Tales of Our Shenanigans [feat. Ronnie Cox]

Episode 5 June 02, 2016 00:10:27
Tales of Our Shenanigans [feat. Ronnie Cox]
Snorkeling With Narwhals
Tales of Our Shenanigans [feat. Ronnie Cox]

Jun 02 2016 | 00:10:27


Hosted By

Brian McKay Matt Slippy

Show Notes

Brian and Ronnie talk about drinking straight espresso (a terrible idea), stereotypical junkyards (and the dogs that live there), and the best apocalypse movies (and how Brian would want it to happen).

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 Happy winter. Speaker 2 00:00:05 I'm Speaker 1 00:00:05 Ronnie. And I'm Brian. And this is Snorkeling with Narwhals. On today's segment of cart talks are weird weeks. Speaker 2 00:00:15 We're gonna be talking about two stories that happened to us this week that, uh, Speaker 1 00:00:20 They're kind of strange. Speaker 2 00:00:21 Yeah. Kind of bizarre tales of our shenanigans. Speaker 1 00:00:23 So, so this one really is cart talk. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because it happened while I was at work, which again, for those who don't remember, I work at a food cart here at Penn State Barron. So one day I was just rummaging through the cupboards, like under, and Speaker 2 00:00:36 This happened just this last week. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:00:37 Under, under like my cart. And I noticed for the first time ever that I had little espresso cups, you know, cuz espresso, it's, it's supposed to be a small little dose. Right. And I never realized that if someone ever ordered espresso, I'd just give them another, like a big cup and it would only fill it partially, you know? Right. They usually put it in something else. And Speaker 2 00:00:56 I usually just, if I get espresso, I like fill it with most of the way with coffee and then put a Speaker 1 00:01:00 Little espresso in. See, that's what a lot of people do. And so what I did, cuz I got, I was curious, I, I <laugh> got a little shot of espresso and I took a sip of it. And I'm gonna be honest, like it was the most disgusting thing I have ever consumed in my entire life. Speaker 2 00:01:16 And this isn't like, fancy as espresso that you might get somewhere. It's like if you went to somewhere, Speaker 1 00:01:20 This is literally fancy Speaker 2 00:01:21 Mix. This is just, yeah. Out of a, like, vending machine. Speaker 1 00:01:25 Not that bad quality. It's pretty bad. It's like better quality. Um, but no, I, I was like, this is the worst thing ever. And I immediately like dumped it out and then I told my boss about it cause I thought it was kind of funny. And she's like, you're supposed to mix it with something. Generally coffee. Or some people do hot chocolate coffee. Speaker 2 00:01:44 I think if you mix it espresso with cream, it becomes a latte. Speaker 1 00:01:48 And so it's like, all right. Well that, that may have helped, but I'm just like, if you had seen my face, like it was probably the worst thing ever. And like, I know disgusting. I've eaten vegetables before, so like I know when something is gross. Delicious. Some of 'em, most of 'em aren't, but, so I know what gross is. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so I wish you could have seen it cuz I was just like, Speaker 2 00:02:09 I was, I had left literally like a half an hour before, so I just missed it. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:02:13 <affirmative>. Yeah. So that was my story. That was, that was pretty, Speaker 2 00:02:16 That was pretty good. Pretty brutal. So have you ever watched a movie where there's a junkyard in it? Speaker 1 00:02:21 Yes. Uh, the one that came to mind when you told me that was Mystery Man, Speaker 2 00:02:24 Mr. Men. I've never Speaker 1 00:02:25 Seen that one with Ben still. I was Speaker 2 00:02:27 Thinking of, um, is it the Sandlot or they, they throw, they have the, the, yeah, the ball, the baseball, the ball goes into the junkyard behind their house. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, well I have an older car and it's a 2000, which is weird that, that's old. Speaker 1 00:02:40 That's old. It's like 16 years old. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:42 Um, so it's pretty old. And every now and then I have to do some repairs on it. And the one of the seat belts, uh, was like falling apart and it needed a replaced. So I went to a junkyard to get it where they'll like, they get the part for you and they'll bring it to you. And they ended up breaking it. So I went to another junkyard and they gave me the option for like $30 less. Go get it yourself. And I'm like, well, the last people broke it, so I might as well go do it myself. <laugh>. So I went back there and I kid you not, it was the most stereotypical junkyard <laugh> I've ever been in. It was muddy, it was dirty. I almost got crushed by a car. Speaker 1 00:03:18 There was a dog Speaker 2 00:03:19 Too. There was, there was a dog. And it's not one of those dogs that's like big and like sleeps around. It was this little dog that wouldn't shut up. It was running all around me. It kept nipping at me. It literally was nipping at my heels. It was biting my jeans, like the, the like the ends of my Speaker 1 00:03:39 Jeans, which is the stereotypical thing that dogs do as well. Speaker 2 00:03:42 Well, but specifically like junkyard dogs are mean. Yeah. And this dog was just mean. It was little. So like, I wasn't actually like, scared of it because it was only like this tall, okay. Maybe it was like this tall, it was, I don't know what kind of dog Speaker 1 00:03:55 It was. I it just made you uneasy. Speaker 2 00:03:57 It was like, it made me a little uneasy. So I'm like, sw I have the seatbelt, which has like a big, like the mechanism that's like in the back of the car. It was like, so I'm like swinging it between me and the dog as like a deterrent. And it like, runs around to the other side. So I'm like, switching sides. And the dog just kept chasing me. It was, it was a little frightening. Speaker 1 00:04:14 But you did get the part? Speaker 2 00:04:15 I did. And it was like, there's broken parts of cards. There's literally, it's not like organized at all. It's a little organized. There was like, like I drive a Chevy Tracker and they're like, all the Chevy trackers are like right in a row. That's not, so it was a little organized, but like, other than that, like, they literally like just have parts laying in the back seat. The engines open. I saw inside of an engine for the first time, like the inside of the engine block. I'd never done that. That's cool. It Speaker 1 00:04:40 Was cool. That's Speaker 2 00:04:41 Cool. But yeah, so junkyards are scary places. Um, they're kind of cool. Speaker 1 00:04:45 And I mentioned Mystery Men, which kind of leads us awkward segue into our next movie based discussion about how the best, the best movie apocalypse, essentially Speaker 2 00:04:56 The best movie Speaker 1 00:04:57 Apocalypse, the best way that the world ends or is close to ending in a movie. So the, the main movie that we were talking about, kind of between, between scenes that deals with an apocalypse type of end was Independence Day, which they're making another one coming up soon. Speaker 2 00:05:17 That's true. It's the, the aliens called for backup and their alien backup is finally arriving. Speaker 1 00:05:23 No Will Smith though. But it has Jeff Goldblum. Speaker 2 00:05:25 Jeff Goldblum will be in it. So you're doppelganger. Speaker 1 00:05:28 Yes. I love Jeff Goldblum. And I think I have kind of a Jeff Goldblum look, which will will show Speaker 2 00:05:34 On the screen. We'll put the picture of Jeff Goldblum, like right here over my face. Speaker 1 00:05:37 I don't know, like Speaker 2 00:05:39 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:05:40 I don't know. Like I just, I kind of appreciate Jeff Goldblum's weirdness and Right. You know, that, that is a fun movie because it's so insanely over the top. Right. Like, if you think about it, and a great video to watch for this is Cinema Sins, everything wrong with Independence Day. Cinema Speaker 2 00:05:57 Sensors are Speaker 1 00:05:57 Great, they're great, great Speaker 2 00:05:59 Channel. Speaker 1 00:05:59 But they make a great point about how there's a part where the dog, like the family's dog mm-hmm. <affirmative> is like trying to run away from like this, these explosions. And it jumps into like an alley, like a side alley. And the fire from the explosions does not go near the alley. It goes Speaker 2 00:06:18 Like Speaker 1 00:06:19 Straight. It just goes straight. And you're like, this is an alley. Like there's air, like there's nothing blocking this fire from filling the alley. Speaker 2 00:06:25 Well, I mean, it depends, like, if it has enough momentum, maybe you could do that. I Speaker 1 00:06:29 Don't know. I don't know how fireworks, but I think at some point it would, it wouldn't just like immediately like completely bypass that. Speaker 2 00:06:36 Yeah. But I mean, but I mean, like, no movie has, is no movies perfect, but like, no talking about just apocalyptic movies. Would you say that, uh, independence Day is your favorite apocalypse movie? And do you think you would survive that movie? Speaker 1 00:06:52 I, it's probably my favorite apocalypse movie, but I will say that it is really generic when you boil it down to, to like, its basics. Like aliens come, aliens attack, like apparently only American landmarks in like big cities. Like Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:06 But if you ever watch a British movie that's like this Yeah. They only attack British landmarks. Yeah. Because I've watched Dr. Who occasionally. Okay. And it's always so weird that the only time they show Americans as cowboys. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:18 <laugh>. All right. Um, but I do not think I would survive the apocalypse in this. No. I I would be terrible in an apocalypse. I'd, I'd be the guy like <laugh>, I wouldn't make it. I definitely wouldn't. Speaker 2 00:07:32 I could see, I Speaker 1 00:07:33 Agree. Because I'm not as technologically smart as Chef Goldblum was in that movie. Speaker 2 00:07:37 But there were, there was, the thing is though, is you would just have to go to like Canada. I mean the, the aliens only attacked America. So you would've been Speaker 1 00:07:45 Fighting. Well, no, there are other countries in it, but the, the main image that lasts is like when they destroy the capitol. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but no, like, I'm not a soldier like Will Smith or like Harry Connick Jr. Who's in it as a pilot's. He didn't make it. Speaker 2 00:08:02 <laugh>. Spoiler alert, Speaker 1 00:08:03 If you haven't seen this 20 year old movie, Harry k Jr Speaker 2 00:08:06 Dies. People should go. You should go and see the movie and then go see the new one. Speaker 1 00:08:10 Um, I'm not as smart as Jeff Goldblum. I'm not as just a cool, as the guy who plays his dad. Hmm. I'm not as cool as the president played by Bill Pullman. That was a good, there's a guy in it looks like my uncle though. Good cast. That was a good Speaker 2 00:08:21 Cast. My favorite apocalyptic movie is a little bit more recent. Okay. Not how much, um, zombie Land is a great, great post-apocalyptic movie. It's, I guess it's not apocalyptic, it's post, Speaker 1 00:08:33 It's post. It is witty. And I will Speaker 2 00:08:35 Give you the, it's very witty. The humor's good. And that's one of the big reasons why I like it. But I also like, because um, it shows that like if something like that were to happen, it survival would be very much based on luck and being careful. Yeah. Because the main character, Speaker 1 00:08:52 Um, he's very careful. Speaker 2 00:08:54 He's very careful, but he's also a lot like normal people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he's not like those things that you were listing like the, the people from Independence Day there, he's not a soldier, he's a college student and a geek. Speaker 1 00:09:09 But really if there was an apocalypse, the coolest way for it to happen would be a giraffe attack. Speaker 2 00:09:14 A giraffe attack. Just that's giraffe. That's how you want to go. Speaker 1 00:09:17 If I have to die, I would like to be attacked by a giraffe. Either, I don't know, like beaten by its neck cuz Speaker 2 00:09:23 They like to the point where when you're old and sile, you're just gonna go and like Speaker 1 00:09:27 Harass, go to Africa, harass giraffes, <laugh>, that's a giraffe attack. Speaker 2 00:09:32 Tell a giraffe attacks you died Speaker 1 00:09:34 The giraff attack. Anyway. What have we learned in this episode? Speaker 2 00:09:37 Um, we have learned that Speaker 1 00:09:39 Giraffe attacks, Speaker 2 00:09:40 Giraffe attacks the way, way, way he wants to go. Uh, we both probably wouldn't survive Speaker 1 00:09:45 Any that's, or any apocalypse Speaker 2 00:09:48 Really on our own. If we found somebody who was like, could help us, like yeah, if Jeff Goldblum was there, he could like be like, Hey, I'll save you from the alien zombies. Speaker 1 00:09:56 Don't drink espresso straight and junkyard tires junkyards are what you would imagine them to be a scary place. So anyway, happy winter. It's not really winter, it's spring, but it feels like winter. Bye-bye. Otherwise, have a good one. Snorkeling with narwhals. Brian. Ronnie. We're out.

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