Planet of the Takes: Movie Hot Takes, Part II

Episode 8 April 25, 2023 00:25:06
Planet of the Takes: Movie Hot Takes, Part II
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Planet of the Takes: Movie Hot Takes, Part II

Apr 25 2023 | 00:25:06


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Join Brian and Slippy as they continue talking about their movie hot takes. Find out how Brian REALLY feels about The Incredibles, how Slippy feels about Planet of the Apes, and more!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Previously on snorkeling with Narwhals. My hot take is that the man who helped create or created Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Willow peaked with the 1973 coming of age movie, <laugh> American Graffiti. Speaker 1 00:00:17 I will tell you, and maybe you'll have a hot take within this cuz we disagree. I binged the X-Men movies and I think Logan sucks. Okay. <laugh>, now we have a problem. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:00:37 Hey everyone, I'm Brian and I'm Speaker 1 00:00:39 Slippery. Speaker 0 00:00:40 And this is Snorkeling with Narwhals. So that was a very long extended like tangent about X-Men. Oh yeah. Um, onto my second hot take. Let's see, which deals with superhero movies, but different, different style. The Incredibles is one of the most overrated movies ever. Oh. Speaker 1 00:01:02 Oh. It's heavy Speaker 0 00:01:04 <laugh>. So I will say that I, I saw part of The Incredibles when I was 10. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they showed it to us in elementary school, um, for just like, you know, part of an assembly. Um, cause that's apparently a thing we did back then. Yeah. I did eventually see Speaker 1 00:01:23 What is school Speaker 0 00:01:24 <laugh>? Yeah. It, I know you think back, you're like, well you just like sat us in an auditorium. What Speaker 1 00:01:30 Were the teachers doing? Was it like the, was it the day after the Super Bowl? That would make sense. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:34 I Speaker 1 00:01:34 Don't know. Sense. It's like, uh, it's movie day for the whole school <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:01:39 Yeah. I don't know. I don't know why, but we did watch it. But, and then I eventually did see the whole movie. I just, I don't think it's that good. Um, I get the, I get it. Like, you know, he's, superheroes are illegal. He's Jones in to go back into action. There's the whole subplot where the wife thinks that he's cheating on her, which is in a kid's movie. Speaker 1 00:02:07 <laugh>. Yeah. I feel like people forget that. Yeah. That's, it's, it's a significant like, motivator of the characters, but you're not really watching it for, I don't know. Speaker 0 00:02:15 And then, you know, the family all bands together to fight the villain and, and they win at the end and then they become a team. And that's a very simple Speaker 1 00:02:27 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:02:27 Version of the Speaker 1 00:02:28 Plot. It gives you what, what you want as like a basic audience, Speaker 0 00:02:33 But to me it's boring. <laugh>. It's not boring. It's just fine. I mean, it's like, there's like way better superhero movies and there's a way better Pixar movies. Speaker 1 00:02:44 Yeah. That might be true. Speaker 0 00:02:46 I just don't get it. And I, I talked to one of my professors before, I don't, do you remember Joe Bookman? Speaker 1 00:02:52 I do, but I didn't have, I didn't have Bookman Speaker 0 00:02:54 For anything. Awesome Guy had him for screenwriting. And I talked about how it was like, everything in that movie is perfect. Like the, the characters, the plot, the write, you know, the writing, the animation, everything should be a four star movie for me. But it just doesn't hit. Speaker 1 00:03:13 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:14 I don't, Speaker 1 00:03:15 Which is context. It's just context. I think like for the time that it came out based on the other movies that had had come out at the time and had existed before it. And for the audience that watched it, like for our generation, it just landed at the right time. And Speaker 0 00:03:31 I'm gonna make you even like more upset cuz I was thinking about the Pixar movies that came out around it and I'm like, okay. Finding Nemo. Well, yeah, like if I said Finding Nemo is better than The Incredibles, that's not a hot take. Speaker 1 00:03:42 No, I don't think so. Yeah, I think people, Speaker 0 00:03:44 But the one, the one that came out after the Incredibles was cars. Speaker 1 00:03:48 Okay. I think first the cars Cars is actually great, I think. Speaker 0 00:03:52 Oh, okay. So yeah, the first cars is way better than The Incredibles. Speaker 1 00:03:56 I, yeah, I don't know. I mean it's just different and it appeals probably to a different group of people, like Cars. I don't know which one's more. They probably are the same age grouping of people who watch them. Speaker 0 00:04:08 Yeah. Well, I mean, the first cars has a very nice, you know, a good message. Like, slow down and enjoy life, don't rush through everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it says good characters. Um, but no, it's, it's one of those, I understand that saying that The Incredibles is like one of the most overrated movies ever is controversial. Speaker 1 00:04:28 It's a strong Speaker 0 00:04:29 Statement. And I don't know exactly why I feel that way. Yeah. It just doesn't hit for me. Like it's good. It's, it's fine. I, I went and saw the second one in theaters, which was also overrated. Um, but, you know, maybe don't wait 15 years for <laugh> Me Cuz Speaker 1 00:04:46 People, well it's, it's probably, it's probably more the theme, like the theme of the movie is just not necessarily something for you, like, not something you needed to hear or whatever. Maybe. And like, I, I'm actually, you may have mentioned Toy Story earlier, like Toy Story for Speaker 0 00:05:02 Me, I think, but I love Speaker 1 00:05:03 Toy Story. It doesn't, it does not resonate like it did for other people. And like, I, but I can still acknowledge, like, I think it was a very good movie. And, and I wouldn't say that it's overrated, but my view of it is certainly below average. Like, I don't, Hmm. I don't rewatch Toy Story. It doesn't do anything Speaker 0 00:05:23 For me. Well, so I do think the first toy story is great, but I think the second and third one are way better. Hmm. Speaker 1 00:05:30 Third one, the third one. Like, people cried in the movie. I had people like crying on my shoulder. Like we were at this, it was like Speaker 0 00:05:37 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:05:38 Oh my gosh. I, it's emotional. It's a, it's very emotional. And I, and I like, I may be heartless sometimes, but like, it, it gets you. And yet if you can like, break out of that for a second <laugh>, it's like I'm watching a children's movie about like a teddy bear on Speaker 0 00:05:56 <laugh>. Like just can't Well, but can't, that's another one. Speaking of like series that like X-Men, like the third one ended perfectly and then they made a fourth one, and the fourth one ended pretty perfectly too. And now they're gonna make a fifth one. And I'm like, what are you doing? Just stop job please. We don't need more. Speaker 1 00:06:19 But they're like mandatory viewing after you've seen the others. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:23 It's like I would've said that before the fourth one came out that it was like a perfect trilogy. Not the best trilogy ever that belongs to another series. Hmm. But Speaker 1 00:06:35 Which won't re remain nameless. Speaker 0 00:06:38 It's Lord of the Rings. Okay. But <laugh> Speaker 1 00:06:41 Our collective Speaker 0 00:06:42 Favorite. I mean, it's, uh, the Lord of the Rings movies aren't even my favorite movies. It's just like, I've never seen anything more well made in my life. Speaker 1 00:06:50 And, and across three Speaker 0 00:06:52 Like Yeah. I mean it's, wow. Um, that's just a side thing, but yeah. Um, so that was my Incredibles one. What else you got? Speaker 1 00:07:03 All right. So, uh, I don't know how hot of a take this is, but I think that movie trailers specifically on streaming platforms, which is how we consume movies now, need to be more honest. So Speaker 0 00:07:16 Explain, Speaker 1 00:07:18 Yeah. So there's two things here. So as a person who hates horror movies and doesn't really watch heavy thrillers either, I really don't like being duped into watching them. And I don't really appreciate whenever I'm like with friends and they're like, oh yeah, you can watch, you can watch this, you'll be fine. Like, it's, it's really not scary. And then you're watching it and you're like, no, I'm watching a horror movie and I'm, and I'm gonna have nightmares and not sleep on. Speaker 0 00:07:43 Yes. Speaker 1 00:07:43 Um, and, and movie trailers, like specifically on Netflix, where sometimes they don't even play the trailer, but they give you a scene from the movie mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's like, okay, I, it's probably on me to watch the trailer to try and get an honest portrayal of the movie if I just watched the scene that Netflix showed me. But sometimes it's gripping and I'm like, okay, skip, I'll just, I'll just play it. I saw the cast, I saw Matt Damons in it and Jude Law, and I think Mr. Ripley's gonna be amazing. And then I watched Mr. Ripley and I'm like, uh, I'm a little on edge. It, it made me Speaker 0 00:08:18 <laugh>, uh, that the talent Mr. Ripley is, yeah, I guess that would be a thriller. Speaker 1 00:08:23 It's sort of a thriller. And now that said, I can deal with it, but I would've liked to have known going into Speaker 0 00:08:30 Yeah. That's one more where it's like, it's more of a light thriller now. It was like a full-blown horror movie. Yeah. I'd, I'd be mad too. Speaker 1 00:08:38 And I sort of felt this way about like, shutter Island and Okay man candidate and these kinds of movies. Like, they, they're on the periphery. It's like the general public grasps onto them and they're like, you have to see it, it's really good. And then you're like, okay, well if everybody likes it, it's probably not that bad. And then I watch it and I'm like, uh, um, this is like <laugh>. It's, it's a psychological thriller and it's, it's affecting me. But I, I think even still, like I can rewatch them knowing what they are and I'm okay. It's just a matter of like, going into it, the initial, I don't wanna be duped. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:09:17 Well, not even that, but then there's movies like, I remember, and I've still never seen the movies, so I can't say for sure, but the second Ninja Turtles movie that they made, like the century, uh, the ones with Megan Fox. Speaker 1 00:09:32 Oh, I didn't see them. Speaker 0 00:09:33 I didn't either. Uh, they're Michael Bay movies though, so. Oh. You know, do without what you will. Yeah. Um, but the second one released one of the best trailers I've ever seen. The music was great. Like what they, everything they showed was great. Like, it looked like it was gonna be an awesome movie and their reviews were terrible. Um, so there is a, a page on TV tropes called like, spoilers Always Lie or, uh, sorry. Trailers always lie. Yes. Um, and it's like, it just made me think of the trailer for Avengers Infinity War, where it shows everyone charging in Wakanda and the Hulk is there charging. Right. It's like, yeah, the Hulk Hulk isn't Speaker 1 00:10:16 There. They're, they're always well, and they're also always, I shouldn't say they're always better than the movie. Um, but sometimes it's almost like you're, you've gotten better at internet shopping even though the internet has gotten worse. Like, you're good at the research part. Now it's like, okay, I can sift through this ad. This site was sponsored by the product than I'm trying to read about mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it's not gonna be objective in the same way movie trailers. It's like, I'm pretty sure I just saw the entire plot of the movie. Yes. And I maybe just saw the best scenes. Do I really need to go watch Speaker 0 00:10:49 It? Also, speaking of movies that I've seen, the Trailer for Cocaine Bear Speaker 1 00:10:55 <laugh>. Yeah. Why are people talking Speaker 0 00:10:57 About this? I'm going to see it. Oh, Speaker 1 00:10:59 No. <laugh>. Oh no, Speaker 0 00:11:02 It looks horrible. Speaker 1 00:11:04 What are, what are we doing <laugh>? Speaker 0 00:11:06 I dunno. Speaker 1 00:11:09 Like what does this say? <laugh>? Speaker 0 00:11:12 It looks like a sci-fi channel movie. Speaker 1 00:11:15 Oh. Um, see if enough people watch it, I'll probably go Speaker 0 00:11:19 Yet. I'm like compelled. I'm like, this looks like the dumbest thing ever. Ray's in it, which like, you know, late career Ray Rest in Peace is not really worth watching. No, this is, um, Speaker 1 00:11:35 Is this a, I don't know if this is a hot take. This is <laugh>. Maybe it's another bad take. Speaker 0 00:11:39 This is just one of those, I'm not even using it as a take. I'm just saying that I'm going to see Cocaine Bear and there's a bar of me that's like, you are an idiot <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:48 And then you're, you're gonna come out of the movie and like, this is the thing cuz you have a certain expectation. Speaker 0 00:11:55 Exactly. Speaker 1 00:11:57 And it won't meet it. Whatever it is. It's not gonna be Speaker 0 00:12:00 That. No. Here's the thing. Um, I, with my brother and sister went to see Paul Blart two in theaters in 2015, a movie that at one point had a 0% score on Rotten Tomatoes. And Speaker 1 00:12:15 I think that sets it up. Speaker 0 00:12:16 We laughed so hard throughout that movie because we had no expectations for it. Speaker 1 00:12:22 Right. Speaker 0 00:12:23 So we thought it was just gonna be the dumbest thing ever. We, it was so funny. And like, it's a bad movie. It's stupid. Like it's, it's really stupid. But like, we thought it was hilarious. So that's what I'm hoping with Cocaine Bear. I mean, that's how I kind of was with the first Suicide Squad. I had no expectations, so I kind of enjoyed Speaker 1 00:12:43 It. Oh, same actually. Yeah. I just watched that. Um, Speaker 0 00:12:46 Speaking of things where they, the trailer makes it look way better. Speaker 1 00:12:49 Well, I, I, I watched that I think this calendar year. Um, and yeah, I I was pleasantly surprised. I was like, you know, Speaker 0 00:12:57 The original right? Speaker 1 00:12:59 Yeah. People should be talking about this. It's good. Like it's entertaining. Yeah. It's not, I mean, you could say, you could say that as far as like a convincing or compelling bad guy is concerned, it's maybe missing. Yeah. Um, but other than that, you get this, you get the squad of people that you're definitely like, okay, I'm in. I wanna see more of this. Speaker 0 00:13:24 Yeah. Um, especially Will Smith and Margo Robbie were really good in Speaker 1 00:13:28 It. Well, and then Will Smith's not in the next one. No. So, but they Speaker 0 00:13:32 Left it open where, you know, he Speaker 1 00:13:34 Couldn't, he could return. And then, and we did get, um, shoot, what's his name? Speaker 0 00:13:40 Uh, Aris Speaker 1 00:13:41 Elba. Yes. Aris Yes. And I thought his character addition to that was Speaker 0 00:13:46 Superb. Speaker 1 00:13:47 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:48 So, let's see your hot take. What, what was your hot tank? I Speaker 1 00:13:52 Was gonna say, where do we leave off? Mine was about movie Speaker 0 00:13:54 Trailers. Oh, movie trailers. Okay. Um, this one I don't think is, it's not really a hot take, but let's just get it out there. The Peter Jackson King Kong sucks. Speaker 1 00:14:06 Oh. So does Planet of the Apes. Speaker 0 00:14:09 Whoa. <laugh>. Okay. Um, which Planet of the Apes are you talking about? Speaker 1 00:14:14 Yes, Speaker 0 00:14:15 All of it. Speaker 1 00:14:17 I, I think the new ones are actually, or the, the first one of the new series, if you want to call 'em new at this Speaker 0 00:14:25 Point with James Franco. Speaker 1 00:14:27 Yeah. I thought it was well done. Do I think Planet of the Apes as a story is any bit good? Not at all. Do I think the original one or two or however many they made back in, Speaker 0 00:14:41 They made Five Speaker 1 00:14:42 Stone Age. Yeah. So those ancient movies are all terrible. And they definitely did not warrant any sequels, let alone a new reboot franchise. Speaker 0 00:14:54 Oi. Uh, and they're making a fourth one in this current series, by the way. Speaker 1 00:14:59 Which I also won't see <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:15:02 Um, all right. Speaker 1 00:15:03 What was yours? Speaker 0 00:15:04 This Planet of the Apes fans. So here we go. Speaker 1 00:15:07 Well, the King. Wait. So King Kong though, this is where you started. I'm, I wanted to interrupt cuz they're similar Speaker 0 00:15:13 Because I don't think this King Kong one is very hot of a hot take, but I like that you jumped in cuz we'll get, you know, um, well, it's just, so this was, I think the first movie he, Peter Jackson made after Lord of the Rings. So he could do anything. Like, he could do whatever he wanted. And I, it's just dark for dark sake. Yep. Like, it's, it's gloomy. It's depressing. It's not anything I really ever need to watch again. It's like three and a half hours long. Maybe not that long, but it's long. It's at least three hours long. Um, I have to watch Andy Circus get eaten by like weird tentacle bug things. Speaker 1 00:15:59 Right. Speaker 0 00:16:00 And yeah, there's giant insects, which are always a no. Speaker 1 00:16:05 Yeah. You, you leave it confused. You're sort of like, why did I waste that time of my life? Speaker 0 00:16:11 Yeah. And and it's one of those things again where it was like, oh, Peter Jackson's on top of the world. And it's like, well, yeah, and it got great reviews, but Speaker 1 00:16:20 I, but then they, I mean like the Godzilla stuff later, like these later adaptations of like the newer, like how do you feel about all Speaker 0 00:16:27 That? Yeah. I, I would much rather watch Kong Skull Island, which was, uh, the second entry in what they call the monster verse. Where it's the fir, there's Godzilla Kong, another Godzilla, and then Godzilla versus Kong, and they're working on more. Um, but that one was kind of campy and fun. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, there's a scene in the movie where Tom Hiddleston, who does a good job in it, Tom Hiddleston, there's just randomly poisonous gas flying through the sky and weird teyl things coming. So he grabs a gas mask and a samurai sword and proceeds to slice through them. And which Speaker 1 00:17:13 Anytime you grab, uh, like a katana in a movie, it's like, oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:18 It is the most absolute bonkers scene in the movie. Speaker 1 00:17:23 Yeah. Yep. Speaker 0 00:17:25 But I would much rather watch it than the Peter Jackson one <laugh> also, it has John C. Riley in it, and he has the best line of the entire movie where he, uh, they said he just improvised it because like, you can tell that, uh, there's like no bearing on the plot at all. Right. Uh, he's like, he's like, yeah, watch out. There's ants in the trees, big ones. And they're like, you hear a bird rp. And he's like, it sounds like a bird, but it's an effing an Speaker 1 00:17:54 <laugh>. I just feel like they're not trying, like they aren't really trying with the, like they don't need to. They Speaker 0 00:18:01 <laugh>. No, it's, they're like, they're like, we have a giant ape that's fighting humans. Like, what more do you need <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:18:08 We're we're gonna send a lot of money in the, into the CGI department. Yeah. And, and make you happy with what you're seeing on screen. And then we're, we'll like pay some writer who's like, <laugh>, we'll give 'em like 10 bucks an hour. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:18:24 And I mean it's, it's almost just like, you know, they made this movie so that they could set up Godzilla verse Kong, which isn't that good either Speaker 1 00:18:32 By the No, but it's what the people want. Speaker 0 00:18:34 Yeah. But, so that's my King Kong take now Planet of the Apes, here's where you're wrong. You're actually kind of right. But you're Speaker 1 00:18:43 Right about wrong. Am I, tell me, I'm right about the, uh, the ones that are as old as time. Speaker 0 00:18:48 So first off, uh, they made like five movies in like five or six years. I didn't know that. Like that's insane. Speaker 1 00:18:56 Yeah. That, Speaker 0 00:18:57 That like, they were like ping 'em out like every year. Um, the original Planet of the Apes is really good. Speaker 1 00:19:03 Well, and people went mad for it. Like our parents' generation. Yeah. When those things were out, it was like, these are the movies and like it sticks with them as like, you have to see Planet of the Apes and it's like, this Speaker 0 00:19:15 Is kind of a good book ending. We'll probably end with this as the last hot take. Yeah. Um, but that along with the Sixth Sense might be one of the best twist endings. And by now everyone should know the twist ending of Planet of the Apes. That he is not on a different planet. He's on earth in the future. Yeah. Um, great twist. Like super solid twist. Charlton Heston is really good in it. The plot's good. So that one, I think that deserves the praise it gets. Uh, the second one sucks, but like, it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen beneath the Planet of the Apes. Speaker 1 00:19:53 Oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:53 Okay. It has like, they're like, well how, what can we do next? It's like mutant people. I'm like, okay, sure. That's not what I was expecting, but Speaker 1 00:20:05 I just think they're so trippy. Like, I, I don't, I like, I I see what I see, like these masks on people, like these terrible, like Speaker 0 00:20:13 Gosh Jesus. Yeah. But for the time it was, you know, Speaker 1 00:20:16 I know. Context, context, Speaker 0 00:20:17 Context. And then there's, Speaker 1 00:20:18 But I don't live then Speaker 0 00:20:20 <laugh>, you live now? Yeah. Um, three, four and five. Three is okay. I don't know enough about four and five. Then there's the Tim Burton one from 2001 with Mark Wahlberg. Not a very good movie, but the makeup is incredible. Um, Speaker 1 00:20:37 Actually don't think I knew that one existed. Speaker 0 00:20:40 If there's one reason to watch it, it's for the makeup Speaker 1 00:20:43 Cuz it's And Marky Mark? Speaker 0 00:20:45 No, not even for Marky Martin. Speaker 1 00:20:47 Aw. Speaker 0 00:20:48 But I mean the, the make like, I I literally just keep repeating myself like it is outstanding. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and then I, I really am a fan of the new trilogy. Like the first one was really good. It gave me really conflicting feelings. Cause I wasn't sure who I was supposed to root for. The humans are the Apes. Um, the second one, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is actually in like my top 20 movie list, which it keeps expanding. At first it was a top 11 and then currently it's actually at 16, but it's probably gonna get bigger. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:21:21 <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:21:22 Cuz I'm just really bad at pairing things down. But it actually, it has some great writing. Um, have you, have you, you've never seen that one? Speaker 1 00:21:32 So I've seen Yeah, I saw the first two Okay. Of the new ones. And my siblings kind of have that the same opinion as you do. They, they're like, these are great. They're like the next thing. They're like the next Jurassic Park, which is maybe in the same, I don't know, genre or something that's Speaker 1 00:21:51 Similar and, and they're like, this is, this is our next thing. And I watched it with them and I I was like, you know, I agree. It's well made, whatever. I could see why you like the story and the acting and and stuff, but it's like, I just, I, it's like anything with these, I just watched Avatar too and it's like, why am I rooting for the blue people? <laugh>. Right. I'm a human being <laugh>. I'm like, I want them, I want them to get the resources so that we can continue our own race. Damn it. <laugh>, this is so dumb. Um, like stop, stop making me feel like a bad person for rooting for the humans. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:22:36 Well, what I love about Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is that there are good apes, there are bad apes, there are good humans, there are bad humans. And all of their motivations make sense. Like Caesar was raised by humans. He knows that they can be good and he just wants peace with them. Whereas Cobot was experimented on by humans and is very right to not trust them. Uh, which kind of sends him off the deep end. And then the humans, the one play by Jason Clark is basically just Caesar as a human where he is like, we just want peace. And Gary Oldman plays the guy who's like, you know, our world has been destroyed. So I guess this is, that's who you would play Slippery. Speaker 1 00:23:22 I I, yeah. I really enjoy Gary Oldman and everything that he's in. Absolutely. He must choose his roles like very meticulously. Yeah. Because yeah, Speaker 0 00:23:31 He's incredible. That's not a hot take. Speaker 1 00:23:34 No Speaker 0 00:23:34 <laugh>. Um, but yeah, no, I just think, I, I think the characterization in that one especially is really well done. And it's, it's kind of like with Caesar, it's like how far is he willing to go, you know, to preserve the piece or whatever, or whatever. Um, so that's, that's I think our haphazard list of o there Speaker 1 00:23:58 There you go. We we did it. Speaker 0 00:23:59 We did Speaker 1 00:24:00 It. We had no schedule. Speaker 0 00:24:01 No, we had, we had like a semi list of, of Hot takes. <laugh>. That's right. Uh, we just wanted to see where it would go. But anyway, I am Brian Speaker 1 00:24:11 And I'm slippery. Speaker 0 00:24:12 And this has been snorkeling with Narwals. Hey everyone, I'm Brian Speaker 1 00:24:19 And I'm slippery. And Speaker 0 00:24:20 This is snorkeling with Narwals and we are back for part two of honor Speaker 1 00:24:26 Doubling down on bad takes. I mean, good takes Hot Takes. What are Speaker 0 00:24:29 They? Hot movie takes, hot Takes things you may not agree with Speaker 2 00:24:36 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:24:38 At all. Speaker 0 00:24:40 That was all. Brian, Speaker 1 00:24:41 You you wanted me on here? For what? Random energy? Is that what you said? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Am I bringing it Speaker 0 00:24:47 Up? Let's do that one again. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:52 Okay. Speaker 2 00:24:53 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:24:55 I need to be ready for your random energy. Speaker 1 00:24:58 <laugh>. I'm not gonna just get, be quiet.

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