I went to Taco Bell and then you're like, all right, that's normal. The next day I went to Taco Bell again because my sister and my cousins invited me to their, like, girls night out because they were going to see Zootopia, which I wanted to see. I love cartoons. So we went to Taco Bell again, and then we went to Zootopia. Now as we're walking up, my sister and I had driven separately, you know, my cousins were in their own car and I, we were walking up and my sister's like, I, I wonder if they're hiding cause we didn't see them standing anywhere. Speaker 1 00:16:47 My cousin jumps out in front of us and now I'm gonna get up and demonstrate this, which is exactly why this is audio only because you, I don't know, that made no sense. Um, it's audio only because the video is so insane that you have to wait to see it at some point point in the future. So my cousin jumps out in front of me and I just go like this, hands in my pocket. I'm just like, I almost kicked her in the face, which is probably like, that was my gut reaction. And I'm glad to know that if someone tried to jump me that I, you know, I <laugh> I would, I would have the ability to fight back. But I'm kind of concerned that I didn't take my hands outta my pockets. That kind of tells me that, you know, I'll be nonchalant about it if I have to kick someone in the head. Speaker 1 00:17:42 But, so that was Taco Bell too. In one week, Friday, no, Thursday night my brother came in to visit for the weekend and we were gonna go to Taco Bell again. I was all for it. I wanted Taco Bell, like it is my favorite fast food place. We ended up going to Burger King. Then the next day we went to ha's for my mom's birthday. And then I got Taco Bell yesterday my friend ended up driving me home and we went to Taco Bell and I was so, I was like, I had a 20 ounce Mountain Dew and an amp, um, during the day. So I was like, I'm done with pop for the day. Like I'm just gonna drink water from now on. And so when I went to Taco Bell, they have a, a Mountain Dew, not the Baja Blast, but the Sangita blast that I'm obsessed with. Speaker 1 00:18:22 And that's the only place you can get it. So I was like, all right, well I guess I'll get it. And any normal person would probably be like, well I'm trying to not drink a lot of pop, I'll get a small, I was like, I walked up, I was like, I'll have an extra large fountain drink <laugh>. So apparently this doesn't happen a lot cuz they, they confirmed, they had to confirm that that's what I asked for. I was like, well it's 10 cents more than a large, so I'll get an extra large. And I guess what I'm trying to say with this is that I ate a lot on my spring break. It was mostly Taco Bell and that, you know, maybe I need to work on my, my reaction, not like my reaction time. Cause apparently that's pretty good. But like my conscious like physical response to, to people trying to jump me. Anyway, that is how my spring break went. Coming up next for those listening audio only is the ending. What did we learn? That was terrible. What did we learn? <laugh>, I'm just gonna go. Speaker 1 00:19:25 So we have reached the end of today's show and we are introducing a new segment which requires us to, I guess it doesn't require, but it is bringing the return of producer Eric. And it is called What did We Learn? Now this is probably a common thing among shows, but we thought about it, uh, while we were recording today's show. So Eric, what did we learn today? I know that I learned, um, one, make sure that my music library is backed up. Two Downton Abbey is far too addicting. And three, of course, of course the best segment that we recorded was the audio only one. And the video is the best part of it and that's not what's gonna be going out for a while. Um, so what did you learn <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:20:08 Uh, I learned that Professor McGonagal is in Dunton Abbey <laugh>. Uh, I learned also that making a podcast is, uh, <laugh>. I don't know anything about how to do it. <laugh>. And we make it up as we go. Speaker 1 00:20:24 We do. We're just figuring this out as we go. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:20:27 Uh, and I learned Brian eats a lot of sugar. Speaker 1 00:20:30 That is true. I definitely do. I actually need to watch out cause I was a fat baby. So they said I'm, I'm like a prime target, um, for, for diabetes. Ooh. So I do need to watch that. It's, um, I actually had a Diet mound due today. It's spring break, baby. Spring break. That's my splurge. I had a Diet Mountain Dew. It supposedly doesn't have real sugar in it. I don't know if your body realizes that though. Speaker 2 00:20:56 I don't know. Speaker 1 00:20:56 I mean, I don't know Speaker 2 00:20:58 What the fake sugar as Speaker 1 00:21:00 Opposed to real sugar. Yeah. Well, I don't know. Well anyway, <laugh>, um, social media if you wanna find us. We are now on Facebook officially at with Narwals. You could probably just Google or, uh, Facebook search snorkeling with narwals Twitter at snorkel narwals YouTube. We have a channel now. It is snorkeling with Narwals. You can find our first episode there. Um, and anything else we decide to put on there, iTunes, snorkeling with narwhals. It's the audio only podcast. Or you can subscribe [email protected] slash web feed dot xml. We will put that on there at some point on the screen. Um, our website, again, bt You can find everything there too. Next week we are supposed to have a guest host. My good friend Ronnie. We will be trying this two host set. We'll see how it goes. I mean, you know, I'm, I'm used to mostly having co-hosts on my radio show, so I don't think it'll be too big of a difference, but I think it'll be fun. So anyway, good morning, good afternoon. Oh, perfect. Was that good morning. Good afternoon. Whenever you're listening to this or watching it, have a good day everyone.

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