Come and Get Us, NFL: Our Kind of Late Super Bowl Recap

Episode 6 February 25, 2023 00:29:22
Come and Get Us, NFL: Our Kind of Late Super Bowl Recap
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Come and Get Us, NFL: Our Kind of Late Super Bowl Recap

Feb 25 2023 | 00:29:22


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Join Brian and Slippy as they potentially incur the wrath of the NFL by talking about the Super Bowl without express, written consent. They also go on a few tangents with thoughts of the rest of the season, the halftime show, and some of the commercials.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:11 Hey everyone, I'm Brian Speaker 2 00:00:13 And I'm Slippery. Speaker 1 00:00:14 And this is snorkeling with Narwhals. We are back. It's only Ben. What? Five months? <laugh> been Speaker 2 00:00:23 A minute. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:00:26 Well, you know, I saw a meme that was like, I procrastinate things I even want to do. Yeah. And I feel like that applies to me. Cause I do want to do the podcast, but then we talk about like what times we're gonna record and I'm like, mm. Yeah. Maybe, you know, maybe next week, Speaker 2 00:00:42 Like, I kind of really want to eat a snack right now. I'm not sure. Speaker 1 00:00:46 <laugh> <laugh>, you could do that. <laugh>. Um, Speaker 2 00:00:51 And that's all we've got for you today. So, yeah, that's Speaker 1 00:00:54 It. All right. Now see you next week. Um, we are going to talk about the Super Bowl. Gonna incur the wrath of the N F L by talking about the Super Bowl without the informed express consent of the National Football League. You know, you, they always play that stupid commercial before the game. Speaker 2 00:01:12 Oh, right. This recording is for N F L purposes only or whatever. Speaker 1 00:01:17 They're like, you can't talk about the game. Speaker 2 00:01:19 Right. Speaker 1 00:01:20 <laugh>. I'm like, okay. That's, you can't enforce that. That's not a, a real thing. Speaker 2 00:01:24 <laugh> We'll, we'll use, uh, yeah, we should come up with, uh, what is it pseudonyms for, for all of the players and the, and the teams. <laugh>. I'm not that cover. I can't do that on Speaker 1 00:01:35 The fly. I'm not either Jack Maros, Speaker 2 00:01:39 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:39 That's, I don't know. Um, no, but we're gonna risk the NFL's wrath cuz honestly, if they find us Speaker 2 00:01:47 Good, Speaker 1 00:01:47 There'd be more publicity than we have. So Speaker 2 00:01:50 Yeah, any press is Speaker 1 00:01:51 Good press. Any press is good press. We get like sued for a million dollars. Um, so last week was the Super Bowl, super Bowl 57 between the Chiefs and the Eagles. I thought it was a pretty great game. A lot of offense, a lot of scoring changes. Both quarterbacks played really well. Jalen Hertz and Patrick Mahomes. And the ending was a little me, but overall thought it was a great Super Bowl. Yeah. I can't say it was better than last year's because the Rams won it last year, but it was really good. Speaker 2 00:02:26 No doubt. I I agree with you a hundred percent. Uh, it was one of the highest scoring Super Bowls I think of all time. Um, you think so? Yeah. In the top five or something like that. Which I, I had predicted. Uh, I actually predicted the score correctly. Uh, but I did do, I I predicted it flip flopped. Oh. Um, so I had picked the Eagles, uh, to win 38, 35. And the Speaker 1 00:02:51 Course was wrong. I did the chiefs. I, it was weird. Like no one, I mean like on on Fox, like no one was picking the Chiefs. I was like, you, you do realize they're still really good. Right. <laugh>. Right, Speaker 2 00:03:04 Right. Well, and then, you know, just devil's advocate or Phil's advocate, uh, I guess you could say maybe it was the Eagles game to lose and then the rafts kind of gift wrap that for them. Speaker 1 00:03:17 Well, we'll get into that <laugh>. But let's, let's see, what are some highlights from this game? Jaylen Hertz was amazing. Um, obviously if the Eagles would've won, he would've been the mvp. Yep. He had one mistake. Yep. The entire game one and it was a big one. Yep. But it was a huge swing. So for those who didn't watch or don't remember, or just like hearing the sound of my voice, the Eagles were up, what was it? 14 seven. And they had the ball again. They had stopped the Chiefs and you know, they're just doing their thing. And Jaylen Hertz just fumbles pretty much outta nowhere. Speaker 2 00:03:59 Kind of a weird one too. Speaker 1 00:04:01 It kind of just popped out. Uh, and the Chiefs returned it for a touchdown. So instead of potentially having the Eagles be up 21 7, if they had scored on that drive, it was now 14 to 14. Huge, huge shift. Which they even came back from that though, because they were up at the half 24 to 14. Right. Um, so the Eagles were great in the first half. Like that one mistake. I mean, people are gonna talk about the ref call. I don't know. I think, yeah. Speaker 2 00:04:32 It's just, it was just like the end of the game. That's the problem. But yeah, a fumble return for a touchdown is gonna do it. I mean, that's, it's a bigger points gap than what the final score was anyway. So obviously you could say, you know, that's more significant. Speaker 1 00:04:46 And again, that was pretty much the only mistake Kurtz made at all in the game. Speaker 2 00:04:52 Yeah. I think, you know, for his experience level especially, you get to see him compared to Patrick Mahomes on the same field during the same game. Yeah. And I think, you know, I think he held up, I I wouldn't say he's on Mahomes level. Uh, even he's Speaker 1 00:05:06 Pretty close. Speaker 2 00:05:07 Even like o Limpie Mahomes, which I think we kind of forget, although Yes, you didn't, we didn't see a whole lot of that. But he also wasn't really trying to move around. Uh, yeah, I thought he was great. I think if he continues to develop, or even if he's, you know, standing still next year as far as skill goes, uh, he's, he's up there. He's a good quarterback. Speaker 1 00:05:29 Well, I was talking with my future brother-in-law about this and my dad like, cuz my dad, my dad always gets irritated that, uh, when he was at Alabama that he got benched for Tua in the national championship game. Right. And I'm like, dad, Hertz wasn't as good as he is right now in college. I mean, he wasn't he in college? Speaker 2 00:05:53 Well, he wasn't even this good when he got into the nfl. Mean he's, he, he, I I would not say that he was very good at all. Uh, Speaker 1 00:06:01 We, we forget that quarterbacks can actually develop, we assume now that they're supposed to come out of the draft like perfect. I mean like, kind of like Joe Burrow has. Right. But, uh, and uh, Justin Herbert, he, Speaker 2 00:06:15 People have said he's developed, I'm not sure, I think he's always kind of had the, the flare, but he, Speaker 1 00:06:20 He needs to do a little more for me. But he could be right up there. Yeah. He, but like Josh Allen, uh, he was not good for like, his first two years in the N F L. I mean, it was to the point, I don't know if my brother and his friends came up with this or if they heard it on a podcast, but there was, it was hashtag never Josh Allen. Like basically like for fantasy football or just football in general, you don't trust Josh Allen. And now it's kinda like hashtag always Trust or always Josh Allen. Speaker 2 00:06:47 Well, I don't know this season it is weird the way that their season ended. You look at the way he was playing and the way the bills were playing. And it is like, you know, the, the Chiefs, I think, I think if you look at their head-to-head, like over the last maybe three years where people have been comparing the two of them, it just looks like you're not gonna pick the bill. We're not gonna be as, as heavy on the bills as we have been this, this past year. I mean, they were the favorites. I think we maybe the last time we bought, I think we Speaker 1 00:07:20 Both picked Speaker 2 00:07:21 Them, didn't we? We picked them. I think we picked them in the Eagles. Yeah. I think, and here we are now and it's like, why did I ever doubt the Chiefs? Speaker 1 00:07:28 Well, and that's the thing. And so we're gonna talk about the Super Bowl, but we're just gonna let the tangents go wherever they might go. <laugh>. Um, sorry. <laugh>. No, no, no. That, that's, it's perfect. Um, because I've been thinking that too. It's like I said the same thing yesterday. I was like, why do, like, why did we think the Chiefs were gonna not be as good? They might actually be better without Tyre Hill because they actually have to use other players than Tyre Hill. And Yeah. I'm like, the bills are what they always have been. It's what they spent a good part of the nineties being the team that was always supposed to be there, but Speaker 2 00:08:07 Luck Speaker 1 00:08:08 Can't quite get there. Speaker 2 00:08:09 Bad luck. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:10 I mean, they lost four Super Bowls in a row in the nineties and I think what, in the past four years, they've only made it to one conference championship game. And you're right. Yeah. This year they were supposed to be like the, the amazing, you know, they beat the Rams week one, which as we know ends up meaning nothing because Right. Speaker 2 00:08:29 It turns Speaker 1 00:08:30 Out terrible. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:08:32 <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:33 But, um, no, it's, it was kind of fun to see the bills blow it just overall. Speaker 2 00:08:43 See, I, I think I've said before, I, I'm a fan of the Bills. I like the bills. I, I, I want them to do well and it is, they are still kind of an underdog story for me. So I really want them to succeed and, and finally get that title. But it just, I, I don't know if you can say they shoot themselves in their foot. Like, like you see the Browns do over and over again. Like I don't think they're that bad. But no, they're, they definitely have the bad luck. Speaker 1 00:09:11 I mean, they just got shut down by Speaker 2 00:09:13 Oh, the last, well, their last game. Yes. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:16 They just got shut down by the Bengals. Speaker 2 00:09:17 Yeah. Um, no two ways about that one, Speaker 1 00:09:19 Which, okay, I'm, this is gonna sound slightly insensitive, I'm just gonna preface it. Speaker 2 00:09:27 <laugh>. Oh no, Speaker 1 00:09:28 I'm, Speaker 2 00:09:28 I know where you're going. I'm, you're save Speaker 1 00:09:31 Clad that DeMar Hamlin is fine and that, that, you know, he is healthy, that he's recovering. Um, but the Bengals did get kind of screwed by the NFL's decision on the Home Field Advantage thing, where it was like, oh, well if the Chiefs and the Bills play, then they get home. You know, it's a neutral site. But the Bengals are like, well, what about us? Like, like, why isn't it a neutral site if, if we, Speaker 2 00:09:58 Well, and there was all that stuff with the bi week as well, which Speaker 1 00:10:02 Well, and there was a whole thing where they're like, yeah, the, okay, well the Bengals are gonna win the division by default, but if they end up losing to the Ravens, then they play the Ravens in the playoffs, it'll be a coin flip for Homefield. And they're like, what the heck? <laugh>. Um, so again, a hundred percent glad that Hamlin is recovering and apparently there's conspiracies that he's a clone. Speaker 2 00:10:25 Oh, come on. Speaker 1 00:10:26 No, I mean it's, I've heard this and I'm like, okay, just go back in your hole. Right. Um, Speaker 2 00:10:33 Is this something you saw on Twitter? Speaker 1 00:10:34 Uh, my brother told me about it. Speaker 2 00:10:37 Uh, I don't know what thought that is. A, you know, that's a rising trend for sure. I mean, it's always conspiracy theories and whatnot have always been like a big part of the culture. But yeah, we're seeing more of that just BS coming out of left field, but Speaker 1 00:10:51 We're not a, a news show. But I think we can confidently report that DeMar Hamlin is not a clone. Speaker 2 00:10:57 He's the real deal. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:58 Yep. Um, but no, I think the, the Bengals were really the team that impressed me a lot this year because again, they started out kind of me at the beginning of the year and then they turned it on like midway through the season like they did last year. And yeah, I think they were kind of just mad that everyone like forgot about them and they're Speaker 2 00:11:25 Yeah. It's that, that chip on the shoulder mentality. Speaker 1 00:11:27 Yeah. Like, fine, we're gonna make sure that there is no neutral AFC Championship game now they lost to the Chiefs. But I mean, that's a rivalry I actually really like. Speaker 2 00:11:39 It's, I, I, yeah. I'm really enjoying it. Speaker 1 00:11:41 It's young. Speaker 2 00:11:43 I think Burrow's really good too. Speaker 1 00:11:44 Burrow and Mahomes leading these two teams is just, I think they always say like with the NBA that they get too clever sometimes. Um, where if you were being honest, maybe not anymore, but like, if you were being honest, LeBron probably would have like seven or eight MVPs in a row because he's the best player in the league. Speaker 2 00:12:07 Yep. Speaker 1 00:12:07 And I think they sometimes they don't wanna do that. Speaker 2 00:12:10 It's just boring. Right. Yeah. So they, that's, that's the, they like, Speaker 1 00:12:14 Well, who's the best player that's not LeBron. Yeah. And that's the thing with Mahomes, it's like, we forget because it's just assumed that Mahomes is, is great. It's like we forget that Mahomes like is the best quarterback in the league. <laugh> we do, we try to come up with all these other people, we Speaker 2 00:12:31 Take it for granted. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:32 And it's like, no, it's, it's still Moms <laugh>, right? Speaker 2 00:12:35 Yeah. He's like, what? Hello? I'm still here. Speaker 1 00:12:37 He's younger than both of us and he is done quite a bit. Speaker 2 00:12:41 <laugh>. Yeah. He's got a long, long runway in front of him too. My gosh. Speaker 1 00:12:45 We'll see. Yeah. That, that's the thing too. Like, you know, as long as Andy Reid wants to stay there Speaker 2 00:12:50 Right. Speaker 1 00:12:51 They've got good coaching and their team doesn't, again, they were supposed to fall off this year cuz they lost Tyreek Hill. That didn't happen. None of their receivers were like, great. But they were all good enough as part of the team to make up for it. Speaker 2 00:13:12 Yeah. You know, at the start of the year I did an analysis, which I think I mentioned on the podcast about coaches and their, their winning records against one another. Yeah. And it basically came down to like tenure at a team and how long they've been in the league. Yeah. And, and then I, what did I do? I broke my role and I picked Mc Sirian in the Eagles to win the Super Bowl. And here, you know, I'm not saying, I'm not saying he was, he coached poorly or anything like that, but No Pete, it's just fine. It's just a, you know, it's just like a thing, like these coaches tend to win stuff and Andy Reid is, is one of those guys who's, you know, he just gets it Speaker 1 00:13:51 And Speaker 2 00:13:52 He, and he's, he's moving up too that Speaker 1 00:13:54 Way. Well that's, I was gonna say, so it was always, Andy Reid was a really good coach, like for a long time. Then when he finally got his first Super Bowl ring, it was like, okay, now he's for sure going in the Hall of Fame and now he's got another, and it's like, okay. He's for sure going in like first ballot. Speaker 2 00:14:11 Yep. Speaker 1 00:14:11 Like, he's not gonna have to wait. Speaker 2 00:14:14 Well, and he, uh, I think it really just depends how long he wants to do it. Yeah. Because if, if he keeps going, he'll probably, he'll probably get another one I Speaker 1 00:14:22 Would think. Yeah. I mean there's, the odds are pretty good. I wouldn't bet against them. Speaker 2 00:14:28 No. And, and at the start of the year we had talked about like our predictions for who was gonna be in the playoffs and everything. And I was down on the Chiefs. I was like, I don't think the chiefs are gonna make it in their division. I was so, I was very bullish on, on the Raiders and you know, turns out Derek Carr is still Derek Carr and now he's a, what is he a free agent Speaker 1 00:14:49 At the moment? Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:51 So we'll see where that, where he lands. Uh, but yeah, it's, it, the chief should not be doubted again and Speaker 1 00:15:00 Yeah. Like that I think we've, we've all learned that now Speaker 2 00:15:03 And that division, you know, I was, I was also bullish on the, on the Broncos and Oh gosh, geez Louise. Now I do think they'll, they, I mean I guess they could be worse than they were this year, but I do. I Speaker 1 00:15:15 Not by much. Speaker 2 00:15:16 Don't think so. No. <laugh> I think they'll be good. Um, I Speaker 1 00:15:19 Mean I'm like, wow, the Rams were bad, but at least we won a Super Bowl last year. Um, Speaker 2 00:15:25 Yeah. You sold your souls for it and you got it. And, Speaker 1 00:15:28 And the Broncos did Speaker 2 00:15:30 And they didn't, Speaker 1 00:15:31 They were horrible. Yeah. That, that coach, I mean, Nathaniel Hackett again, tangent time, right? Speaker 2 00:15:39 Yeah. Invest in a team, but you gotta get the whole package. Speaker 1 00:15:43 Oh my gosh. And you, they only hired him cuz they wanted Aaron Rogers and they wanted to, that's Rogers guy. Right. And they wanted to try to lure him to the team, didn't work, got Russell Wilson and everyone still thought that was a, a pretty good move. Like, we're like, yeah, cool. The Broncos have a franchise quarterback now. Like I'm pretty sure everyone thought that. Speaker 2 00:16:03 Yep. Speaker 1 00:16:04 And he was really bad. Speaker 2 00:16:06 He hasn't been Yeah. That people are saying like, you know, I think Russ can still, Russ can still cook. And it's like I, I didn't see anything out of him this year that I thought he's playing well. Like I actually, you mentioned Aaron Rods and I actually think the Packers weren't very good. I think Aaron Rods still has it. I don't know how much more he's got in the tank, but I think he, he hasn't really dropped off in the way that I think Russell Wilson really, truly has. Speaker 1 00:16:32 Well, we'll see because you know, the Broncos have hired Sean Peyton as their coach and for some reason, and I did see a stat for some reason, Sean Peyton has a really good reputation. Yes. Even though his like winning percentage, his like number of wins I think and the number of Super Bowls he has is pretty much the same as Mike McCarthy and everyone makes fun of Mike McCarthy Speaker 2 00:17:01 I think. Yeah. I think it stems from just what he was able to build in, uh, down in New Orleans. And I think if you look at McCarthy, people don't really look at him and say like, this guy was responsible for all of the success that they had. Whereas I think Sean Peyton kind of gets that people, it's like that Brady Belichick thing. Yeah, yeah. He had Brady, he was really responsible. Yeah. And I, I don't think, I think toward the end we kind of saw okay, drew Bures, like he's good. I don't wanna slide him, but I wouldn't necessarily say he was like everything in that Speaker 1 00:17:36 No. He will be a first ballot hall of famer mostly cuz of the numbers. Mostly cuz of the Super Bowl and for what he did for New Orleans, which Speaker 2 00:17:46 It's like, it's like Eli Manning Speaker 1 00:17:47 Type thing. Yeah. It goes with Sean Peyton too. But I'm just saying like, you know, people are saying now, like, don't just assume that because Russell Wilson has Sean Peyton as his coach Speaker 2 00:17:59 <laugh> Wow. That Speaker 1 00:18:00 There's gonna be amazing. Speaker 2 00:18:02 Yeah. Yeah. And and the first year you would expect there to be some, I guess you would, you would expect there to be some teething problems, but Yeah. Who can say? Speaker 1 00:18:12 Yeah. So we'll see how that goes. Um, back to the Super Bowl, we alluded to it. The holding call. Yes. The defensive holding call at the end of the game. So for context, the chiefs had the ball, they were driving, they were, where were they? Maybe like the 30, the 20, Speaker 2 00:18:31 Uh, yeah, I mean like, they were within field goal range anyway. Speaker 1 00:18:34 Mahomes had, honestly, I think this was the best play of the entire game. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, Mahomes had like a 20 yard scramble on like a bomb ankle Speaker 2 00:18:46 <laugh> or, or whatever's going on with him. Yeah. Yeah. It's, yeah. Crazy. Speaker 1 00:18:50 Um, and I just thought, I was like, that's amazing. That's like when people are like, oh, football is so gritty and like that's what you show people <laugh> mm-hmm. <affirmative>. He has a high ankle sprain and he just rushed for 20 yards <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:04 Well not just this game, but the game before too. Yeah. Like playing on the injury, two games in a row. Like Dad, I can't, I mean I believe it because it's football, but in real life it's like I would be done for Speaker 1 00:19:18 Oh yeah. No Speaker 2 00:19:19 Six months. Speaker 1 00:19:19 Yeah. Um, so anyway, they, they ended up with the fourth down they were driving with, they ended up with the fourth down. Um, except on the third downplay Eagles defender, James Bradbury got called for defensive holding on Juju Smith's. Juju Smith's Schuster. Now I knew exactly like when this happened that everyone was gonna be like, oh there it is. The refs blew the game. Um, cuz this happened with the Rams last year where there was defensive holding called, I think on Cup or you know, against Cup, Speaker 2 00:20:00 Whoever. See it's a, it's a good sign that we don't remember actually. Hopefully. Yeah. Hopefully we forget. Speaker 1 00:20:05 I just, I remember the same thing happened where the Rams got a new set of downs and then scored the game winning touchdown. Um, so yeah, I knew that people were gonna be upset. What do you think it was one of those things? Where did he grab the jersey? Yes. Should they have called it? Speaker 2 00:20:26 I, you know, I I think they call what they're supposed to call when they see it and they miss a lot of stuff. And that's irritating too. But at the same time it's just, it's the end of the Super Bowl. It's the end of the entire season and there's two minutes to go and it hinges on a call that I saw, I saw somebody post, it's been like 500 calls or 500 snaps since they had called a holding before that this reffing crew. And it's like, oh, okay. All right. That it feels like there was probably holding <laugh> somewhere in the Speaker 1 00:21:02 500. Oh, I mean, Brad Speaker 2 00:21:03 500 snaps before, Speaker 1 00:21:04 But you did Oh, I see what you're saying. Speaker 2 00:21:05 Well, and then yeah, but then, but then in the, he, he bradberry probably shouldn't have said that in the interview. No. Somebody should have briefed him, but, uh, yeah, I mean he's like, yeah, I just, I did it. I just didn't wanna, you know, Speaker 1 00:21:17 He's like, you hope they didn't get caught. Speaker 2 00:21:19 I hope they didn't see it. And that is one of the things that, that those guys do. I mean they, if it's gonna be a touchdown, it is better to get the, you know, to do the, the holding. Oh, absolutely. And potentially have another chance at preventing Speaker 1 00:21:34 It. And Seattle, when they had the Legion of Boom, they like thrived on this. They <laugh> there was, there was someone holding pretty much every play because they knew the Fs were not gonna call it every play. Right. So for whatever Speaker 2 00:21:48 And for how good they were, they didn't care. They were like, look at Sure. Four more downs, we can do that. Yeah. We'll probably, we'll probably get an interception. That Speaker 1 00:21:56 Was also a great defense, right? Um, Speaker 2 00:21:59 Yeah. That in all time. Speaker 1 00:22:00 Yeah. Yeah. Um, so I don't know, I I, I hate when that happens because again, it makes it seem like, well, okay, now the chiefs just run out the clock kick the, the game winning field goal. We're done. Like, instead of some amazing finish where the eagles get the ball back and we have to see who, who scores or gets to stop. Speaker 2 00:22:25 Well I think that's the thing. We feel like we were robbed because we got to see, you know, 70, what is that, 73 points Yeah. Scored and it's like, this is an all time great Super Bowl. The Super Bowls are not often good. I mean Speaker 1 00:22:41 No, sometimes they're not not that good. Speaker 2 00:22:43 Yeah. Usually it's like a blowout or it's like overly defensive and just dull. And this is like, okay, now we got an offensive game. We're really close like neck and neck and I think everybody, well probably not everybody, but most people agree, we saw two of the best teams in the league, probably the two best teams in, in each conference. Like going up against each other. Yeah. And that's, that's what it should be. And then it, it's like, okay, and then, and now we have to deal with is it rigged? Speaker 1 00:23:13 Right. And I hate that. Like, no. And the joke now, you know, cuz Arian Foster came out and said like about there's a script for the N F L. So like, me and my brother and his friend, like every time we're like, oh, what does the script say is gonna happen next? Right. But no, I mean it's one of those, it's like, could they have not called it? Yeah. Could they have called it? Yeah. Um, the Eagles didn't lose the game on that play. Like I said earlier, the, the fumble for a touchdown was a bigger deal, I think. Right. Uh, maybe if that hadn't happened, you wouldn't have been in that position anyway. But, you know, these things happen. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:24:01 Just, I'm just dumbfounded. I'm, I'm like reliving the horror again <laugh>. Oh Speaker 1 00:24:08 Wow. Just like watching the Rihanna halftime show. Speaker 2 00:24:11 Hey, you know what? I bet I actually liked it. I, I thought for whatever it was like 15 minutes long, it appealed to me. Although now apparently I'm an old person. Uh, and like I remember watching one of the halftime, I think, I think it was last year's halftime show, uh, Speaker 1 00:24:33 The Dr. Dre one, Speaker 2 00:24:35 Right? Yeah, exactly. And I'm like, see, they're finally appealing to like the masses. They're playing, they're playing a halftime show that even the young people can enjoy. And then someone was like, no, you've, you've become the old people. Like Speaker 1 00:24:48 We're not young. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:24:50 Yeah. Something happened. Speaker 1 00:24:54 Um, no, I loved, I I don't even like really like hip hop and rap. Like I don't mind it. But that the, the Dr. Dre halftime show last year was incredible. I mean, the production values were incredible too. Um, I still really want, he had like a pure white mixing board. I want it. Speaker 2 00:25:14 Well I do get the impression that in person these shows must be awesome. Like, I think, I think being in, in the stadium Yeah. With the, the fireworks, the sound system, like seeing up close, uh, or at least even just experiencing, you know, the full range of senses. Like, it just seems like the crowd is always really into it. Even though whenever we're watching it on TV sometimes it's like, this is really boring. Or Speaker 1 00:25:42 They seem to go like every other year, like one year. It's amazing. And the next year you're like, I mean, the coolest thing about this one was the platforms they had in like, in the air, uh, that people were on. That was Speaker 2 00:25:55 Cool. And Rihanna did it with a quote, uh, special guest is, Speaker 1 00:26:00 Yeah, she was pregnant. Speaker 2 00:26:01 Pretty amazing. It's pretty cool <laugh> to do that. Yeah. Like, I think, I mean, I guess she probably was booked beforehand. Yeah. Uh, but then it's like, yeah. Go through with it and yeah. Amazing. Speaker 1 00:26:14 I didn't really like the show, but Speaker 2 00:26:17 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:26:17 Um, Speaker 2 00:26:18 But I'm, I'm kind of a Rihanna Speaker 1 00:26:19 Fan, so. Okay. I did like the platforms though. That was cool. Yeah. I'm trying to think, were there any good commercials? I was there for the movie trailers mostly. Speaker 2 00:26:28 I think my favorite undoubtedly was the, uh, premature electrification Speaker 1 00:26:34 <laugh>. Yes. That was, Speaker 2 00:26:37 I, I was in a room full of people, uh, Eagles fans mostly. And, and I was rooting for the Eagles, so it was fine. Uh, but I, I laughed out loud at that one. I thought it was so funny. And thankfully, uh, thankfully everybody else in the room thought it was funny cuz I'm, I'm usually the first and loudest to laugh. And it's like <laugh>. It's one of those things where it's like, oh, other people are, you know, like, well, Speaker 1 00:26:59 Yeah, me and my brother were both like, we were cracking up at it and my dad was like, oh, that's clever. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:27:07 So Speaker 1 00:27:07 We felt like awkward laughing around our dad Speaker 2 00:27:09 About it. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:27:11 <laugh>. Um, no, that one was really funny. Uh, I'm trying to think of any, they released another trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy, which that should be good. Um, they released one for the Flash, which I'm excited for the Flash, but I'm also like, that's gonna be problematic. Speaker 2 00:27:32 Why is that? Speaker 1 00:27:33 Well, cuz Ezra Miller, like, <laugh> keeps having legal troubles. Speaker 2 00:27:37 Oh. Speaker 1 00:27:38 But it's got Michael Keaton as the old Batman, so that's pretty cool. Speaker 2 00:27:44 I, yeah, I like that touch. I mean, of course, it's like, kind of pandering to, to us Oh, of course. You know, whatever. Um, like keep it up. Speaker 1 00:27:51 Yeah. I'm fine with fan service. Um, Speaker 2 00:27:54 And at this point DC it's like, I think people sort of agree that this latest phase of, of Marvel hasn't been, obviously it's been a step down, uh, because I think you can't touch like the Avengers movies and stuff, but, uh, yeah, I think DC has an opportunity here to at least gain, gain some, some footing. So. Speaker 1 00:28:17 Well actually that seems like a good spot to end it because our next episode is actually going to talk about movies and shows, so it'll be like almost a segue. Speaker 2 00:28:30 Well, we need something cuz this post n f l sports gap is, Speaker 1 00:28:35 Oh my gosh. It's, it's almost baseball time. I, I can't, Speaker 2 00:28:38 Yeah. I'm not a baseball guy. I, it is this, it's like, there's this segment of time where I'm not in baseball, I'm not into basketball, I'm only into playoff hockey when I watch hockey, so it's just like depressing. But for me, F1 actually starts pretty soon, which I'm excited about. But yeah, it's like another Speaker 1 00:28:59 Month. I need to, I need to figure out. Well, I we'll we'll get into that in the next episode. Yep. But what I'm watching and what I've been watching anyway, that was our recap of the Super Bowl. Come get us nfl. I'm Brian Speaker 2 00:29:14 And I'm slippery. Speaker 1 00:29:15 And this has been snorkeling with Narwals.

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