Ronnie Is Not Walmart [feat. Ronnie Cox]

Episode 10 September 09, 2016 00:12:03
Ronnie Is Not Walmart [feat. Ronnie Cox]
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Ronnie Is Not Walmart [feat. Ronnie Cox]

Sep 09 2016 | 00:12:03


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

This week, Brian reveals his inability to do things most people can do, Ronnie talks about another of his pet peeves, and then, they both try their hands at their best impressions.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Happy World Turtle Speaker 1 00:00:01 Day. I'm Speaker 0 00:00:02 Ronnie. And I'm Brian. And this is Snorkeling with Narwals. Today we have another quiz that has been prepared by Ronnie. Eventually I'll start preparing them, but I'm kind of lazy. He's more industrious than I am. Speaker 1 00:00:26 And I enjoy quizzes. They're fun to, to make people feel like they don't know anything. Except the last time we did a quiz, which you'll remember was the quiz where we did movie. The movie characters. The the characters. Yeah. Uh, he actually surpassed and it wasn't hard enough. So I made this one a lot harder. So what we're gonna talk about today is the weird things that you can buy at Walmart. Now this is true, false. All right, I'm gonna give you the name of something. I'm gonna tell you something that you can buy at Walmart and you can have to tell me if you can buy it there or if you can't actually get it at Walmart. Speaker 0 00:00:56 All right, I'm ready now. Speaker 1 00:00:58 Um, and then afterwards we're gonna go into elaboration cuz I actually had a story from last week where I went to Walmart and they didn't have what I have, what I needed. I went there for two things and they didn't have either thing. So here we go. First thing at Walmart, you can buy a $1,600 pair of shoes. True or false? Speaker 0 00:01:22 You're gonna go with false. Speaker 1 00:01:24 You don't think, you don't think they can? I mean, women's shoes get really expensive. Speaker 0 00:01:27 $1,600. $1,600. Walmart? I would think not. Speaker 1 00:01:32 No. You are correct. The most experience, the most expensive pair of shoes at Walmart are $1,400. Speaker 0 00:01:42 What? Speaker 1 00:01:43 Walmart Online slot. Speaker 0 00:01:45 Twist. Twist. By Speaker 1 00:01:46 The way, plot twist. Speaker 0 00:01:48 I got it right, but I wasn't that right. It wasn't that far off Speaker 1 00:01:51 <laugh>. No. Um, you can buy hair, fertilizer. I'm not sure what it does. But at Walmart you can buy hair, fertilizer. Speaker 0 00:02:04 You know it's true. Speaker 1 00:02:06 It is in fact true. You can Sounds like a of vodka. Buy they like put it on there and like it make, I guess it makes your hair grown. Speaker 0 00:02:12 Well, Rogan, that's what rogain is like a thing for your Speaker 1 00:02:16 Hair to grow. No, but it's called hair fertilizer. Speaker 0 00:02:18 Maybe it's just the name makes Speaker 1 00:02:19 It sound. It's, I'm not saying this is like the name brand hair, Speaker 0 00:02:22 Fertilizer. It's what it's called. All right. Well, yeah, because you, okay, that makes sense. Speaker 1 00:02:26 You can buy a white wedding dress. Speaker 0 00:02:29 I dunno. A true Speaker 1 00:02:30 False. You cannot buy a white wedding dress. Really can. You can buy wedding dresses, but not white ones. Speaker 0 00:02:35 Why not? Speaker 1 00:02:36 I don't know. I'm not Walmart. Speaker 0 00:02:37 All right. I guess. Speaker 1 00:02:39 But according to what I found on their website and from other sources, it is not possible to buy a white wedding dress, but it is possible to wear buy other Speaker 0 00:02:49 Dresses. That's weird. Speaker 1 00:02:51 Alright. Denim underwear. Speaker 0 00:02:54 <laugh>. This sounds weird. So it's, it seems true. Speaker 1 00:02:58 Seems true. It is true. Damn it. You can buy denim underwear for both women and men. That Speaker 0 00:03:05 Sounds so Speaker 1 00:03:06 Incredibly uncomfortable. In fact, you can buy anything that they sell that is made out of cloth. You can buy it in denim. Denim curtains. They got it. Denim shirt hats. Well, deni socks. Shoes. They Speaker 0 00:03:18 Have denim shoes would be Speaker 1 00:03:20 Weird. It's like a, like a, like a ca Speaker 0 00:03:21 Converse. Yeah, I guess so. Like Canvassy. Yeah. Denim socks would be uncomfortable. Speaker 1 00:03:26 All right, now this is a two-part <laugh>. The first thing is coffins. Can you buy a coffin at Walmart? Speaker 0 00:03:35 Yes. Speaker 1 00:03:37 Yes you can. But not in the store. Speaker 0 00:03:40 You have to do it Speaker 1 00:03:41 Online. You have to do it online. Now Speaker 0 00:03:43 That seems like a Sam's Club thing Speaker 1 00:03:44 Too. Now one thing more, can you get those coffins wi in your favorite sports team? Official logo with its your official sports team logo on the coffins In like, on the, like the cloth on the inside. They'll put it on the outside. I dunno. Put maybe on like the, the the P bear bars. Speaker 0 00:04:04 Yes Speaker 1 00:04:05 You can. You can get a sports team coffin at Walmart Speaker 0 00:04:10 On a Rams coffin then Speaker 1 00:04:12 <laugh>, that's a no. I don't think that's very respectful of the dead. Speaker 0 00:04:16 Well if it's gonna be me being dead, I don't think there's really a way to Speaker 1 00:04:20 Disrespect. I don't think. I don't think, I don't think you'd really want that. Speaker 0 00:04:23 You don't Speaker 1 00:04:24 Know me. They like open up your body like a long time ago and they're like, they must have worshiped Rams. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:04:29 Like well something like that. Speaker 1 00:04:32 <laugh> NFL was pretty popular point. Unfortunately. Ivory's stilettos. Speaker 0 00:04:38 You know what? False? Cuz ivory seems like a shady thing to to market. Speaker 1 00:04:42 They don't have Irish still autos. I made that up. Speaker 0 00:04:44 Well, I mean, I don't know. IV re trades pretty illegal. I think Speaker 1 00:04:49 You can buy small cats and dogs in some urban locations. Speaker 0 00:04:53 I would say that's true. That seems, that seems like you can buy 'em at a mall. Why couldn't you buy 'em there? That's Speaker 1 00:04:59 False. Speaker 0 00:04:59 Really? Speaker 1 00:05:00 It is false. That's Speaker 0 00:05:01 Probably for the, Speaker 1 00:05:02 You cannot as of right now in most um, American locations, all that you can buy in the way of animals are fish. Speaker 0 00:05:09 Hmm. Speaker 1 00:05:11 Sticking with the animal note, you can buy whole crocodiles at Walmart. Speaker 0 00:05:18 False. You said you can only buy fish. So I'm gonna know it falls. Speaker 1 00:05:24 You sure? Speaker 0 00:05:25 I mean yes. Speaker 1 00:05:27 I said it sometimes. I didn't say always. You can only buy Speaker 0 00:05:30 Fish. I'll go with false still. Speaker 1 00:05:32 Okay. I tried to give you the right answer. It is true. Let's see. The crocodiles are dead. That's why I had to specify that they're whole and they have them ice. In Asia, you can only buy them in Asia. You can't buy them. Speaker 0 00:05:43 You know what they say is that you should always go with your first answer like on a test or something. You shouldn't Speaker 1 00:05:49 Overthink it. You should always go with the right answer. Speaker 0 00:05:51 Well yeah, but I mean if you don't know whatever your first guess is is usually what you should go with. Well or pick C or pick C or pick all of the above. Speaker 1 00:05:59 That's true. Speaker 0 00:06:01 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:06:03 Bacon flavored mayonnaise called bacone. Speaker 0 00:06:07 True. Speaker 1 00:06:08 It is true. Speaker 0 00:06:09 Mayonnaise is disgusting Speaker 1 00:06:11 Though. But bacon a I'm sure would be delicious. Speaker 0 00:06:13 Bacon is delicious. Speaker 1 00:06:14 Should, should see if we can get some of Speaker 0 00:06:15 That and like between, between filming here. I like downed an entire thing of pork grind. So I love bacon and like pig related foods. <laugh> whatever pork Speaker 1 00:06:27 Can you buy campers slash RVs at Walmart? I guess, I guess I've been saying it. You can buy campers and RVs at Walmart. Speaker 0 00:06:37 True. Speaker 1 00:06:38 False. They do not sell anything that big, at least from what I was able to find. But what about cars? Can, does Walmart sell used cars? Speaker 0 00:06:48 No. Speaker 1 00:06:49 False. Speaker 0 00:06:50 I say false. Speaker 1 00:06:51 You're saying false. Okay. That's wrong. There are a few Walmarts in the United States who have started their own little, like in the parking lot used car dealership where you can actually buy cars at Walmart. Speaker 0 00:07:02 Nice. I'm Speaker 1 00:07:03 Sure. I dunno if trust it. No, Speaker 0 00:07:05 Well I'm yawning. That's a bad look on there. Speaker 1 00:07:07 <laugh>. Well, alright, I got a couple more here. Pregnant Barbies. Like Barbie, but with like a baby better, Speaker 0 00:07:15 Right? I'm gonna go with falls. I feel like I would've seen that by now. Speaker 1 00:07:19 It's true. You could, but you can't anymore. They took them off the shelves but you used to be able to, Speaker 0 00:07:26 All right. No, I think I got that Speaker 1 00:07:28 Then. Okay. We'll give you half a point. Speaker 0 00:07:30 The question is can you buy them? And you Speaker 1 00:07:32 Can't. You can't anymore. But you could have. So I'm Speaker 0 00:07:34 Claiming that Speaker 1 00:07:35 Full point. All right, we're given a half point. Speaker 0 00:07:36 The final judge. I trust your judgment. Whatever you show on the screen is what the correct point totally Speaker 1 00:07:42 Is. All right. And then the last question, he knows the answer to this. Can you buy rock salt at Walmart during the summer? Now don't answer. Give them the time to think. Cause they're the ones answering this question. It's like door of the explorer now Speaker 0 00:07:53 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:07:55 You can't. Speaker 0 00:07:56 No. And this leads into Speaker 1 00:07:57 A story and this leads into my story where I wanted to talk about last week. Um, I was doing some yard work and it's probably not very good for the environment, but I was using some rock salt on some plants to kill them. Speaker 0 00:08:09 Well you're trying to kill poison Speaker 1 00:08:10 Ivy, right? It's poison ivy. But it's probably, I mean it's not the best way to kill stuff. You should use like the actual stuff. Yeah, but I I mean Speaker 0 00:08:16 Those are chemicals too. Speaker 1 00:08:17 That's true. Um, there's, but I went to Walmart and I asked them if I could, if they could point me to the rock salt and they're like, what? For what? I'm like, well like snow. And they're looking at me like I'm crazy because it's like 76 degrees Speaker 0 00:08:30 Out outside. And for those who don't know, we live in Pennsylvania. So during the winter, rock salt is a huge thing. Like we everywhere we dump it on the roads and on sidewalks to help melt ice and to help you not slip. Speaker 1 00:08:43 Right. And it's one of those things where in the state of Pennsylvania it is snowy so much of the year. It Speaker 0 00:08:49 Snowed like a week ago and it's, it did, it's, I'm not gonna date this episode, but it Speaker 1 00:08:54 Is, it is well into spring. It's spring and it is, um, almo, it's, well I guess it's summer Speaker 0 00:08:59 Now we're getting this, it's Speaker 1 00:09:00 Not technically summer, but it's Speaker 0 00:09:01 Close. When does summer start? June. Speaker 1 00:09:03 June. I don't know when the first day of summer is when it gets hot. Speaker 0 00:09:07 It's, Speaker 1 00:09:07 It's, it should be. It's Speaker 0 00:09:09 It's should not be snowing. Speaker 1 00:09:10 It should not be snowing. But it did. And I went and asked if they had rocks. All it actually just snowed the night before. So like if they're could have had rock salt. Right. And they didn't have it. There's no rock salt. All of their winter stuff, they actually take off the shelves. Which is rare for you to actually realize because rarely do you need rock salt in the middle of the Speaker 0 00:09:25 Summer. Right. You wouldn't really think about Speaker 1 00:09:27 It. Right. But instead of having the rock salt out, they take all that away and they put out the salt for people who have salt water pools, which isn't actually as strong as rock. That's Speaker 0 00:09:35 The thing. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:36 Who Speaker 0 00:09:36 Has a saltwater pool? I felt the Speaker 1 00:09:38 Whole point of like they're healthier than chlorine for your body, but, and like people who have like sensitivity to like chlorine. Speaker 0 00:09:43 Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:43 I guess it's good for them. But they're like, the filters and stuff are like really Speaker 0 00:09:46 Expensive. I guess. I would think so. Cause I've never heard of one until now. Speaker 1 00:09:48 They're rare. They're rare. Um, but apparently not so rare that Walmart doesn't carry the salt for Speaker 0 00:09:53 Them. But they don't carry Speaker 1 00:09:54 Rock salt. No, they don't carry rocks. Salt in the winter. And also I went to go get a key made for my car and they can only make so many key types of keys. They couldn't make mine, which was really annoying to go to Walmart and for like, the first time in my life, have them say we can't have anything that you want here. Yeah. Go someplace else. I had to go to a locksmith so we get my key made, which was a another fun experience. But Speaker 0 00:10:15 See, see I generally, I don't go to Walmart for anything. I just go to Walmart cuz someone in my family needs to go to Walmart and I'm always down to go somewhere. So what have we learned? Speaker 1 00:10:39 Well, today we learned that you can buy just about anything at Walmart, Speaker 0 00:10:44 But not rock salt and not a couple of other really, but Speaker 1 00:10:47 Not everything. There's sometimes ex usually probably gonna be the thing that you need the most. Yeah. That's what they're not gonna have. Yeah. They'll have just about everything else. Speaker 0 00:10:55 You also, you can't buy nerds, jelly beans. Uh, I never mentioned that, but I have tried to look for them on the, on like I looked online. They don't, I don't think they have 'em in stores Speaker 1 00:11:04 At, at Walmart or any store. Speaker 0 00:11:06 Walmart. The only place I ever found 'em was Target. Oh. Um, so you can't find everything at Walmart. You can't, Speaker 1 00:11:11 You can't, you can't, you can't rely on Walmart for Speaker 0 00:11:15 All your needs. This is why I shop online. <laugh> also. That's why I usually just buy music. Speaker 1 00:11:20 Anyways, is there anything else we learned Speaker 0 00:11:22 Today? That's really about it. That's it. Um, yeah, that's all I got. Speaker 1 00:11:27 All right. Well thank you for spending the, some time with us and, uh, happy, uh, Speaker 0 00:11:31 Happy some end of the Speaker 1 00:11:33 Day <laugh>. Happy lucky, happy Speaker 0 00:11:34 End. Happy end of the day because at the moment we're filming it's about five o'clock, so, so yeah, you all should be getting out happy and not watching this episode. Speaker 1 00:11:41 Yeah. Uh, happy, happy hour. Speaker 0 00:11:43 Don't get <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:47 Hey, bye. Wait, did we actually end <laugh> just the track away? Away? Yeah, that's it. All right. Speaker 2 00:12:01 Woohoo. Speaker 1 00:12:02 Awesome. Oh, we forgot your prize.

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