Latest Episodes
The Next Generation
Brian McKay is back, and this time he's joined by a new co-host Matt Slippy. Join them as they talk about how they met...
Knives Out [feat. Cara McKay]
Brian is joined by his sister Cara for the first installment of The Movie Plan, where they'll review all 52 of the movies they...
Drinking Less Pop and Football Video Games [feat. Derek McKay]
In this episode of Snorkeling With Narwhals, Brian talks about trying to drink less pop. He is then joined by his brother Derek to...
More Bad Teams and "The Mandalorian" [feat. Cara McKay]
Brian has a little more to say about bad football teams, this time with help from his friend Tony and his brother Derek. Then,...
My Name Is Brian, and I'm a Rams Fan
Brian is back for the first official episode of the Snorkeling With Narwhals re-reboot, and he's here to talk about what it's like to...
The Re-Reboot Has Begun!
Get ready, cause Snorkeling With Narwhals is back...for the third time. Anyway, Brian talks about his plans for the podcast, such as its shift...