The Next Generation

Episode 1 March 20, 2022 00:53:01
The Next Generation
Snorkeling With Narwhals
The Next Generation

Mar 20 2022 | 00:53:01


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Brian McKay is back, and this time he's joined by a new co-host Matt Slippy. Join them as they talk about how they met and tell some stories about their college days. Then listen as they talk about football and movies they've been watching. It's the next generation of Snorkeling With Narwhals...for real this time!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:11 Hey everyone, I'm Brian McKay, and this is Snorkeling with Narwals. And you may be wondering what is snorkeling with Narwals? Well, this is a podcast that I started about six years ago, uh, with my friend Eric Brown, and eventually my friend Ronnie Cox, he became a co-host with me. And it was kind of just a, a random podcast where, you know, we'd talk about different topics like concerts, relationships, we'd play games, um, and then it didn't last more than a year. And then I brought it back in 2018 as a solo pod. And that lasted two episodes and I brought it back in 2019 or 2020. And that lasted about two or three episodes, maybe four. Uh, so it's been a very hit or miss, you know, thing. But I want to podcast. I, you know, I, I had one with, with my friend Evan, but that didn't work out. Uh, and I really wanted to do this, but it's like I can't do it alone. So I have enlisted the help of one Matthew Slippery the third, Speaker 2 00:01:23 The third <laugh>. I am the first, actually Speaker 1 00:01:26 <laugh>. Oh, okay. Speaker 2 00:01:28 I have, I said the third before <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:31 Um, I don't remember if you said the third or if I made that part up. Speaker 2 00:01:35 It's nice though, <laugh>, I always, I always like the numbers. Uh, Speaker 1 00:01:39 Yeah, Speaker 2 00:01:39 Yeah. Well, yeah, I, I'm, I'm honored. I feel like I got the fast track to the hosting job, <laugh>. Um, it's, it's, uh, it's fun to, to be doing this again with you. I've dabbled a little bit in podcasting, obviously, um, mostly through you, so yeah. Good to be recording. Speaker 1 00:01:57 So, yeah, so for, for context, um, we went to college together and I used to host radio shows on campus. And every now and then, uh, so he's gonna say his name is Matt. I'm just gonna call him Slippery because that's just what I call him. I told him that I, I told you, you're, you're just gonna be slippery forever. Um, but he would occasionally guest host or co-host my radio shows with me. Uh, and it was just so fun. You brought an energy to the shows that was just completely random. Like <laugh>, I remember <laugh>, one of my shows, uh, it was Psalms and songs, just the songs where we were playing a CD by the band. I am they, and like, we just got Speaker 2 00:02:50 'em and they weren't Speaker 1 00:02:51 <laugh>. No, I am, they was good. All Sons and Daughters was the Speaker 2 00:02:57 Bad one. Oh, that's the one. Oh, Ooh. Yeah, we did a few, I mean, I am they, we would often theme it around like a new album that had come out from, uh, a given band. And so, you know, sometimes you're sitting through a new album and it's like, wow, this is, this is excellent. Or, you know, it's middle of the road. And then occasionally you just get a real flop and Yeah. You know, it's the flops that often stand out. Speaker 1 00:03:22 <laugh>. Yeah. The, and no offense to all sons and daughters, cuz they are good. Right. But they're very, you can't listen to a lot of them at the same, you know, in one sitting. But no, I mean, we were talking about, I Am They and listening to the CD and we got off on a tangent about like, attractive sounding singers and it was completely random, completely off the wall. We would talk about like, food on campus. Like we would, we would get our friend Molly, like I, she was at Bruno's, which was, uh, the place on campus where you could get food. And I think like he tried to get her to bring you food, like in the studio. I don't know if I'm making that up. I might be Speaker 2 00:04:02 Making that up. I, I'm sure that I did. Cuz Bruno's was kind of, it was the closest food option to, to the recording booth and Yeah, you totally were not allowed to have food in there. Speaker 1 00:04:13 No, you, you weren't even really allowed to be in there without me <laugh>. Uh, but, uh, you had to be alone in there one time because one time my nose started bleeding. Yes. Like mid, like, we had just come back from a song and I was gonna, you know, like, hey, you know, you're listening to Psalms and songs. Just the songs. This is, this was Chris August and Oh, my Nose Is Bleeding. You're like, what? Really? So I had to like run to the bathroom and just, I think we immediately went back to the music. So in fact, I actually on Speaker 2 00:04:46 Times I turned off the recording at that time and, you know, just broadcast whatever I wanted for five minutes. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:04:54 <laugh>. Oh, I would not have been happy <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:04:57 You, you'd have been none the wiser Barron just would've been, uh, <laugh> for those listening, you know, Speaker 1 00:05:03 Would've been, you would've just been like, slippery has taken over the radio. What's Speaker 2 00:05:07 Going on, Speaker 1 00:05:07 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:05:07 Yeah. It's World War iii, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:05:10 This Speaker 2 00:05:11 Is an emergency broadcast. Speaker 1 00:05:13 <laugh> of the slippery warning system. That's right. But, so then I think we had talked about then doing a show with, uh, our friend Brett. I remember it was, I don't know why, but it was three guys in a camel. I don't know if you remember this, uh, Speaker 2 00:05:30 I don't remember the camel. Speaker 1 00:05:32 There was a camel, I don't know how the camel like got involved, but you wanted to make the logo, uh, like a silhouette camel with turds. Speaker 2 00:05:42 <laugh>, yeah. No, that's coming back. Sounds right. Speaker 1 00:05:46 And for some reason that show never ended up happening. Um, one of, I'm, I'm very good at coming up with ideas and then never actually like following through on them, but no, finally we are hosting a show together. I like to call this snorkeling with Narwals, the Next Generation. I don't know if we're allowed to say that since it's a Star Trek thing, but you know, who's really gonna say anything? Speaker 2 00:06:13 I mean, you're not ripping it off of them. This is original. Speaker 1 00:06:16 It's, it's in homage, homage, ohmage homage to Star Trek, cuz that has Patrick Stewart in it. And Patrick Stewart is amazing. He's the man. He is, he should be in everything. But, uh, so just a little context for what the show's gonna be. It's gonna be kind of random and that sounds like a cop out and it sounds like, wow, why would I wanna listen to a podcast of just two guys talking about whatever pops into their head. Uh, I mean, we're gonna talk about college, like our, our experiences in college. We're gonna talk about football, we're gonna talk about movies, anything like, we, we have a list of just tangents that we're ready to go off on. And I think it's gonna be really fun. What do you think? Slippery? Speaker 2 00:06:59 Oh, I don't know. You've set it up a little bit high for the audience. We'll have to see <laugh> Speaker 1 00:07:03 <laugh>. Um, but no, I guess we should talk a little, I mean, we talked a little about the shows we hosted together, but we should probably talk about how we met. So we had a mutual friend named Evan who was awesome. And I think I was just like, we were eating lunch in Bruno's one day and then you came over and like, that was literally just it. Like that's how we met. Speaker 2 00:07:34 I I just inserted myself into whatever conversation you were having probably, uh, with, with no, no sense of manners whatsoever. Speaker 1 00:07:43 <laugh>, it's quite possible. We'll get into your, your manners later <laugh>. Cause there's a, there's a story there too. But no, we just, it was one of those things where we had a mutual friend and that's actually how I met a lot of my friends in college was through Evan. Like, we just, you know, we, we got to know each other by just hanging out in school or at lunch or, you know, just, we had, we ended up having a couple classes together, one at least. Um, but no, that's, that's literally, it's not this phenomenal story of how we met. We literally just met and became friends. Um, but to go to your manners, <laugh>, so there was a day, uh, I was getting picked up from class for the day and my mom had to go into the student union building and I'm sitting in the car, my sister's sitting in the car and I see you walk by and I'm, you like, start walking towards the car. And I'm like, oh, he's gonna say hi. And then I'm like, oh, he's gonna come sit in the back seat. And then you went to the driver's seat and you started to drive away. Yeah, for like two seconds. Speaker 2 00:09:05 The briefest ever carjacking. Speaker 1 00:09:07 Really? Yeah. And then my sister yelled at you right? And told you to get out of the car. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:09:13 Uh, in hindsight, you know, I'm sure it was terrifying for her. Uh, I, I did not introduce myself, uh, upon entering the vehicle and I, uh, I didn't actually know that she was in there cuz I approached from the, the driver's side. Yeah. So I thought, you know, oh, here's a, this is, I don't know what I thought you're a college boy, so it's not like thinking is really that involved. Speaker 1 00:09:36 Um, yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:37 So yeah, I hopped in the driver's seat, moved it down, uh, the road a little bit. And, uh, you know, after enough yelling, I realized the situation was probably not one I wanted to continue to push. So. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:50 And what's really funny, what's really funny is that, um, I think your plan was actually to just pull into a parking spot. Yeah. And make my mom find the car. Um, Speaker 2 00:10:00 Well the prank wasn't so much on your mom, it was more about like, I knew you were standing on the sidewalk still <laugh>. I kind of figured she would be left out of it because she like, you know, she'd gone into the building or Speaker 1 00:10:11 Something. Oh no, I was in the car when you did this. Speaker 2 00:10:14 You Oh, you got in the car? Speaker 1 00:10:15 Okay. Yeah, I was in the back. Um, see, Speaker 2 00:10:18 She, your sister should have been fine. Speaker 1 00:10:20 Well, so what, she eventually, she apologized to me for yelling at my friend <laugh>. And I, you know, I accepted the apology, but then it's like, in hindsight it's like, no, you were well within your rights. Speaker 2 00:10:35 You did not owe, owe anybody an apology. Speaker 1 00:10:37 She did not owe anybody an apology <laugh> as far as she knew. I think she, like, I, I think I said something to you so she knew that I knew you, but like, as far as she knew, some random guy was just coming in and driving the car away. So, Speaker 2 00:10:53 Well, if she's listening here, here's my apology. I'm sorry. Speaker 1 00:10:58 <laugh>. <laugh>. I will make sure she hears that. Um, but yeah, no, that was, that is, uh, that is was one of the, the more fun stories. We, uh, what else did we do? You tried to teach me how to ride a bike. Speaker 2 00:11:16 Yeah, that was interesting. Speaker 1 00:11:18 Senior year. Speaker 2 00:11:19 I think Isaiah may have been there. Speaker 1 00:11:21 He was. Speaker 2 00:11:22 Uh, and yeah, you, so how, how much progress have you made since then? Speaker 1 00:11:27 I gave up. Oh yeah. Pretty much after that day, Speaker 2 00:11:31 It was a, uh, I felt like we had, we had set you up pretty good, you know, on a straight path. It was relatively flat, you know, nobody in sight, you know, I was like, this is good. If, if we're gonna learn to ride a bike, this is the spot. And I think, you know, in some way, shape, or form, I just assumed that there wasn't going to need to be any learning <laugh> involved. And then, and Isaiah's like, yeah, you just hop on it and you, you just start pedaling and, and like, when you've ridden a bike for much of your life, that is all you, like, you don't think about it. It's second nature. But to teach somebody again, you have to actually think about it. And, you know, I did not go through those paces with you. So, uh, here's, here's my second apology on the podcast. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:12:21 Well, so here's the thing. I've, I've accepted that I'm probably never going to need to ride a bike. Um, and that I'm probably never going to learn. Now I also don't know how to swim, which I probably should learn because you never know, uh, when you're gonna be like, I don't know, you know, a hurricane mm-hmm. <affirmative> on, on the ocean. That's probably not gonna happen. But well Speaker 2 00:12:49 Limits your, your, uh, the number of roles you can accept as an actor too, right? Like, you can't be, you'll never get to do, uh, you know, the Tom Hanks role and jump in the water to Chase Wilson unless they put a life jacket on you. Speaker 1 00:13:04 <laugh>. No, Wilson. That part makes me so sad. Speaker 2 00:13:07 Oh, spoiler alert. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:13:10 Oh, well, you know, Castaway is a 22 year old movie. If you don't know what happens by now, uh, then you know, that's kind of on you. I think the spoiler alert, the spoiler warning is passed. Speaker 2 00:13:23 And maybe we should just tell everyone, like, if you're listening to this, there's gonna be spoilers for movies. Speaker 1 00:13:28 Yeah. We're just gonna spoil everything. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:13:31 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:13:35 Um, but yeah, no, what was I gonna say? I lost my train of thought. Speaker 2 00:13:41 We were riding bikes. Speaker 1 00:13:43 We were riding bikes. I skipped class for that by the way. Speaker 2 00:13:47 Oh, I did not know that. Speaker 1 00:13:48 Uh, I did. Well it was Dr. Kang's class. Speaker 2 00:13:51 Uh, he's the best. Speaker 1 00:13:53 He is the best. Um, it was a class that had like five people in it. I actually added it late. It was the only time I ever late added a class. I had late dropped classes before. Sure. But I had to like, get people to sign off on it to let me join the class. Uh, cuz it was like two or three weeks in already. Speaker 2 00:14:13 But, and did you select it just because he was the professor? Speaker 1 00:14:17 No. Well, I think I needed another class, like for my major. Um, and I think I had dropped another class, so I had an open spot. So I wanted to, you know, I don't remember why I wanted to get in. I think I just, I figured I would get it the class while I could mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but yeah, I skipped that day to, to try to learn how to ride a bike and it did not work out. So was it worth it? Let me work it. Speaker 2 00:14:51 Thankfully you didn't crash or anything like that. You know, there are stories Speaker 1 00:14:55 Like that and there were people walking by and they're probably like, what the heck is this kid like doing, trying to ride a bike <laugh> at like 20 years old? <laugh>. Do Speaker 2 00:15:07 You think, do you think it was obvious what we were trying to do? Speaker 1 00:15:10 I think so, cuz like there, I don't know. I I probably didn't look very, um, like stable on the bike and there's two people standing around me <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:15:20 That's true. And we also did not, we didn't bring training wheels or anything like that. I Speaker 1 00:15:24 Don't know if No, well that would've made it even worse. Speaker 2 00:15:26 And that would've been humiliating. Speaker 1 00:15:28 That would've been absolutely humiliating. You Speaker 2 00:15:30 Wouldn't have done it. Speaker 1 00:15:31 No, I would not have done it. Um, but that makes me think of, uh, so my dad didn't know that I would skip class sometimes <laugh>. And it was one of those things I wouldn't skip class if it was gonna hurt me. You know what I mean? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:15:46 But I mean, you graduated. Speaker 1 00:15:47 Yeah, I graduated. But, um, it makes me think of how like, I think my freshman year I skipped two classes and that was cuz it was the, like, the last week of classes. And I had not missed any classes. I just said classes like 5 million times. But I didn't need to be there. So I was like, I asked the professor, he is like, yeah, you don't have to be there like you should be, but you don't have to be. So I didn't go. And then occasionally, like the next year I would skip class to work on stuff for other classes. And then, uh, eventually it would just, you know, you always hear the saying that once the idea of skipping class enters your mind, it's too late. That happened starting like junior year where you're just like, mm, I don't really feel like going to this today. So Speaker 2 00:16:36 It is strange how quickly it transitions. Like, you know, you, you graduate from high school and then you go to college. Um, and it's a business like, it, it still feels like school and it is school, but it is a transaction. And they, they really as an organization, don't really care if you skip or if you don't pass even, you know, they're not pushing people through in a way that I feel like public school somewhat does. Speaker 1 00:17:04 Yeah. Uh, humanities classes were more like, you had to show up, you could miss a certain amount, uh, before they'd start to dock your grade. But like the science classes, like they did not care. Like you could just, whoops, I hit a box. Uh, you could just like not go to class. And I'm like, oh, that fun, that's fine, but Speaker 2 00:17:24 We'll see you next Speaker 1 00:17:25 Year. Yeah. You know, I had a class, I had a stats class that, speaking of like the sciences and math and whatnot, where I was told that I was the highest grade ever and lowest grade ever for a communication major on the final because I was the only one that had ever done it. <laugh>. Oh. Did Speaker 2 00:17:50 You have, did you have uh, Patterson for that? Speaker 1 00:17:53 No, I had Dr. Rudder. Speaker 2 00:17:55 Oh my gosh. Patterson was tough. Stats was a tough class for me. Speaker 1 00:17:59 Well see. So what I did is, I think I took, I took a stats class. Which one was that? It was junior. I think that was junior year. I don't remember. Cause I took a couple with him. But, uh, I took the, the tougher one and then I took the prerequisite after. So the, when I took the prerequisite, it was like the easiest class in the world cuz I had just taken the, like, the really tough one. But stats is tough. Like, you wouldn't think it's tough, but stats gets really difficult. Speaker 2 00:18:31 <laugh>, it, it's one of those, uh, I I'll call it a math class. Uh, Speaker 1 00:18:36 Just, yeah, I mean it is, Speaker 2 00:18:37 It's one of those where like, you know, it's math. If you didn't do the work, like you, you cannot just come to the test and try and understand. Right. They were, or like wing it cuz you think it's multiple choice. It's like, nope, you're gonna read this problem and <laugh>, you're, you're gonna put down your work and put down an answer Speaker 1 00:18:56 And Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:57 You know, or you're not. Speaker 1 00:18:58 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:59 And I found myself very quickly, uh, whipped into shape by that Speaker 1 00:19:02 Class. Yeah. Stats, Speaker 2 00:19:05 Weed out class Speaker 1 00:19:08 <laugh>. It's like, I took econometrics too. Uh, I don't, there was a time where I was gonna get the actuary certificate and econometrics was one of the classes. So for some, like that's one of those random things that like, I just randomly have on my transcript. Like that I took this weird, like, I don't even remember like, how to describe it. It was like a mix of like stats and econ and it was not fun. It was not great. Speaker 2 00:19:38 Um, no, I don't think I ever dabbled in that. Speaker 1 00:19:41 So Speaker 2 00:19:41 I wouldn't, they, they wouldn't have let me in Speaker 1 00:19:44 <laugh>. I wouldn't, it wasn't that fun. Um, but yeah, so that I think is is enough about how we met. I mean, we don't want to waste all our stories. Cuz another thing that we didn't mention is, uh, we plan on having guests with us. Like people that we went to school with and people that we know. Like, you know, my siblings Slippery, I don't know about your siblings. Um, Speaker 2 00:20:10 Co-conspirators. Yep. Speaker 1 00:20:11 Yeah, basically anyone, you know, we could have anyone on this show. Um, so we don't want to waste all of our stories yet, but we are gonna shift off a little talk about football. Cuz I don't know about you, but football's my favorite sport. Uh, nothing really comes close to that. Speaker 2 00:20:30 Well, I have to, I have to come clean here. So literally five minutes before we started recording, I just finished the first Formula One race of the season. And here's the big spoiler. Ferrari won the race and they are the team I've been supporting for years actually since probably around the time that we met. I've been watching F1 and I'm thrilled. I'm like, I'm hyped up on adrenaline right now cause they're my team. It's probably, uh, it's probably a tie of favorite sport with the nfl. Everybody's Speaker 1 00:21:05 Oh wow. Really? Speaker 2 00:21:06 Yeah. I, I love f1, but I don't have, uh, it's not super popular here in the States, so. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:21:13 That's Speaker 2 00:21:13 True. Um, you know, it's not like I can find groups to, to chat about it with. Speaker 1 00:21:18 Uh Oh. I'm sure you could if you went and looking. But Speaker 2 00:21:21 If I, yeah. If I looked around, you know, but you wanted to, with football, you can just, like, some of your friends also happen to like football. Yeah. And then you just like talk football with them like we do. Speaker 1 00:21:33 Yeah. It's tough to find just Formula One people. Speaker 2 00:21:37 Yeah. Netflix has done a good job. They've got their Drive to Survive series and that, uh, yeah. I think has brought a lot of Americans into the sport. Speaker 1 00:21:44 Is that the one Bill Simmons was talking about one on his podcast. Speaker 2 00:21:49 He he probably did. It's it's probably the only major gap in their, well maybe not the only one, but it's, it's a significant gap in their sports coverage. Speaker 1 00:22:01 Yeah. The ringer for those who don't know Speaker 2 00:22:03 The, the Ringer Network, Speaker 1 00:22:04 Uh, me and Slippery Love the Ringer. It's, you know, bill Simmons is the head hon. Show there. Uh, I think he's wonderful. I I I do. I I I mean he's like the best at what he does. Speaker 2 00:22:18 He, yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:19 Sports and pop culture is just phenomenal to me. But we're gonna talk a little bit about some football because, uh, we are both fans. I am a Los Angeles Rams fan. And Slippery You are Speaker 2 00:22:31 A Steelers fan. Yes, and I am born and raised in Pittsburgh. So, Speaker 1 00:22:36 See, I am from Erie, so I have no like geographical ties to the Rams. Speaker 2 00:22:43 You're in an NFL dead zone. Really? Speaker 1 00:22:45 Um, yeah, I could, I could root for the Steelers, the bills or the Browns, and I don't wanna root for any of them. Um, but I chose the Rams when I was like five because of their logo. At that point it was just the Ram horn. They didn't have like an actual like, logo. Logo. Um, and I liked the Ram horn. I called them the swirls, Speaker 2 00:23:09 So. Right. Cause it was just that, it was just like a, a swirl and you wouldn't have even known what it was probably unless they had called their, like if they hadn't called their team the Rams, you'd have been like, what is this? Speaker 1 00:23:20 Right. Swirl. But, um, Speaker 2 00:23:23 Good logo though. Speaker 1 00:23:25 I mean, it's, it's such a good helmet logo and they changed it recently. It still looks pretty good. But, um, yeah, so I recently had the pleasure of the Rams winning the Super Bowl, which it's so funny because now it's like, I, I kind of don't know what to do because Yeah, we Speaker 2 00:23:45 Had to get this out of the way early. Speaker 1 00:23:47 <laugh> Well, Speaker 2 00:23:48 Everyone, Brian's team won the Super Bowl. Whoop d do Speaker 1 00:23:51 <laugh>. Well, so the last time they had won the Super Bowl, I was six, I think. Yeah, maybe seven. I was pretty young. Um, so you know, this, this was the first time that I got to enjoy Super Bowl victory as an adult. And it was wonderful. And you know, I just, I don't know, I don't know how to feel now though, because it's like, as a fan, this is what you aim for is to win a Super Bowl. And especially as a Rams fan, I've endured mostly a lifetime of like disappointment and failure. Right. But now it's like they won the Super Bowl and I'm like, I don't know what to do now. Like they could suck next year and I'd be okay with that because they finally did it. And I'm like, I don't, like Speaker 2 00:24:40 It's disappointing though, whenever you have some of the same, a lot of the same core players and then you get different results. It does feel like, okay. Was it just a fluke? Like, we have the same team, Speaker 1 00:24:50 Right. Speaker 2 00:24:51 And you will, you will largely have the same team except for a couple of notable key changes lately. Speaker 1 00:24:59 Yeah, the Rams have lost. Uh, actually, you know, they made such a big deal last year that Tampa Bay was bringing back older their starters, like Yeah. That helped 'em so much. Um, they did Speaker 2 00:25:09 All right. They did all right. Speaker 1 00:25:10 They did all right. But Speaker 2 00:25:11 Yeah, if you got Tampa Bay's results this season, you would be happy. Speaker 1 00:25:15 I would be. But, uh, guess who eliminated Tampa Bay? <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:25:23 Um, they shall rename Nameless Speaker 1 00:25:26 <laugh>. Um, but no, the Rams have had some big losses. Uh, I'll start with Andrew Whitworth, the offensive tackle who was 40 years old. He was so good. Um, I'm so happy that he got to win a Super Bowl. So he was our left tackle and he's gonna be tough to replace. Like, cuz we lost, uh, at least one other lineman, maybe two, I don't remember. But I think, Speaker 2 00:25:50 Yeah, it seems weird for him to retire having, you know, like it didn't seem like he was really gassed. I mean he was still obviously a very effective player to have brought them a Super Bowl win. Speaker 1 00:26:01 I think it Speaker 2 00:26:02 Was just like he was a non, you know, factor. Speaker 1 00:26:05 No, he was, I mean he was still playing really well. I think it was just that he's 40 mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's his time. You, you can't really go out any in a, like, any better way than winning the Super Bowl. Speaker 2 00:26:17 Um, then they showed that video of him sitting on the field with his kids after the game and he told them then that he was gonna be retiring. Did you see that? Speaker 1 00:26:26 I did. And I thought it was so interesting because how did they keep that video? Uh, Speaker 2 00:26:31 I don't know. It must have been, you know, either like a fan who recorded it and kept that under raps or you know, maybe a family member or something. But, Speaker 1 00:26:39 Well there were, there were cameramen and like people filming it. Speaker 2 00:26:43 There were people everywhere. Speaker 1 00:26:44 Yeah. So it's like, they must have just as like this guess a courtesy, like let him be the one to say that he was retiring. Cause it's like, well he obviously knew like keep hitting a box that's sitting next to me. I probably also shouldn't be announcing that, Speaker 2 00:26:59 But I can't, I can't hear it. Neither can they Speaker 1 00:27:03 <laugh>. Um, but Whitworth, it's like, they must have just as a courtesy, like let him be the one to announce that he retired cuz he must have known that he was going to, uh, so that's a big loss. Lost Vaughn Miller, which, yeah, that makes me kind of sad. But I'm glad that we had him for the Super Bowl. Uh, he definitely helped out. Yep. Uh, he signed a big contract with the bills. Speaker 2 00:27:27 Sure did. Speaker 1 00:27:28 It's like six years. 120 million. And, you know, those are never like, Speaker 2 00:27:31 Is that the guarantee? Speaker 1 00:27:33 No, that's, I think the, that's the total like, numbers and you know, it's never gonna be six years, $120 million. Like it's never gonna turn out to be that whole amount. No, but for someone, I mean, he's, he's kind of getting up there in age. I'm shocked that he signed. Oh, I thought he would sign like maybe a two year deal with someone or a three year deal. But, um, the Bill's got a good player, Speaker 2 00:27:57 But Oh yeah. And the bills, you know, it's not like they're hurting for players right now either. Speaker 1 00:28:02 No. I mean, Speaker 2 00:28:03 They've been just fine. Speaker 1 00:28:04 They, uh, they could be dangerous next year. I mean they were, they looked good at the end of the year this year. Uh, but we'll get to the two Rams players that hurt me the most in their leaving. So first off is Johnny Hecker the punter, which I know what you're thinking. Like that sounds ridiculous. The punter. But he legit was like the best punter in the league. Speaker 2 00:28:31 Well, and how long was he with the Speaker 1 00:28:32 Rams for? 10 years season. Speaker 2 00:28:34 Yeah. Yeah. So he's a part of your team. Speaker 1 00:28:36 Yeah. And he was one, like, he, he could throw well enough that they'd do trick plays with him where he would, you know, fake pun throw the ball. Uh, he, he could just pun it so Well like, you know, he would spin it really well. Yeah. He would get it inside the 20. Really? Well. Uh, and he was just such a good guy. Like, I'm so sad that, that he is leaving. I mean, I'm glad that he, he just signed with the Panthers so good for him. But like, I was like, oh man. Like who would've thought I would've been so sad about a punter, but Speaker 2 00:29:09 Well now you're gonna, the age of nostalgia is gonna set in, cuz this is now a Super Bowl era team. So they're, they're gonna be somewhat cemented in a time as like, yeah, this group was the Speaker 1 00:29:20 Group. Well, and I'm so like, he's another one where it's like, I'm glad like he can now say like, super Bowl Champion with the Rams. Like that is, that is on his resume. Uh, but the other one that makes me sad, Robert Woods one of my favorite players on the Rams. This made me sad and like confused Speaker 2 00:29:42 When he, when he plays Speaker 1 00:29:43 Well. So he, he has, I I think it was Lewis Riddick on from ESPN who said it that, uh, he'd missed like one game prior to this past season with the Rams. Yeah. Uh, but he tore his ACL this past season. So obviously he missed like half the season. But he was such a good receiver. He was one of those players that I think every team should have where mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he is just a really good receiver. He'll do whatever the team needs. And like Louis Ceric said, like he was, he was a good player and a good locker room guy. Yeah. Um, he's just one of those players that I think every team would be lucky to have. So the Rams Speaker 2 00:30:30 You a reliable receiver who's gonna be able to get those routes down, you know, he's gonna be in every single game. Pretty good at blocking, Speaker 1 00:30:38 Really good at blocking. Speaker 2 00:30:40 Obviously the, the locker room aspect is, is huge. Uh, and we don't really see that for, you know, the, the time they're on the field. But even still, it's like, you know, those things have an impact on the, it's a domino effect in the, in the team sometimes and Right. Receiver cores tend to be exactly that. A core of, of people who, you know, when you change one factor, it will affect everybody. Speaker 1 00:31:03 So part of why he got traded, I think is because the Ram signed Alan Robinson from Chicago Speaker 2 00:31:10 Definitely an upgrade. Speaker 1 00:31:13 Yeah. Sorry. Uh, another thing I probably shouldn't announce, but I muted my mic cuz I had to burp. Um, <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:31:20 We're gonna leave those in. Speaker 1 00:31:21 Oh yeah, no, I'm trying to edit as little of this as possible. So, um, but yeah, so we signed Alan Robinson. Who is that? That's a good signing. Hopefully he can block cuz the Rams receivers block a lot. Speaker 2 00:31:36 Well, he's a big guy. I think he'll be all right. But I don't know where his track record Speaker 1 00:31:41 Is though. Yeah, I don't either on that aspect, but I was really hoping that we could pull off like, you know, Cooper Cup, Robert Woods, Alan Robinson, uh, there's still a chance we could sign Odell Beckham, but if we do, I mean he's gonna be out for quite a while. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:31:57 Um, yeah. That, that was a, you know, that's an off and overlooked thing for the end of that game. Speaker 1 00:32:02 Geez. Yeah. I mean he just tore his acl so that's gonna be, Speaker 2 00:32:06 That's gonna be, he'll probably miss it. Yeah, I would think, you know, maybe December, January time he could, but he's done it. What is this? This is the second time he's done that on the same leg. Speaker 1 00:32:19 Is it? I don't remember. Speaker 2 00:32:20 I think it may be the same leg. Yeah. So he's, I don't know that that recovery time speeds up any bit. Speaker 1 00:32:26 Right. The Speaker 2 00:32:27 More you do Speaker 1 00:32:28 It. So, and we still have Van Jefferson, who, he's a fine, he's a good third receiver. Uh, when he, I mean, in the Super Bowl when, when Beckham went down and it was Cooper Cup and then like Van Jefferson and Ben Quoc or whatever his name is, that Speaker 2 00:32:44 Was Yeah. Nameless, nameless guy. Speaker 1 00:32:46 <laugh>. Well, I mean that, like, the Rams almost lost that game and it's, you know, they eventually remember that they have Cooper Cup on their team. I don't remember who said that, but it's like, they, Speaker 2 00:32:56 It's like the fourth quarter and, and everyone's like, oh yeah, what about the best player in the league? Speaker 1 00:33:00 <laugh>? Yeah. Like, oh, you know, you know the guy who had one of the best receiving seasons in the history of the nfl, like maybe we should just throw it to him. Speaker 2 00:33:08 Triple Speaker 1 00:33:09 Crown. Yeah. Triple Crown led the league in receptions, touchdowns and receiving yards. Was first team all Pro made the Pro Bowl, super Bowl mvp cuz of that game. Right. But, uh, offensive player of the year, like ridiculous. And he was a third round pick. Like ridiculous. Speaker 2 00:33:27 I did not know Speaker 1 00:33:27 That. Yeah. In, in 17 he was a third round pick. Speaker 2 00:33:30 Wow. Speaker 1 00:33:31 So, Speaker 2 00:33:31 Well he, he hasn't been, you know, he has not been at the level that he's playing at lately. Speaker 1 00:33:37 He was always one that was like, it was, you were getting ready for him to break out. Speaker 2 00:33:41 He's been having an upward trajectory for sure. Speaker 1 00:33:44 But yeah, and I mean, I'm sure this Speaker 2 00:33:45 Year, I mean, wow. Yeah, he got a good quarterback behind him and all of a sudden it's like, Speaker 1 00:33:50 I'm sure next he will, he'll come back down to, you know, regression to the mean a bit to use some stats terms, uh, bring it full circle. But you know, I mean it, you know, if he returns to the mean so what, like 1400 yards receiving maybe <laugh> instead of 1900. Speaker 2 00:34:10 Oh yeah. What a Speaker 1 00:34:11 <laugh>. Like, I, I could look what Speaker 2 00:34:13 A tragedy Speaker 1 00:34:13 That would be. What a what a tragedy. Uh, so let's talk about your team. You know, I, I talked about my team. Oh, real quick. Uh, my sister bought me a balloon, like a Mylar balloon for the Super Bowl. Speaker 2 00:34:25 Still Speaker 1 00:34:25 Floating. It's still floating. It's starting to go away, but it's on like week five and it's still living, Speaker 2 00:34:32 So that's pretty Speaker 1 00:34:33 Good. It is. Well Speaker 2 00:34:34 That's most of those, you know, if that sits in my house for too long, I'm gonna pop it. Like I'll do something, you know, like, oh, look at that. All that potential energy. Speaker 1 00:34:44 Use a science term. <laugh> Physics. Speaker 2 00:34:47 Physics. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:34:48 Um, so let's talk about your team. You a Steelers fan? I have to say that I hate the Steelers. Speaker 2 00:34:54 Yep. Yep, that's fine. Speaker 1 00:34:55 Um, Speaker 2 00:34:56 Uh, they're better than your team Speaker 1 00:34:58 Historically at the moment. No, but Speaker 2 00:35:01 Well, we'll see. Maybe, maybe I'll be a Trabis aholic. Speaker 1 00:35:04 <laugh> to quote the Bill Simmons podcast. Speaker 2 00:35:07 That's right. They've, they've, uh, oh, do you hear those sirens? Speaker 1 00:35:11 I do not. Speaker 2 00:35:12 Oh, okay. Good. All right. See other things we shouldn't be announcing Speaker 1 00:35:16 <laugh>. It's always more fun when you announce Break the rules. You know, I Speaker 2 00:35:20 Live in a safe area, honestly, but there is some weather, so, you know, it's possible. Maybe somebody, I don't know, Speaker 1 00:35:28 You know, technically there's always weather, Speaker 2 00:35:30 Right? Yeah. <laugh>. It's just, is it desirable weather or is it, uh, notable? Speaker 1 00:35:35 Right. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:37 But, uh, Speaker 1 00:35:37 So you're a Steelers fan. Um, you lost your quarterback, he finally retired. Speaker 2 00:35:43 I lost. Well, he, he was done. Speaker 1 00:35:46 He was done. I mean, he needed to retire Ben Roethlisberger. Speaker 2 00:35:49 He had a good ride. Speaker 1 00:35:51 He did. Um, but so you were running with Mason Rudolph and Duane Haskins as your two potential quarterbacks. I mean, I don't think anyone was really thinking that was gonna be the plan. Speaker 2 00:36:05 No, but they had, they had their chance, you know, there was a season basically where Big Ben was out and Yeah. I mean there's just nothing impressive about either of those guys. I think we probably would look around the local high schools and see who was available <laugh>, uh, if it came down to that. Cuz you know, at this point, you know, Mason Rudolph, I, either of them really, they, people had high hopes right. That these guys, Speaker 1 00:36:31 Well, we never got to see Haskins. Speaker 2 00:36:34 Right. Speaker 1 00:36:34 Yeah. We never got to see him on the Steelers. But he was not impressive with Washington. Rudolph was not good. Speaker 2 00:36:40 Rudolph was just really bad. Speaker 1 00:36:42 He was bad. Speaker 2 00:36:43 He wasn't even really a, probably like a top half, uh, backup Speaker 1 00:36:48 Qb. Oh no, no. Speaker 2 00:36:50 He knows the book, but he does not, uh, deliver. Speaker 1 00:36:53 No, he, uh, if you were going into the It would, it would, no, it would not be good. So you guys signed Mitchell Trubisky from Buffalo, but mostly from Chicago. Right. And he spent the last year in Buffalo as a backup. Um, he is interesting cuz he's not awful. Like Speaker 2 00:37:12 Yeah. He's one of those quarterbacks that tends to, you know, he's sort of nameless. You don't really think about the Bears when you think of, you know, a passing team. You don't, you know, you don't really think of their receivers anymore because Robinson's not with you guys with the Rams mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So yeah, I mean he, um, yeah, I'm trying to make the most of it. I think it was a good move after thinking about it a little bit. I think that he was presumably pretty inexpensive. I haven't looked that up. Speaker 1 00:37:43 Um, uh, I actually pulled up the numbers. Let's see what Spot, spot tracks Sp Track. Speaker 2 00:37:51 I don't know how to say that website. Speaker 1 00:37:53 It is the, uh, it's like a salary cap contract site. He signed a two year $14 million contract, including about a little over 5 million guaranteed. So, okay. It's not bad. Speaker 2 00:38:10 That's not too bad. Yeah. I mean, he's a started quarterback and the rates are going up for those anyway. But yeah, I think it's, it's sort of the right move if you consider our last season. And again, of course the carryover is never one to one. Um, but you know, if you consider our last season, if we had had somebody a little bit better under center, I have to think that we'd have had a playoff run, you know, a relatively deep playoff run with the team that we had, uh, around there. But we need to work on our offensive line. And I think if, if you're not ready on that front, you know, don't get the star in there too early. Like, you know, the Joe Burrow situation where you get him in and then just gets sacked Speaker 1 00:38:53 Like Right. 10 times a game. So, I mean, you Speaker 2 00:38:56 Know, Speaker 1 00:38:56 Trubisky is a good bridge. I mean either this works and he's good and you keep him as a starter. I think what's more likely is that he'll be like a bridge guy and then you'll probably draft a quarterback, uh, maybe next year. Speaker 2 00:39:10 Well, and that's the other question, you know, there's a, the local man, uh, local pit star Speaker 1 00:39:15 We got. Yeah. Kenny Pickett. Speaker 2 00:39:16 Kenny Pickett coming up here. And this is just before the draft that we're recording. So, you know, it's, it could be that, uh, the Steelers do some crazy things and go for that, but they say this is a weaker draft class in general for, for qb. So I Speaker 1 00:39:31 Don't think I, I, that's why I would like that move Speaker 2 00:39:34 Decision. Speaker 1 00:39:35 I would like that move I think for them though. I mean he was a Heisman finalist Speaker 2 00:39:39 That story. Yeah. I mean I don't, I don't think he could be that bad, but, you know, the scouts see different things they're looking at, you know, the long term how they're gonna Speaker 1 00:39:47 Play Speaker 2 00:39:48 Against Yeah, that's true. Fell and those picks. Just, uh, I was reading this recently, like if you looked at, I think Kirk Cousins may be the last of his draft class in the league still. Um, this is what I just Speaker 1 00:40:02 Read. Ooh, that was 2012. So yeah, Speaker 2 00:40:04 It's Speaker 1 00:40:05 Only 10 years. That was Andrew Locke, right? R g three? No, Russell Wilson's still in there. Speaker 2 00:40:10 Russell Wilson, you're right. Yep. Okay. So, uh, that was fake news, but <laugh> Speaker 2 00:40:17 Yeah, no, I, i I mean still I just think, you know, it is a gamble and the draft pick thing, especially in this time of the season, you see people trading players everywhere for draft picks and stuff. And it's like, you know, these guys, it's a big gamble whenever you have the known mm-hmm. <affirmative> to tee of a trained player, you knows the, the book. Uh, and he's gonna deliver, you know, pretty much consistent results. Most players are pretty consistent at this time in their career. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it does seem like a strange thing, but a lot of teams are in the position where, you know, if you're bottom half you want to gamble. Speaker 1 00:40:54 Yeah. But, uh, you also lost a couple players. You lost Juju Smith's Schuster. Was that a trade or did he just sign? Speaker 2 00:41:03 Um, I think he Kansas. Speaker 1 00:41:04 Kansas City. Yeah. Okay. I didn't, I saw someone say that he got traded. I was like, that didn't sound right. Cause I thought he was only on like a one year deal. Speaker 2 00:41:11 I'm really not that broken up about Juju. I think, you know, he was good. I didn't think that he was great. I thought he was a little overhyped. Speaker 1 00:41:20 Uh, he was not a number one. Speaker 2 00:41:22 He's a slot guy. Yeah. Um, and I'm sort of curious about the move to Kansas City cuz you would think that they're pretty filled up on receiver court. Like that's the, who would that be? Hardman maybe? Speaker 1 00:41:33 Hardman, Tyreek Hill. Uh, I think they still have DeMarcus Robinson. Is that his name? Speaker 2 00:41:40 So maybe he would be comparable to Robinson or Hardman. Yeah. I mean obviously he's nowhere close to the, the tier of Tyreek Hill, but No, yeah. I mean they won't be hurting with him, that's for sure. Speaker 1 00:41:50 No, no, no. Uh, and I guess our friend Brett said, uh, James Washington, you lost him too, right? Speaker 2 00:41:57 Yeah, so Washington actually is, is interesting cuz he's been with the team for some time now. And um, you know, that's, that's one of those things they say about the Steelers is that we develop receivers pretty well. Yeah. Um, we turn nobody's into somebody's and the other team that does that everybody knows is the Patriots. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:42:16 Um, Speaker 2 00:42:17 So if we're kind of the teams that do that, it just seems like we keep churning them up and then tossing 'em out. So yeah, we'll have to see who comes through this year, but I don't think we're getting it done with Claypool. Uh, you know, I think he's good. I think he's got a lot of the right dimensions. Um, but I don't think he's necessarily, you know, I don't know that he's the guy who carries you to the title. Speaker 1 00:42:43 Who else? Uh, who's Dete Johnson? Speaker 2 00:42:46 Dete Johnson was very good. Uh, this year was kind of a breakout year for him. Speaker 1 00:42:50 I might consider drafting a, a receiver if I were you guys. Speaker 2 00:42:54 Yeah, there's talk of that. There's talk of that and the line. There's a number of good, uh, tackles coming up. Yeah. So we'll have to see what, what kind of building that they do. But I, I think it's, the drafts are only gonna get more interesting moving forward. There's a lot of NFL off season stuff lately. Feel like the media's. I love it. Playing up on that. Speaker 1 00:43:15 I love it. This is love too. I mean, uh, we, we got past the, I hate the scouting combine. We got past that and now we're in a free agency, which is so much more fun. Speaker 2 00:43:25 It is. Speaker 1 00:43:26 Um, Speaker 2 00:43:27 But yeah, signings every other day. Got Russell Wilson moving Deshaun Denver. Speaker 1 00:43:32 Uh, yeah. That's a topic for another day. Speaker 2 00:43:35 Oh my gosh. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:43:36 Oof. I don't know. Do we want to get into that at all? Speaker 2 00:43:39 Well, let's hear, let's hear your thoughts. Uh, how would you, how would you rank him from back when he, you know, he's had a little time on the bench, but how would you have rated him? Speaker 1 00:43:50 Um, definitely we're three ti three first round picks. I don't know. But yeah, I mean, definitely a great quarterback. I just think there's way too much baggage to have traded for him. Speaker 2 00:44:07 Like Yeah. They, they don't seem to mind though. I mean, they've picked up, uh, Kareem Hunt, you know, they got him after his, you know, his baggage so to speak. It's Speaker 1 00:44:17 So for those who don't know, the, the Cleveland brands just traded for Deshaun Watson. That's right. The issue is that he still has 22 civil, uh, cases against him for, you know, various like sexual assault and Right. Speaker 2 00:44:33 They're technically outstanding cases. Right. They're still Speaker 1 00:44:36 Yeah, yeah. Like they're, they're they're not, they're not settled at all. Right. Um, so I don't know. I just, I wouldn't have done it. It's, Speaker 2 00:44:45 Yeah, it is one of those things, you know, it's like we, you're, you're innocent until proven guilty, but if you have 22 cases, you're, there's Speaker 1 00:44:54 A, it looks really bad. Speaker 2 00:44:56 It looks pretty bad. It looks bad for the team and you know, you gotta think there's a good chance that the guy have scumbag. So, you know, but the, at the same time, you know, maybe it was worth gambling cuz Baker Mayfield is just <laugh>. He's the, Speaker 1 00:45:14 He's Speaker 2 00:45:14 Got like five different ongoing injuries. So Speaker 1 00:45:16 <laugh> Andrew Brat, I don't know if you follow him on Twitter or anything. No. Uh, he likes to say, and I don't know if he came up with it. Uh, greater talent equals greater tolerance and that's kind of what's happening with Deshaun Watson. Yeah. So, Speaker 2 00:45:31 Well we're familiar with that in Pittsburgh too, I will say. Yeah. You know, I'm not, I'm not blind to what the internet has to say about our outgoing quarterback. So Speaker 1 00:45:40 Yeah. I mean it's, we love the nfl but it's kind of a grimy league <laugh>. There's yeah, there's a lot of issues with it. Speaker 2 00:45:49 There's a lot that needs to be, uh, addressed. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:54 So I think, uh, I think we're gonna move on probably getting to the end of the episode. Um, I'm kind of stealing this from beyond the screenplay. I think you're the one who introduced me to that podcast, I think. Speaker 2 00:46:07 Yeah. I listened to them and I immediately thought of you. You know, we've, it's great movies. It's so Speaker 1 00:46:12 Good, Speaker 2 00:46:13 You know, good hosts. You have good movie content, it's done by title so you can, you know, pick and choose what you're gonna listen, listen to. Yeah. And so good, just hearing some of the backstory. It's like, I'm not gonna sit and do all this research on these movies, but these people really give you the deep dive. Speaker 1 00:46:28 But I like, I I I like their, I want to just talk, have you been watching anything cool recently? Cause I've been trying to watch a lot of movies lately. Speaker 2 00:46:37 Uh, I did just watch, let me think. Uh, the Brad Pitt movie Add Speaker 1 00:46:43 Add Astra. Add Astra. Speaker 2 00:46:45 Yeah, I did. I will say I don't think it was very good. Um, it's, it's one of those things that Becky and I, my wife were talking about. Um, it seems like movie, movie stars have to have like a, a space movie at some point in their career. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And this was Brad Pitt's shot cuz you know, he had Matt Damon do it before and win all these awards and stuff. And so he's like, all right, I can do that. And then he couldn't, I don't think it was very good. You Speaker 1 00:47:12 Talking about The Martian? Speaker 2 00:47:13 Yeah, the Martian Speaker 1 00:47:15 Was awesome. Incredible. That's in like, incredible. I have like a top 12 movie list that's in there Speaker 2 00:47:19 Easily. Speaker 1 00:47:19 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's incredible. Um, so it wasn't that good, huh? I think I bought that movie. Speaker 2 00:47:27 Oh wow. You haven't seen it yet? Speaker 1 00:47:29 No. I have a tendency to buy things like at on, on a whim. Speaker 2 00:47:33 It's riveting. Uh, it, and there's some very good visual, uh, and even audio effects that go with it. Okay. But it isn't, you know, it don't expect like Interstellar or The Martian out of it cuz you're not gonna get that. Speaker 1 00:47:46 Okay. Uh, well I just watched Free Guy for the first time. I actually watched it twice in like three days cause Oh wow. I really liked it the first time I watched it. Um, you know, I mean, I don't know how familiar you are with the premise, basically. Speaker 2 00:48:05 I still have to see it, but I know people said it was underrated. It's, it's one of the better movies not released in in theater. Right? Speaker 1 00:48:13 Well, it was in theaters, but it, it was, uh, Speaker 2 00:48:16 Well it didn't ha you know, COVID release is still Speaker 1 00:48:19 Yeah. It wasn't, it wasn't huge. Like it, you know, Speaker 2 00:48:21 Artificially Low. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:48:22 Yeah. Um, but no, it was, it was great. You know, basically the premises that Ryan Reynolds plays a video game character who like starts to become like self-aware and like, kind of alive. Um, and I don't know, there were just parts of it that like, that resonated with me. I'm a very anxious person and there's a part where he's telling his friend, he's like, you don't have to be afraid. And I was like, oh my gosh. I don't know why that's hitting me so hard right now. Speaker 2 00:48:54 Oh no. <laugh> <laugh>. So then you watched it twice cuz you, you needed the for therapeutic reasons. Speaker 1 00:49:00 Yeah. Um, so it was great. I watched Spider-Man No Way Home for the first time yesterday. Speaker 2 00:49:06 Yeah. That was good. It Speaker 1 00:49:08 Was good. Um, I think I missed something. Not seeing it in theaters though, cuz it's, you know, the first time you watch it and you're just watching it on a tv, it kind of loses something I think. Speaker 2 00:49:18 Indeed. Yeah. Um, I went and watched in empty theater Great decision, but you know, obviously on delay then at that point cuz theaters take a little while to empty out for Yeah, yeah. Showing, but yeah. Speaker 1 00:49:32 Yeah. But, um, yeah, I'm trying to, yeah, Speaker 2 00:49:37 I guess I just watched, uh, Kate, I don't know if you've seen that, that's on Netflix. Speaker 1 00:49:42 No. What is it? Speaker 2 00:49:43 It's, um, uh, wood, you know Woody Harrelson? Speaker 1 00:49:47 Right. I love Woody Harrelson. Speaker 2 00:49:48 Okay. So he's sort of, he's in the movie, let's put it that way. Uh, he is a character in the movie. Um, and so I, you know, you just watch the Quick Trailer, the auto plays on Netflix and then you mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, you add it to your list and it's an action flick. And I knew it was pandering a little bit, but I, uh, <laugh>. So I, I it's, yeah, I was in the mood for an action movie, so I clicked on it and, uh, I don't, I don't regret it. I thought it was pretty entertaining. It's set in Japan. Um, so it's always neat to see like, at least shots of other, of other cities and other countries mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, and it's an interesting premise for sure. Um, it's not, it's not one of those that, uh, if you think of like extraction, if you saw that or you know, the Born movies, it's not gonna be one of these ongoing series. But, uh, it was a good one off to watch for sure. Speaker 1 00:50:42 Nice. Speaker 2 00:50:43 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:50:44 So, uh, I think that'll do it for our first episode of Snorkeling with Narwals, the Next Generation. It's just gonna be snorkeling with Narwals, but I'm going to, you know, fondly refer to it as the next generation, um, Speaker 2 00:51:00 TNG Speaker 1 00:51:01 Tk, because I'm trying to think. So there was the first season, which was when me and Ronnie and Eric did it. I'm combining the two reboot attempts as the second season. So this is technically season three of snorkeling with Narwhals. Um, Speaker 2 00:51:18 And, and unlike most sequels, they just get better. Speaker 1 00:51:21 Yeah. We're like Return of the King, even though Return of the King is not the best Lord of the Rings. Speaker 2 00:51:27 Okay. All right. Those are Speaker 1 00:51:29 Fighting words. It's, it's the two towers. It has the Battle of Helms deep. Speaker 2 00:51:34 Right. But if, if you, if you look at the, the hole, you think that Helms Deep just pulls it way ahead. As a result of that, I actually have lately been enjoying the fellowship the most. Speaker 1 00:51:45 They're all great. There's Speaker 2 00:51:47 So, there's so much in the fellowship. There's like so much more story that happens in the fellowship than any of the Speaker 1 00:51:52 Other ones. Is it bad that the most boring parts of the sequels are the parts with Frodo and Sam Speaker 2 00:52:00 <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:52:01 It's true though. Speaker 2 00:52:03 Yeah. Just the wandering around. Yeah. They're the most memeable though. Speaker 1 00:52:07 Yeah. And Sam is the best. Speaker 2 00:52:10 He is the Speaker 1 00:52:11 Best. He's awesome. His speech at the end of Two Towers gets me every time. Speaker 2 00:52:15 See, I cry at the end of, uh, of the return of the King. Hmm. Laying on Mountain Doom. Ah, you know, it's like, ugh. Speaker 1 00:52:24 So good. Yeah. Way better than the Hobbit movies. And that's where we'll end it. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:52:30 And we all agree on that. Speaker 1 00:52:32 We all agree on that. Uh, except I think Ronnie really likes the Hobbit movies. We'll have to have him on here to discuss that at at some point. Anyway, I am Brian. Speaker 2 00:52:43 And I'm Matt. Speaker 1 00:52:44 And this has been Matt, Matt, Matthew Gordon, slippery ii, Speaker 2 00:52:49 The third, the third Get It Right, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:52 And this has been Snorkeling with Narwhals. Bye everyone. Speaker 2 00:52:55 See you.

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