The Movie Plan and Jason Gray

Episode 1 September 19, 2018 00:14:30
The Movie Plan and Jason Gray
Snorkeling With Narwhals
The Movie Plan and Jason Gray

Sep 19 2018 | 00:14:30


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Brian talks about recent movies that he's seen (such as BlacKkKlansman and The Predator), a plan to see 52 movies in a year (it's going well), and Jason Gray's new EP (The Kipper Gray Sessions)!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:11 What's up everyone? You're listening to Snorkeling with Narwals. I'm Brian and welcome to the first official episode of the New Snorkeling with Narwhals. The first episode was just an intro, so this is the first one I'm gonna do that is an actual like planned out segmented new thing. And I'm really excited about it cause I've got some cool topics to talk about today. For example, first topic movies. So I love movies. Like so much. One of my favorite places in the world to go is a movie theater because, I don't know, I just love the, the atmosphere. Like it's even in the lobbies, it's like kind of dark and then the theaters are dark and it's air conditioned and it always smells like popcorn. And I just love watching movies in general. So like for the longest time, like when I was young, we'd go every now and then. Speaker 1 00:01:07 There was never any, you know, real planned out movie times. And then a few years ago I started keeping track of how many I saw. So like I did this because in 2011 I didn't see anything in theaters and like how that happened is just beyond me. But then the next year I saw six movies and I kept track of every single one of 'em, which wasn't hard cuz there were six. And so every year I've tried to like, I've increased it or I've, you know, I've at least kept track of it and I, I think 2013 I saw 15 and then the next year was 19 and then like 17. So 2016 my goal was to see 20 movies in theaters. And I got to the last day of the year with 19 and it was one of those days where on New Year's Eve we will usually go see a movie just to just kind of become our thing. Speaker 1 00:02:05 And we looked at what was out and there really wasn't anything good out. So I was like, well I really want to get to 20. So we looked and passengers was out with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. So my brother and I went to see that. And then my sister and my brother's, uh, then girlfriend, they're engaged now, went to see Fantastic Beasts and I don't think my brother really wanted to see passengers, but he went along <laugh>, he went along with me, I don't know, just for support. So I did get to 20 that year and then last year I actually got to 29, it would've been 30, but at the end of the year like that last week after Christmas, we were snowed in the house. Um, we had a giant snowstorm and for those who live in Erie, I'm sure you remember it very well, where we got like five feet of snow within like two days and we couldn't go anywhere. Speaker 1 00:03:08 So last year I was stuck at 29 movies and this year my sister and I, cuz that's usually who I end up going with, it's me and my sister. We didn't have any plans to do anything with movies. Like we would see them, but we weren't gonna have any goals or try to like, reach any milestones. But what ended up happening, there were a few things. First off, we both got, uh, movie Pass at least I don't remember when she got hers, but I got mine like in October last year. And it was awesome. It, it's been in the news a lot because it's a really unsustainable like business. When I got it, their model was 10 bucks a month, you could see a movie a day and it, it was amazing. Like it was so good. You'd just go in on the app, check into whatever you're gonna see and then pay like they gave you a little debit card and it was awesome. Speaker 1 00:04:02 And it seriously was like 10 bucks a month. So eventually they, you know, they had to drop that because it was super unsustainable. But for quite a while this year we both had movie pass. So that was one factor. And then, you know, at the beginning of the year, first week we saw Darkest Hour with Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill. Like we just, you know, my dad wanted to see a movie so we all went. Then the next week we saw the new Jumanji. We saw that with my cousin and her boyfriend and at that point, so it was two movies in two weeks, both with Movie Pass and we're like, you know what, I think we can do one a week, like for the whole year. So our goal became to see a movie a week for the whole year, 52 movies. And it eventually changed like, just kind of to make it easier for us, more convenient for us. Speaker 1 00:04:59 We made it so that it's an average of one. So we just have to see 52 movies this, this year. Like there have been weeks where we didn't go, but then there have been weeks where we saw like two movies in a week. So as long as it averages out to one a week, we're cool with it. And currently we're at 36 <laugh>. Um, the last two movies we saw were Black Klansman and The Predator. So Black Klansman was really good. I mean it was, there was solid acting from Adam Driver who plays Kylo, ran in the new Star Wars and then John David Washington who's Denzel's son and Topfer Grace who, who who would've ever thought that he'd be playing the leader of the kkk. Uh, this little squirrely nerdy guy. But it was, it was one of those movies where like the topic, you know, it's basically about an African American cop trying to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan and he needs to have Adam Driver like basically go to the meetings for him because he's white. Speaker 1 00:06:05 And it was very good, it was very timely, it was never laugh out loud funny, but it was kind of ironically funny, just some of the like the situations and the way that they would deal with them. But it was just a really good movie, like just a solid, solid movie. And then the Predator was just decent. It was nothing amazing. It wasn't even very good, but it was enjoyable. Like it was, it was, you know, fun to watch I guess. Uh, it was way, way too gory. Um, the language in it was atrocious like it was right at r so like I'm not shocked by that at all. What I'm always like a little surprised by though is there was like a kid in there and I'm like a kid with his parent. I'm like, you just, you brought your kid to the Predator. Speaker 1 00:06:52 Like the ticket has a giant R on it. Like how did you not know or did you just not care but whatever. I don't know. Um, but no, it was, it was decent. I have a, a movie ranking list that I'm keeping for everything I see this year and I have it right below the Meg or not right below, but like a few below. It's in the general area of the Meg, which was similarly a stupid action movie but that one was more fun. So next up this will count towards our tally but I won't be able to rank it with the other movies I've seen this year because it just, there's no way that it would work because this movie is 25 years old and would outrank everything on the list still we are going to see Jurassic Park, they are re-releasing it to theaters and we are so excited. Speaker 1 00:07:43 I've gotten to see every, there are five of 'em now, every Jurassic Park in theaters except the first one because that came out the year I was born. So clearly I'm not going to the movies when I'm not born yet. Uh, I even saw the second one in theaters, I was like three years old. That's one of my like, I love it I guess. So I don't know, maybe taking a kid to see The Predator isn't the weirdest thing in the world, but I'm really excited and it's gonna be awesome. It's also gonna be great to go to a movie knowing that I'm gonna like it because I mean I've seen it like a million times. Speaker 1 00:08:19 So one of my favorite artists is Jason Gray. He is a Christian artist who at least in his earlier stuff was more folky like singer songwriter type and I mean all of his stuff is good but his 2009 cd, everything Sad is Coming Untrue, it's like amazing. It's one of my favorite CDs. I call it one of the most important CDs I've ever listened to because it is like every song was written about me and then the follow up to that was a way to see in the Dark and it's not quite as good to me but it's like it's so good. So he just released a new EP called the, the Kipper Gray Sessions and the whole thing with it was that they're produced like at least in part or completely by his son who is like in his early twenties. So this came out recently and I needed to get it, obviously I needed to get it the day it came out cuz I love Jason Gray and I got it the day it came out, but then I didn't get around to listening to it until a little bit later. Speaker 1 00:09:20 And you know, I don't know if this is gonna become like a constant thing, but I wanted to do a little music review, uh, on snorkeling with Narwals. And so I guess I'll do it. Uh, it's only, there's only five songs so it won't be a super long one. So the first three songs on the CD or EP I guess aren't mountain Beer around kind of beautiful and love life and they're all very poppy, which it kind of follows. He's been going in that direction recently, like his last CD uh, had some popier stuff And so like I wasn't super surprised by this and like I I, it was good. Like they were very good. Nothing amazing to me. Just like good pop songs, solid like Jason Gray stuff and I don't want, this is gonna sound super bad, I wasn't super impressed by them. And I always say it sounds super bad when I say that because like it's Christian music and it's supposed to be like for God's glory. Speaker 1 00:10:16 So just say it's bad. Like I don't wanna say it's bad but for me listening to it, I wasn't super into it. But then the last two songs on it got really interesting. The first one is called Time and I was listening to it and I was like at first thinking it had some like nineties r and b type sound to it. And then the more I listened to it I was like, it kind of does but it also sounds like 21 pilots who are pretty popular right now. And it was just really interesting. And sometimes when you say interesting, that doesn't always mean it's good. Like it just means you don't want to say it's bad. But this one like it was good. I wouldn't call it great, but I loved that he was doing something different. This is something I've never heard outta Jason Gray before. Speaker 1 00:11:07 And so I was really intrigued by it. And then the last song on the EP was similar, it's called Becoming and the best description I had of it was like 2009 John Waller and no one is gonna know what that means. John Waller was a Christian artist who had this like two year span where he was really popular. He had this song called While I'm Waiting. And I don't know, there's just something about the music and like the way he sings on this song that reminds me of like John Waller from that time. And that could be a bad thing. Like if you think about it cuz I'm basically saying he sounds like a 10 year old song. Like that's pretty dated but I don't mean it in a bad way, I just mean it. Like that's what it is. And both of these songs were really interesting, like sonically interesting and I'm not a music like theory guy but they were different for Jason Gray. But I just think it's awesome that he's trying to do something different. And so I look forward to his next CD because if he does more stuff like that, it'll be really interesting to listen to. Speaker 1 00:12:16 So that's it for today's episode of Snorkeling with Narwhals. I think I've settled on Wednesday as the day that I'm going to release new episodes because if I release on Tuesdays, that means that I really have to record on Sunday and then um, edit on Mondays. And that doesn't give me time to do anything really current football based. By the time I would talk to you about anything football based, it would basically have happened a week ago and then Thursday's just kinda late in the week to me. Like, I don't know at that point the week is almost over for most people so I didn't wanna do that. So Wednesday seems like a good, like perfect day, like everything will be done in football or done enough that I'll have stuff to talk about if I want to. Cuz I do want to talk about football, like current football at some point. Speaker 1 00:13:04 And then it will still, like, it's still early enough in the weekend. It's Hump day quote unquote, so maybe people want something to listen to to get them through the rest of the week. So yeah, I'm gonna go for Wednesdays from here on out, you can listen to new episodes on the site, got a Facebook page just snorkeling with Narwals. You'll be able to find that pretty easily. And then a Twitter is a at snorkel cast, which we have, I haven't used that term for a while, but that's still the Twitter handle and I'm trying to go through all these social media things and all the different ways you can listen. Um, cuz I feel like there's too many of them. If you have a feed reader you can subscribe, you know, manually and uh, the feed will be listed on the episode in the description or in some way or, and I haven't completely confirmed this, but it should be on there now. You can go on iTunes, find snorkeling with Narwals. I had to create a new feed for it. The original one was gone. I got rid of that just to, you know, try to clean some things up. We'll see if that works. But yeah, you know, Wednesdays that's, they'll be live Wednesdays at midnight. That's what I'm going for. So good morning, good afternoon, whenever it is. You'll be listening to this. I am Brian, this is snorkeling with Narwhals and I'm out.

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